Proper nutrition of the child cares for every mother. The kid grows very quickly, and he needs a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients. Up to 6 months, the baby's nutrition is completely dependent on the diet of the mother, since he is breast-fed. From 6 months, mother begins to gradually introduce complementary foods, accustoming the belly of the peanut to adult food. Gradually, the menu expands, and the nutrition of a one-year-old child is practically no different from the general table.
Although no, there are differences. It should be complete, not contain excess fat and empty carbohydrates. And each dish should be just delicious, so that the little gourmet agreed to taste it. The task is not easy. Today we consider the nutrition of a one-year-old child.
Translation to the common table
You celebrated your first birthday. This is an important date in the life of the child and his parents. He already knows how to do a lot, and mother is tired of ordering several dishes at the same time. Maybe it's time to sit the baby at the table with everyone else? This is entirely possible if your family is eating right. Leading pediatricians note that the nutrition of a one-year-old child is slightly different from what adult family members are used to. It can not contain a lot of spices and salt and must be high-quality and complete. The first thing mom needs to do is work out a regimen.
Clock feeding
This is an important point that is often forgotten. The nutrition of a one-year-old child is a reserve for the future. As you teach him now, it will go on. Pediatricians recommend feeding the baby every day strictly at a certain time. It is necessary that he develops a conditioned reflex, and the food is absorbed completely. Deviations should be no more than 20 minutes.
At this stage of life, the child should eat 4 times a day. An additional fifth meal can be administered as desired. It is very good if you immediately accustom the child to the kindergarten regime. There, breakfast is served at 8:30, lunch at 13:00, afternoon tea at 16:00 and dinner at 17:20.
The nutrition schedule for a one-year-old child can be supplemented by a couple more snacks, especially if he eats little during the main meal. But gradually you need to strive for the above scheme. This will facilitate entry into the garden and getting used to the regime.
Breast milk
The menu of a one-year-old baby does not exclude the continuation of breastfeeding. This is not only food, but also medicine, as well as the opportunity to stay with my mother as a whole. Do not rush to take his chest from him, because this period in his life will never happen again.
But you need to understand that the breast is a complete feeding, so you should not give it between meals. Pediatricians say that at this age it is quite possible to leave the breast just before the night's sleep. Some babies refuse to go to bed without her for lunch.
Norms of food, or How not to overfeed
Since the baby has teeth, you will increasingly come across the obsessive desire of relatives to feed him solid food. So far, the time has not come for this. All dishes should be mashed or soufflé. Despite the fact that there are several teeth in the mouth, it is still too difficult for the baby to chew. It is permissible not to knead fully boiled potatoes, it is quite soft. The child is able to cope with egg white.
The one-year-old's menu should not be overloaded. The digestive system is already used to its mission, but you can easily cause a malfunction, which will lead to allergic reactions. Therefore, immediately roughly distribute. A child should eat about 1100 ml per day. For breakfast and dinner, you can offer 250 ml, for lunch, the portion is usually larger. And an afternoon snack - about 180 ml. At first glance, a lot, but do not forget that for one or two breastfeeds, he receives up to 500 ml of milk.
Planning a diet
Speaking about how to feed a one-year-old child, we can safely say to everyone. He needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. And cereals remain product number 1. It is a source of slow carbohydrates, plant fibers, energy and protein, as well as vitamins. If until now the choice of parents was buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, now you can add corn and wheat groats to the menu. They are no less useful.
At this age, you can already refuse a blender. Well-boiled porridge does not need additional grinding. Boil cereals in milk. It is best to take not whole, but diluted half with water. If milk protein is intolerant, it is recommended to replace it with water or vegetable broth.
Typically, the pediatrician advises parents what porridge to cook a one-year-old child. In principle, everything is possible. The only exception is semolina, because it contains gluten and can be the cause of an allergic reaction. Barley and millet are not recommended - they are heavy for digestion and can cause various disorders.
Milk and Dairy Products
Speaking about how to feed a one-year-old child, many immediately recall the curd and kefir. And it is right. Milk and its fermented milk derivatives are now the basis of the baby’s diet. In addition to fats and protein, these products are a source of calcium and sodium, phosphorus and many other trace elements. Let's look at the diet of a one-year-old child relative to different groups of dairy products:
- A day, the baby should receive a glass of kefir or 300 ml of yogurt. Forget about store yogurts with a shelf life of 6 months or more. You need a one-day live product. It is best to purchase it in a dairy kitchen or cook it yourself.
- Cottage cheese. Very important and useful product. But it is harder to digest, so it is recommended to give no more than 70 g per day. Usually these are cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles or puddings. To add sweetness, you can add raisins, apple or banana to them.
- Cheese. You can alternate these two products. One day, the baby receives 140 g of cottage cheese, on the second - 60-80 g of cheese. It can be grated and sprinkled with meat or vegetable casserole.
- Butter is an essential component of baby food. A child is put about 12 g of high-quality oil per day.
