Install a translator in Yandex.Browser: step-by-step instructions, settings, tips

How often does the average user visit foreign sites? Probably infrequently. And if suddenly this happens, then a person who is not versed in foreign languages ​​cannot do without a translator. Previously, users would have to download specialized software to a computer (or even buy), install it for a long time, and then suffer with the setup. But all this is in the past. Now there are online translators who can quickly and accurately translate any text. Some browsers even have built-in mechanisms for translating pages. And in some they will have to be installed. Therefore, you need to know everything about how to install a translator in Yandex.Browser, for example. We will consider this question in its entirety.

install google translator in Yandex browser

Using the built-in translator

Few people know, but Yandex.Browser has its own translation mechanism. And by default it is usually enabled. But it happens and off. Therefore, installation is not required. You only need to know how to enable the translator in Yandex.Browser. It is very easy to do. It is enough to follow the following algorithm.

  1. Launch the browser and click on the "Menu" icon (three horizontal stripes).
  2. Next, click on "Settings".
  3. At the very bottom of the window that appears, click "Advanced Settings".
  4. In the "Languages" section, check off all the items that are there.

That's all. Now the automatic translation of Yandex.Browser will work as it should. Problems with visiting foreign sites will not arise. However, what if you want to use third-party translators? They can be installed separately.

translator for Yandex browser install extension

Installing a third-party translator from Google

How to install "Google Translator" in the Yandex browser? Only as an extension. No other way. The reasons for installing it can be very different. But most users say that the standard Yandex translator does its job pretty crookedly. Say, "Google Translate" is much better. Well, okay. Installing a translator from Google is very easy. It is enough to use the following algorithm.

  1. We open the browser and in the search line we enter: "the official store is chrome." We find it in the list of results and follow the link.
  2. The official Google store has tons of browser extensions for a wide variety of purposes. In the search bar, enter Google Translate and click "Search."
  3. Select the desired extension and click the "Install" button.
  4. After installation is complete, the extension will be displayed at the top of the browser window. You can start using it.

This is how you can install the translator in the Yandex browser. This is only possible because it is an almost exact copy of Chrome. And its extensions are suitable for the browser from Yandex. But Google Translate is far from the only translator for browsers. How to install others? Very simple. About it - further.

how to enable translator in Yandex browser

Installing a third-party translator from Instant

One of the most advanced translators is Instant Translate. He can quickly and accurately translate any text. Also, he does not "eat" a lot of system resources, which can also be considered an advantage. In fact, this is the best translator for Yandex.Browser. Installing the extension is very simple. The algorithm is almost the same as when installing the translator from Google.

  1. Go to the Google extension store.
  2. In the search bar, drive in Instant Translate and press Enter.
  3. We are looking for the desired extension in the list of results.
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. After the installation is complete, we proceed to the configuration.

That's all. You have now installed the extension. Translator for Yandex.Browser Instant Translate can work with almost all known languages. It can show the translation in a popup window. It is enough to point the mouse to the desired text.

User reviews about the full-time translator of Yandex

translator extension for Yandex browser

So, the answer to the question: how to install the translator in the Yandex browser is received. Now is the time to consider the opinions of users about all of the above extensions. Let's start with the built-in. Users note that it works very quickly (still built-in), but does not know how to build meaningful sentences. As well as working with context. As a result, this product can translate so that the ears are rolled up. It is suitable only for the literal translation of individual words, that is, as an online dictionary. If you try to use it to translate some text, it will produce something that has never been there, completely forgetting about declensions and times. That is why users do not use it. Any person will immediately install some kind of third-party, but adequate translator. A staff disconnect from sin away. And this opinion is expressed by almost all users. Nobody uses the Yandex translator of their own free will.

Google translator user reviews

install translator in Yandex browser

Everything is a little better here. The brainchild of Google is noticeably adapted to translate large chunks of text. This is exactly what many users note. Installing a translator in the Yandex browser is not a big problem. But the user can be sure that the text is translated correctly. True, according to the statements of users, this product also has flaws when translating in terms of context. But when compared with Yandex, the text from Google Translator is just a masterpiece of world literature. Users note that the utility works correctly with declensions, pronouns and tenses (of which there are a great many in English). The translator also does not forget about conjugations, modal verbs and passive voice. Definitely, the translator from Google is one of the highest quality. And this opinion is shared by almost all users. There are also negative comments about this translator. But there are very few of them. The main complaint of users is that it is optimized exclusively for Chrome. In conjunction with Yandex.Browser, it slows down. But it is excusable.

Instant Translator User Reviews

But this is the real king among the miniature translation programs. He easily copes with texts of any complexity, knows how to competently work with context, grammatical features of the language, syntactic and lexical norms. Users note that this product easily translates both literary text and scientific material, rich in various terms. There are almost no negative reviews about this translator. In terms of speed, it is also very good. Users claim that it works two times faster than the automatic translator Yandex.Browser. The developers have created a high-quality and free application. What an honor and praise to them.

Quality online translators

At the moment, almost all translators work online. But among them you need to choose the best. Here are the most popular services for those who need a quick translation of a particular passage of text.

  • Google Translate
  • Promt
  • "Multiran";
  • Mr.Translate.

These services are able to quickly and accurately translate both a single phrase and a rather large amount of text. All of them are free and do not require the installation of additional software on a personal computer.


Yandex browser automatic translator

So, we examined the question of how to install a translator in the Yandex browser. This can be done very simply. The main thing is to choose a suitable translator. At the moment, products from Google, Instant and Promt are considered the best. And it’s better to turn off the full-time translator of Yandex.Browser, since there’s no sense in it. He does not know how to properly translate pieces of text and is suitable only for the literal translation of individual words. Choosing a quality translator is very simple. Just read the list above.

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