Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of a woman. At this time, there are many different symptoms, many of which cause discomfort. Women usually feel sick before giving birth. How to cope with this, we will consider in the article.
What indicates the approach of childbirth?
Can I feel sick before giving birth? This symptom can be constant throughout the entire period of bearing the baby. The signs of the next birth include the following:
- Feeling of pelvic enlargement. This is due to the features of anatomy. A lowered belly is the first sign that the baby is ready for birth.
- The occurrence of secretions. Doctors explain this fact by the fact that the fetal bladder exfoliates from the walls of the uterus, and sometimes it is confused with amniotic fluid. To obtain reliable information, you need to use the express test.
- Change in the shape of the cervix. In the last stages, she adapts to the baby’s head.
- Weight loss. The reason is that tissue edema is reduced. Also usually sick before childbirth, appetite worsens.
Other symptoms
- Departure of the mucous plug. The content may be 2-3 ml. If the discharge is larger, you need to see a doctor.
- Change in posture. Since the uterus is lowered, this leads to throwing the head back. The gait will be proud.
- Constant urination. The fetal bladder causes compression of the pelvic organs. Sometimes the need for emptying the bladder is constant.
- Lonely contractions.
- Discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the back.
If the pregnancy is not the first, women can usually distinguish real contractions from the phenomena that prepare for childbirth. Therefore, almost all pregnant women feel nauseous before giving birth.
By these signs, you can understand that childbirth is approaching. At the same time, you should not panic, because sometimes the symptoms can be false.
Why is vomiting before giving birth? The reasons for this phenomenon are different. This feeling occurs during contractions. Doctors believe that this condition is considered the norm. Sick before giving birth for the following reasons:
- Unpleasant sensations. During contractions, a woman suffers severe pain in the abdomen, which leads to nausea or vomiting.
- Stuffed stomach. If much has been eaten before childbirth, then this cannot be digested, since digestion in labor is stopped.
- Reaction to anesthetics. Anesthesia with modern means is an excellent salvation for many women who can hardly tolerate pain. But you should be prepared for side effects. Certain drugs can lead to hypotension. Low blood pressure can cause nausea.
- The reaction of the hormonal system. The components responsible for preparing for childbirth can manifest themselves in different ways. Therefore, nauseous before childbirth. There is nothing to worry about. After childbirth, discomfort disappears.
- Active movements of the baby. The movements of the child lead to a feeling of pressure on the digestive tract and an attack of nausea.
Other causes of nausea
- Late toxicosis. This phenomenon is observed with a deviation of the kidneys. Even with late toxicosis, there may be other symptoms.
- An attack of appendicitis. In this case, do not worry. Due to the modern level of development of medicine, the appendix is also cut out in pregnant women. The operation is easy. As a result, a healthy child is born.
- Gassing in the intestines. In this case, nausea is also likely. This manifestation can be prevented by regulating nutrition a few weeks before giving birth.
These are the main reasons why nausea is observed before giving birth. This discomfort occurs in many women. How many days do you feel sick before giving birth? Each organism is individual. Some women have this symptom throughout their pregnancy. And others may appear periodically.
Eliminate Nausea
If you feel sick before giving birth, what should I do? To eliminate this sensation, it is necessary to establish the cause. The following measures are effective:
- The shelf life of the products should be checked. If something spoiled has been eaten, nausea appears. This is dangerous for the baby.
- Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly.
- Meat and fish must be cooked. It is forbidden to eat half-baked foods. If your favorite food is medium-sized steaks, then they must be discarded.
- Products that are in the refrigerator should be fresh. The expiration date should be checked before each cooking.
- It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash hands before eating, after a walk, visiting public places.
- Do not touch your face with your dirty hands, especially your mouth, as there is a risk of an intestinal infection.
- If nausea comes from unpleasant odors, then the cause must be eliminated.
These measures can also be used as prophylaxis. With them, you can prevent the appearance of nausea during pregnancy. And about taking certain medications and folk recipes, it is better to consult a doctor first.
What to drink from nausea, it is better to consult a doctor. Because each woman’s body is different, different medications may be appropriate. What to drink from nausea from medicines? Typically, with toxicosis, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Hofitol is a plant-derived hepatoprotector with a choleretic effect. The active ingredient is artichoke extract. The medication is taken before meals with toxicosis, violations of the outflow of bile, pathological edema, to speed up the metabolism. It can be used at different gestational periods. The treatment is 3 weeks, 2 tablets daily.
- "Cerucal" - pills for nausea from metoclopramide. With its help, the passage of emetic signals from the brain to the stomach is blocked. The drug is released in injectable and tablet form. During pregnancy, it is prescribed if other means do not help. “Cercual” is not used systematically, but only to stop vomiting. It is advisable to perform this between meals.
- Polysorb is an enterosorbent that has a detoxifying effect. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and purifies the blood, but does not affect the fetus. The main substance absorbs toxins, harmful compounds, pathogenic microorganisms, products of decay, fermentation in the intestines. The therapeutic effect is observed after 7-10 minutes. It is a safe remedy for nausea during pregnancy.
- Essential Forte. Hepatoprotective, reducing nausea, providing a sedative effect.
Any medications should be taken after consulting a doctor. Unauthorized prescribing of drugs can lead to complications for the health of the mother and child.
Folk remedies
Eliminate nausea without drugs will be simple recipes. During pregnancy, you can use the following methods:
- Mint broth. You need to make a weak drink (1 tsp. Dry raw materials per glass of boiling water). Take the composition in small sips throughout the day. Fresh leaves of this plant are also suitable, which should be rubbed between the fingers and sniffed. And peppermint ether is prohibited during pregnancy, as are other oils.
- Infusion of Valerian. Eliminates the symptom of toxicosis, improves digestion, performs a calming effect. Pour ½ tsp. valerian root with a glass of boiling water, insist, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l during the day.
- Herbal harvest. Aromatic tea allows you to stop the urge to vomit. You will need to take 2 parts of mint leaves, yarrow and marigold inflorescences, as well as 1 part of valerian root. Then 2 tbsp. l mix the mixture with boiling water (400 ml), insist and drink 50 ml every 2-3 hours.
According to reviews, folk remedies work no worse than medicines. Such recipes allow many women to quickly eliminate bouts of nausea.
Often, due to individual intolerance, women can not take herbal decoctions for nausea. What to do then? Conventional foods that reduce nausea will help.
During the day, you should often, but in small portions:
- warm water with honey;
- fresh fruits, carrots, cabbage;
- cranberry or lingonberry fruit drink;
- ginger tea with lemon;
- citrus;
- juice from tomatoes, blackcurrants, oranges;
- pumpkin;
- berries;
- homemade crackers and cereal bread;
- rosehip broth.
Acceptance of this product eliminates or reduces the manifestation of nausea. Therefore, they are recommended to be taken by most doctors.
Nausea is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it passes in a pregnant woman. It is not necessary to endure it, you should find out from the doctor what is better to take. Prescribed funds will quickly improve well-being.