Street festival: scenario

What is a street festival? Event scenario - what should it be? Where and how is this event celebrated? What entertainment and contests are offered to the participants of the holiday? Who is present? Who are you inviting? There are many questions ... Let's try to figure it out.

How to gather guests

A street festival is held, the scenario of which is thought out for each individually, by itself, in an open area. But how can we inform people about the upcoming event? It's pretty simple. At least two to three hours before the start of the holiday, you just need to take a little effort to collect as many guests as possible. Dressed up volunteers, for example, can help.

The scenario of a street festival in the village most often involves such “enticements”. People dress up in gypsies and walk along houses, inviting the owners with phrases like: “Come to us for a light, dear! Great happiness awaits you here! ”

holiday street script

If there is a hospital on the street, volunteers can change into Dr. Aibolit and his assistants. They can invite others with the words: “Come to us for a holiday! Here you will be treated, and me ... "

By the way, disguised characters can even walk around houses and apartments, giving residents balloons and paper cards, inviting them to go on holiday. People will immediately understand that they will fall not on some boring event, but on a very interesting and fun festivities.

Street fest: the script has to be thought out!

In order to spend a fun and unforgettable day, you must first use the bright and extravagant leaders. They can dress depending on the location of the street or on its name. That is, on the Cosmic, the presenters are astronauts, on the Military, the soldiers, etc. An event is being held, by the way, either on the street’s birthday, or on the day when some significant event happened here. The main thing is to decide on the choice of date.

So leading! They can be represented by “standard characters” for the street festival. A scenario, for example, may suggest two young people dressed as grandmothers in their role. Having jumped out to the middle of the road, the presenters begin to conduct a conversation with a certain “senile” accent. Particularly suitable for such a leading street festival scenario in the village. The old women are supposedly trying to figure out where one of them was so beautifully dressed, where the second was going. Finding out that both go to the street festival, grandmothers perform themed themed ditties in advance. You can also choose grandmother and grandfather for this purpose.

A little history doesn’t hurt

After that, the old people can proceed to the next part of the event. It will be very interesting for everyone to listen to some of the story on the holiday street. The scenario again depends on what events took place here, when and why the street appeared, etc. Do not forget about the recent history, about all the local residents who contributed to the decoration of houses, sidewalks and roads.

Connect guests of honor

The street holiday scenario may also include congratulations from famous and influential people in a city, village or district. The main thing is to invite such a person in advance.

scenario of a street festival in the village

For example, a mayor can be invited to a celebration of one of the city streets. This person can not only congratulate residents on the occasion, but also indicate some pre-prepared statistics. This may include, for example, the registration of newborns on a given street, enriching our nation, replenishing this population center. By the way, young mothers can also be given small presents in the form of diapers, rattles or vests with sliders.

Mention the "famous" residents of the street

What else can present such a wonderful and unusual holiday to people? Street Day can present to its residents, for example, the most famous "local characters", reward them with small surprises.

You can mention the smallest inhabitants, naming them by first and last names. Leading may wish their parents that just a few years later their beloved children would please everyone around with their achievements in art, sports, and learning. It is possible that one of these crumbs will become a very famous person!

If you warn parents in advance about such congratulations and awards, they, in turn, will be able to prepare some interesting surprise with their kids. That is, someone will dance, someone will sing, and someone will show an acrobatic number.

street holiday scenario

You can prepare, in principle, a collective performance, because, as a rule, kids are friends - parents are friends too!

Long-livers of the street should also not be forgotten. Recall the people who have occupied these houses and apartments for many, many years. Perhaps there are heroes of labor and war veterans. Be sure to wish them health, happiness and prosperity. Remind them that they always delight their loved ones.

Games are a must

In a word, it’s not at all difficult to prepare a holiday script. Street Day is an interesting event, so to think through all its moments means to give yourself real pleasure!

A variety of games will also be good entertainment for guests of the holiday. One of them is the famous "Ring".

holiday street day

Probably everyone knows the essence of the game since childhood. The presenter imperceptibly puts into the hands of one of the participants, folded in a “boat”, a ring or a coin, after which he causes him to “go out onto the porch”. The task of the players is to guess who got the ring and not let him get away. Incidentally, not only children, but also adults will enjoy having fun, as if returning many years ago.

You can also organize various sports contests, relay races. Incredibly fun time passes when the participants are divided into teams of adults and children. In general, such leisure unites the neighbors, bringing them a lot of positive emotions.

Finishing games and contests is best done with a pre-selected song, together performed by the whole street. In the future, she will be able to become her "anthem" and will be performed annually on this wonderful and bright holiday.

Some tips for preparing

This event significantly strengthens the relations of people living in the neighborhood. Having marked it at least once, in a year they will again prepare for it, knowing full well how to spend the street holiday. This event, by the way, not only develops friendship and understanding between people of different ages, but also allows you to relax, have fun, and relax from the usual bustle of everyday life.

It will take quite a bit for this - only a few costumes, small gifts, game and sports equipment, a tape recorder with audio recordings.

street day holiday script

The main thing is to prepare in advance, draw up an action plan. That is, the theme and form of the holiday must be selected . You can focus specifically on sporting events, games, dancing with songs or on a staged fairy tale. And you can combine all this into one whole.

Divide the street into areas

There is one more interesting nuance. A street festival in a city can be a lot of fun if you try to divide it into so-called areas. It all depends on what is located here.

For example, if there is a library on the street, this area can be given the name “Creativity and Knowledge” or “Literary”. People living nearby must show their level of intelligence and well-read. They can quote some poems or beat a scene from a famous story, novel, story.

Those who live near a university or school can be awarded the title of inhabitants of the “Informative” district. A quiz may be organized on their part, where questions will be raised on a wide variety of academic disciplines.

Living near the stadium - the inhabitants of the "Sports" district. They can offer all guests to take part in the relay. Sports contests - this is their "horse".

street festival in the village

Thus, the areas can be very diverse - musical, dance, theatrical, etc. The main thing is to show your imagination.

The holiday is held both in cities and in villages.

It doesn’t matter where you live. You can organize a street celebration in the village and in the city. If you wish, you can even make a whole fair, where shops organize remote trading, and amusement by the amusement of the musicians by buffoons and lure to the fair.

how to spend a street festival

In any case, no matter what scenario you choose, you and your neighbors will have a great time charming, humming, dancing, running up and mocking from the heart. Do not hesitate, the event will be just great!

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