What is the worst dog in the world?

Why a dog is biting is known for certain from a children's song. Of course, exclusively from the dog’s life. But there are other factors that shape the bad character of a four-legged friend, and in the first place - the lack of proper education. And one more thing not to be overlooked - the features of the breed. Determining which is the worst dog in the world will not be easy. Numerous ratings have already tried to figure this out, but each statistic gives its results, not similar to the others. This is understandable, such studies, despite the apparent depth, will always be based on a certain social experience and contain a moment of subjectivity.

the most angry dog ​​in the world

And still try. Ratings based on survey data from ordinary dog ​​owners and just outside observers acknowledge that the worst dogs are not necessarily the biggest and scariest. Oddly enough, the list is often led by a very funny dog ​​- dachshund. She is not endowed with an impressive size, her elongated body and short legs indicate belonging to hunting burrows. It turns out that the dachshund is very intolerant of strangers and even less so of strangers. With a loud bark, she is ready to rush into battle at any moment.

the most angry dogs

In the same row (laughter and sin!) Is a small chihuahua pet dog. Not taking seriously her nervousness, many were bitten by her small teeth. Terriers close this honorable three in the list “The Worst Dog in the World”. Parenting, and waking up the beast in these kids is not recommended. By the way, the beast can be woken up in almost any dog. Experienced dog handlers warn that it is impossible to predict the actions of a dog, no matter what breed it is.

very angry dog

And now about the other members of the canine tribe, representing a truly mortal danger to humans and animals. There are breeds that are a priori classified into this category - the most angry dog ​​in the world - and are often prohibited for breeding at home. The first place in this series is consistently occupied by the pit bull terrier. This is a fighting breed in which aggression and fearlessness are initially developed. Pit bull is not afraid of anyone and nothing. Even knowing the team, it can be unpredictable. If this beast attacks someone, he will not open his iron jaws until he kills his prey.

the most angry dog ​​in the world

Rottweiler is also a very angry dog ​​with a strong territorial instinct. He is endowed with high intelligence, excellent at training, but submits only to his master and members of his family, whom he recognizes. But at the slightest suspicion of danger to the members of "his pack" or of someone else's claims to its territory, this dog as if gives itself the command "face". Iron jaws - this is about him too.

the most angry dogs

Among large dogs, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog - Alabai - is called the most dangerous. This is a huge dog devoted to the owners and its territory, which should not be joked, trying to pet him, even if he received the guest with all the cordiality. This is a shepherd dog, and the instinct of the guard and the owner of the territory in it is indestructible. There were times when, in an attempt to scare him away, Alabai rushed at the members of the owner's family.

The list goes on and on. Dog handlers answer this question this way: "The most evil dog in the world is an ill-bred dog." They are right, but only partly. It is better not to joke with a person’s best friend , especially if this is an unfamiliar animal.

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