Viber is one of the most famous and popular instant messengers at the moment. Many smartphone users prefer it because of the large number of additional features that make communication with people whose numbers are recorded in your phone book more interesting.
How to install
Before we talk about how to find groups in Viber, we will briefly describe how to install this application on a mobile device. Many people do not immediately understand this. However, in fact, everything is simple.
To install the Viber application:
- Go to the store on your device (Play Market or AppStore - depending on whether you have Apple products or a device with the Android operating system).
- Enter "Viber" in the search box. Open the first result on request.
- Click on “Install” (before downloading, you can see the application for its description in the store).
- After the application finishes installation, you need to find it in the main menu of your device. Click on the icon.
- You will be offered authorization in this application. Go through it (enter your personal data, phone number).
In order to complete authorization, you will be provided with a special code, which you will receive by message to the specified number. Enter it. Everything is ready. You are now an authorized user of the Viber application. Notification of your authorization will be received by all contacts from your phone book that are registered in the Viber application.
Viber Features
After you have completed registration and authorization in the Viber application, you can begin to study its functionality.
- Send / receive messages (it is possible to send / receive audio messages).
- Call your friends (only Internet traffic is spent on calls, there is no additional charge for calls through Viber).
- Make video calls with two-way broadcast at the request of your interlocutor.
- Use stickers, emoticons and various other means that make communication more lively and natural.
- Create or join different groups (you need to know how to find groups in Viber).
And much more.
How to create a group
How to create a group in Viber? To do this, do the following steps:
- Open the Viber app and go to the Chats tab.
- The Create button will appear at the bottom of the screen. You need to click on it.
- Before you open another application tab, on which you need to select "New Group" (located under the application functional line at the top of the screen).
- At the next stage, you get into contacts, here you can call your friends and acquaintances, colleagues into the created group. Choose the necessary people who will see everything that happens in the group.
- After that, the creation of the group goes to the final stage, where you, being already in it, can write some message (all members of the group will see it). Everything is ready. Your group has been created. Now you can edit it (delete or call someone else from your phone book). Do not forget to change the name of the group in "Viber". After creation, it is automatically called "New Group".
How to find
How to find a group in Viber? Now we will tell. In order to find a group in the Viber application, you need to go into it, in the “Chats” section, click on “Search” and enter the name of the group you are interested in. You will see unclosed for adding groups. All that is needed is to select a community and then click on the "Join Group" button. Here's how to find groups in Viber.
It should be borne in mind that a community of your friends can be created without your participation. That is, they will have their own group, where they discuss various issues, and you will not be able to join it. Find it is almost impossible. Because private groups of people are usually invisible to anyone but the participants. There is only one reliable way - to ask someone from this group to invite you. Then you, like everyone else, will have access to reading and sending messages within this small community.
Little conclusion
Now you know how to find a group in Viber, how to create it, what are the features in this case. By the way, when creating, use the original names for the public. So it will be more fun, more interesting for you and your friends. We hope that the tips given in the article will be useful to you.