The cat in the house is not only the joy of communicating with a four-legged friend, but also a huge responsibility. Miniature predators, despite their independence and the legendary 9 Lives, are very fragile creatures that are susceptible to diseases, so any owner should be careful about their health. In addition to regular check-ups at veterinarians that allow you to monitor your health, the owner should pay attention to balanced feeding.
"Natural" or industrial feed?
The choice of food for pets today is very wide. Some owners believe that if you feed cats only with dry food, you can harm their health, so they prefer to treat their pets with natural food. But it is important to understand that food from the table is harmful to animals, as it contains salt and spices, which are dangerous for the pet. Therefore, "naturalka" should be prepared for the pet separately from human food and not contain various additives characteristic of human dishes. In addition, vitamins will need to be added to the animal’s diet. This requires certain skills and time costs, and many owners prefer to switch their furry friends to industrial food, as it is already completely balanced by producers.
What type of food to choose - dry or wet?
Today, the industrial feed industry is growing rapidly. Brands offer a variety of types of "drying" and canned food for cats. Owners prefer to buy wet food, as it is more like a natural one, and “crackers” are not associated with normal food in most consumers. In fact, it is more important to pay attention to the composition of the food, since canned foods can contain significantly less meat than pellets, and do not bring any benefit to the pet.
It is also important to consider the condition of the animal itself. Therefore, whether cats can be fed only with dry food depends on their well-being and physical data. For example, granules are a very suitable option for young healthy individuals, but it is better for small kittens to give a soft paste, as well as sick, weakened and old animals.
Myths and truth about industrial feed
Veterinarians and breeders are advised to feed the pets with ready-made food, as it contains all the necessary substances for their full life. Manufacturers offer various types of prepared food for animals. Can cats only be fed dry food? Will it be harmful to health? These questions are asked by many owners of tailed friends.
There are several myths about industrial feed. One of them says that granules can cause diseases of the urogenital system in cats. This is partly true, but the development of the ICD is provoked not by “drying” itself, but by improper nutrition and lack of water. Cheap food, irregular and rare drinks, as well as food "from the table" are the main causes of problems with the genitourinary system in a pet. If you treat him with quality food, ensure constant access to fluids and regularly visit a specialist, then he should not have such diseases.
Another common opinion suggests that industrial food causes allergies in the pet and makes the coat dull and brittle. It also depends on the quality of the feed. Foods of super-premium class and holistic, on the contrary, do not contain substances that can provoke such reactions. And the special additives included in the composition help the animal to maintain health and excellent appearance for many years.
Also, many believe that in the manufacture of granules and canned food, various wastes are used, for example, bones, hooves, tumors, animal corpses. However, companies producing high-quality food, super-premium class and above, take care of their reputation and make "drying" and canned food only from meat and do not add aromatic and flavoring ingredients.
Rules for choosing dry food
When choosing industrial food for your pet, you can consult a veterinarian. He will tell you, given the characteristics of the animal, which ready-made food is best to buy. Also, recommendations of experienced breeders on the relevant sites will not be superfluous. They will be happy to give advice on choosing the right diet.
When buying, it is important to pay attention to the composition of dry food. Cats are predatory animals, and there must be a lot of meat in their diet. In superpremium rulers and holistic, this ingredient is on the first line in the list of composition.
It is necessary to take into account the addictions of the animal itself. If Murka does not eat turkey, then “drying” on its basis is unlikely to be chewed with pleasure.
The condition of the animal itself is also important here. Many are interested in whether it is possible to give a dry food to a nursing cat . If she ate it before, then, of course, yes, you just need to increase the portion or purchase granules of the same brand, designed for the needs of the "young mother".
After castration of the animal, the owner should reconsider the pet's diet, because what the pet ate before the operation can cause problems after it. Owners often ask if it is possible to feed a sterilized cat with dry food. Of course you can, especially if she had previously eaten industrial food. But now you need to purchase ready-made food, designed for castrated animals, it is balanced specifically for their needs and contains everything that they need for a full life.
Types of dry food
Pet shops offer a wide range of industrial foods of various price categories. Many buyers prefer to take inexpensive brands, hoping thus to save. However, this is not entirely true. The fact is that budget granules contain less meat ingredients, and to eat, a cat needs a portion more than a super premium class feed. Estimates of experienced owners show that, despite the higher cost, such "drying" is used more economically, and thus cheaper than inexpensive food.