Bread and Pasta
Usually all children love bread. It can be a loaf or other white bread. But rye often causes fermentation in the stomach, so it is better to postpone acquaintance with it for a few more months. It is best to start the day with bread, offering it for breakfast. Spread a piece of butter or offer a cheese sandwich. If the baby ate porridge, then the bread can serve as a complement to the soup for lunch. A child is put up to 100 g per day.
Pasta. Usually children perceive them very well both as a main course and in soups. But often it’s not worth feeding the child pasta, it is enough to give 30 g twice a week.
Learning to eat soup
It is very important to start doing it right now, then there will be no extra tears in the kindergarten. In general, the proper nutrition of a one-year-old child directly depends on whether all the necessary products are included in it. Moreover, they should be presented in the form that is most favorable for the assimilation of the children's body. In this regard, the versatile dish is soup. It has vegetables and meat, it is liquid and quite light, nutritious and very tasty. And what’s important, it is preparing very quickly.
What soups can a one year old baby have? It is important that they are light and not too saturated. Borsch with complex frying, leave on a rich broth for later. Soups are cooked on a weak or diluted broth and seasoned with vegetables or cereals. Do not make the first dish too thick.
The ideal base is a vegetable broth. You can make mashed vegetable soup or add meatballs, some potatoes and carrots. In just 30 minutes you get a ready lunch or dinner.
Mashed vegetables
It remains one of the most important components of a child’s diet. It’s easy to teach a kid to get sweet fruit, but if you don’t train to eat vegetables now, then it will be more problematic. There is nothing complicated about it. Boil beets or carrots, pumpkin or broccoli, green beans. Then add a drop of olive oil and grind in a blender. Put in a small mold and garnish with a sprig of dill. An excellent basis will be green peas or tomatoes.
Grind vegetables very well. Since they are a source of a large amount of fiber, they can provoke intestinal colic. Do not forget that new products are given to the child in small portions in the morning, observing his condition.
Fruits and berries
Must be every day in the diet. These are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, trace elements. What kind of fruit can a one-year-old child have? Usually by this time he is already familiar with an apple and a pear, with a banana. You can continue to give them without fear. Gradually expand the list. The kid can be given all the fruits. At the same time, delicate peaches, kiwi and apricots can be cut into slices, and if it comes to fruits with a dense skin, it is better to chop them in mashed potatoes.
Berries are recommended for the season. Ripe strawberries? Offer 1-2 berries. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can safely include it in the diet. You can give cherries, currants, cherries. But the best thing is that they are goodies from your garden, and not from the supermarket.
Fresh fruits and berries are given to the child in an amount of 200 g per day. You need to start with a minimum amount so that you can evaluate the reaction of the child. This is especially important for children with a tendency to allergic reactions. Fresh juices, jelly and compotes are a great addition to the menu. Recommended not more than 100 g per day.
Protein sources
- For a growing organism, a sufficient amount of animal protein is very important. Steam cutlets, casseroles or meatballs should be on the menu every day. Enough 80 g per day to cover the needs of the body. It is best to use veal, turkey and rabbit. As a variety, you can offer the child and the liver.
- Fish is also a valuable product, but it is recommended to eat it 1-2 times a week. From it you can cook soup, tender meatballs or meatballs. A day is enough for a baby of 40 g.
- Chicken eggs - three pieces per week in the form of steam omelettes are enough.
Try to use the minimum amount of salt.
Sample menu for the day
- Breakfast. At this time, the baby just woke up, as a rule, there is still no appetite. But a hearty breakfast is a charge of energy for the whole day. Therefore, an excellent option would be 150 g of milk porridge, 50 g of fruit and tea. You can add bread to the meal.
- Dinner. It is advisable that at this time the baby receive a fresh soup, for example, with meatballs. You can supplement it with vegetables, bread and compote.
- An afternoon snack. The most delicious and long-awaited at the kids. It can be a sweet cottage cheese casserole with fruit, kefir or yogurt.
- Dinner. The best option would be vegetables with meat or fish. Each meal can be supplemented with a slice of bread and tea, compote or jelly.
As you can see, the daily diet of a child can be quite diverse. In this case, mom will not have to spend much time in the kitchen. Porridge can be prepared for breakfast for the whole family, as well as lunch soup. It remains only to boil some vegetables and prepare the fruit. A varied diet will guarantee that you will have a healthy baby.
What should not be given to a child
Only fresh and high-quality foods should be in the diet. No semi-finished products and canned food. And of course, remove the sausage from the refrigerator so that the baby does not even see it. In 100 g of cooked sausage, not more than 7 g of meat, but plenty of harmful additives.
It is unacceptable to include sweet soda and citruses, mushrooms and nuts, as well as chocolate, in the child’s diet. He will have time to get acquainted with these products a little later. If a child suffers from allergic disorders, then the list of prohibited products includes fish and wheat, milk and a chicken egg. Usually closer to three years the body outgrows an age-related allergy, and in the kindergarten the baby will be able to eat with everyone.