In the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft developers have added many services and processes that are constantly running in the background . These include security services, tracking user actions, updates, and so on. Some of them load the system, which is very pronounced on weaker computers. Users can turn off these processes and cancel their arbitrary start when they turn on the PC. In this article, we will figure out how to disable SuperFetch in Windows 10 and find out what this service is responsible for.
What is SuperFetch for?
Before you begin the shutdown procedure, you need to understand the purpose of the process. If you know the functions that SuperFetch performs, you can decide whether you need it.
The description indicates that this service was created to optimize and improve the computer over time. According to the idea, the utility should monitor computer processes and optimize performance for tasks. It is a kind of training program that adapts to your style of working with a computer. However, the details of the algorithms and technologies used in SuperFetch are not disclosed.
The service first appeared in Windows Vista, and its predecessor is Prefetch from the Windows XP operating system.
The process facilitates the quick launch of applications. The free RAM area is filled with programs that need quick access.
Disable SuperFetch on Windows 10?
Although this system was invented in order to optimize the computer for the benefit of the user, problems often arise with it. Firstly, constant work in the background uses part of the processor and RAM resources. Secondly, even the use of SuperFetch does not eliminate the problems with loading programs into RAM. If the computer is quite weak and has a small amount of RAM, then you will not notice the difference in work.
The third and most important factor is the slowdown in starting up the computer. This service starts the operating system first in the area of RAM, and then already includes it. It is easy to determine this procedure: when you turn on the PC, the hard drive runs at maximum load for 1-2 minutes.
The last point that prompts users to disable SuperFetch on Windows 10 is the problems in the games. Since modern games use a lot of RAM and constantly load / unload data, the optimization process only slows down the PC. Accordingly, because of this, computer performance drops significantly.
Security issue
Is the service so important that without it the computer will be unstable or will stop loading at all? In fact, you can disable SuperFetch on Windows 10 without any restrictions. However, it is recommended to turn off the process only in cases where you have problems with the PC (constant high load on the hard drive or full RAM). If turning off SuperFetch did not give any result, then it can be turned on again.
The first way: the Services application
So, let's talk about the shutdown itself. For the first method, we need the standard “Services” application, which can be launched through the Windows 10 search or the “Run” window using the services command.
In the list that opens, you need to find the name SuperFetch. For convenience, you can sort the list alphabetically. After that, double-click RMB on the service to open the properties.
In the window with the property, pay attention to the line "Startup Type". Here you need to set the item "Disabled" and save the changes. After that, the service will automatically shut down and will not start when you turn on the computer again.
Second way: registry editor
The next method to permanently disable SuperFetch in Windows 10 is a bit more complicated. First we need to open the registry editor. You can do this through a search or the Run window using the regedit command.
First, go to the SYSTEM branch and open the CurrentControlSet directory. Here we look for the Control folder and step by step go to MemoryManagement - this is the final point. Click on the PrefetchParameters subkey. In the right part of the window, create the DWORD parameter (32 bits) and give it the name EnableSuperfetch. We set the value 0 to the properties and save the changes. After that we reboot the computer.
Third way: command line
Finally, the last way to disable the SuperFetch service in Windows 10. You can use it through the usual command line or Windows PowerShell. First, launch the window using the cmd command in the search bar on the taskbar. To turn off the service, enter the line sc stop SysMain & sc config SysMain start = disabled "and use it with the Enter key. A message appears on the screen stating that the service was successfully stopped.
Now you know the purpose of SuperFetch and you can turn it off in 3 different ways, if such a need arises!