All food presented in specialized stores is divided into 4 classes:
Economy class are well-known brands that can be purchased not only in pet stores, but also in ordinary supermarkets, for example, Wiskas, Kitikat and others. Their composition is rather poor, such feeds practically do not contain useful things, and whether it is possible to feed cats only with dry food of this level, is a big question.
Premium feeds - already contain a small amount of meat and nutrients. Today they include Royal Canine and the Hills. Is it possible to feed a cat only with dry food from these manufacturers? After the production was moved to Russia, many complain that the quality of food has fallen, because before these brands were attributed to the super-premium class. Therefore, if the animal is completely healthy, then such granules can be given, but it is better to consider options of a higher level.
Super-premium - contain many natural ingredients, they are almost completely lacking chemistry and flavoring. True, animals do not eat them very willingly, since there are no aromatic components in the composition. These include ProNature Holistic, Profine Adult Cat. However, veterinarians and breeders when asked whether it is possible to feed a cat dry food constantly, give a positive answer.
Holivics are known mainly only among breeders. These are brands Orijnen, Acana. Such granules are produced only from natural components without the addition of preservatives and enhancers. The cost of food is very high, but they are completely harmless to pets and help them maintain health and beauty for many years.
Dry feed conversion
Transfer to dry food should be smooth and not cause stress in the animal. Professionals recommend adding granules to the cat's usual diet, gradually increasing their number. On average, such a procedure will take from 10 to 15 days.
For example, on the first day, add 15 granules to food. If the cat refuses to eat them, then the “drying” can be chopped and mixed with ordinary food. Some owners recommend soaking granules, this tip is more suitable for small kittens.
Special picks can refuse food if a little industrial is mixed in it. In this case, you need to show firmness, remove the food and try to offer it after a few hours, when the animal is hungry.
It is important to understand that when a cat is completely transferred to dry food, she should not be given something from the table, as this can cause irreparable harm to her digestive system.
How to feed dry food?
The selected food is better not to change. In animals, taste buds are not as developed as in humans, so they do not need a lot of variety. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to feed a cat with different dry foods, many professionals give a negative answer.
Animals sitting on pellets should have constant and unlimited access to fresh water. If the animal drinks a little liquid, then there is a risk of developing urolithiasis.
Some of the owners feel sorry for their pet, forced to use some “crackers” and spoil them with canned goods. Is it possible to feed a cat only with premium dry food or any other kind and sometimes treat them with spiders? An unequivocal opinion does not exist here. One of the experts believes that it is absolutely impossible, since the cat’s stomach does not have time to rebuild. Some people see nothing wrong with this, but they advise giving canned food of the same brand as dry food.
The dosage indicated on the package must also be observed. However, it is important to understand that the amount of food depends on the condition of the animal.
Very often, owners with several pets ask if it is possible to feed a cat dry dog food. Veterinarians and manufacturers are categorically against such food. Murks and Balls are completely different species, and their needs are different. Of course, if a cat eats several pellets from its four-legged companion, nothing terrible will happen to her. But if you constantly feed her food intended for dogs, then the health consequences may turn out to be unpredictable.
Owner reviews
Owners who prefer to give dry food to their tailed pet write very different reviews. Many are satisfied with industrial food, as this saves time, and the owner himself is confident that his ward receives everything he needs. And so the question of whether it is possible to feed cats only with dry food is answered in the affirmative. The animal looks good and feels great.
However, there are opponents of "drying." In their opinion, it causes dependence in pets, and also provokes various diseases. This is possible because some granules contain strong flavoring and aromatic components that make the cat absorb only them. To prevent the animal from becoming a “drug addict,” experts recommend purchasing super-premium feeds and holistic, as they are completely natural.
The main disease that manifests itself in cats that prefer "crackers" - ICD. The risk of its occurrence is higher in castrated animals. However, in order for the cat to be healthy, he needs to drink a lot, so the owner must provide him this opportunity.
There is no unequivocal opinion in favor of this or that type of food. Someone prefers to feed the animal the old fashioned way, from the table. Some "conjure" in the kitchen and create their favorites a completely balanced meal on their own. But the majority nevertheless acquires industrial nutrition, since it is completely created for the needs of the tailed beauty.
When choosing the type of feeding, it is important to consider your pet’s abilities and desires. If you want to cook Murka separately, then good. If there is no time and effort to create masterpieces of cat cooking, it is better to purchase ready-made meals, but always of good quality.