Metis cat: character, description

Of all the variety of cat breeds, the most common is the mestizo cat. Such animals often inherit genes from two or more breeds, therefore they differ in mind, health and a more flexible, affectionate character. This is due to the fact that mestizos often take the best traits of a parental couple in order to survive.

History of cats and their breeds

Cat and cat are creatures of nature, and their preferences are natural. To continue the genus, they choose a pair based on certain criteria, where strength, endurance and health are in the first place, and only then - external data. Domestication of cats began about ten thousand years ago, and at that time all cats did not have a specific breed, but, living in different places, they differed in appearance and character.

Mestizo cat

With the spread around the world, cats of different localities crossed among themselves and the first mixed breeds appeared, which, in turn, continued to breed. So modern cats appeared, which were distinguished by physique, length and color of coat, character. With the development of progress began the study of genetics and the identification of the causes of differences in the color and nature of pets, as well as their unification into separate groups - breeds.

All breeds have their own stories:

  • Some came naturally without human intervention, such is the Siamese cat.
  • Others are bred artificially through long crosses of different species. One of the representatives is the British. In fact, this is a mestizo cat, whose parents are English and Persian domestic cats.
  • In the third, the main distinguishing feature of the breed is caused by a gene mutation, for example, in Scottish cats, it is fold. Subsequent work was aimed at preserving such features.

Today, there are over 400 cat breeds.

Mixed-breed cats

Despite the fact that kittens from representatives of various breeds can be bright, elegant and amusing, mestizos will never become owners of the pedigree and will not take first places at the exhibitions.

Cat and cat

Metis cat - what is it? The answer to this question is known to every breeder who ruthlessly rejects kittens born from different breeds. But after all, many modern breeds appeared by chance crossing. So the breed of brumill from the papa-persian and mother-bruma arose. The first offspring was not considered a breed, but thanks to the efforts of the breeder, who continued to work to improve the new species, brumill was recognized and entered into the International Register of purebred cats.

MΓ©tis of the British

A mixed breed of cats has always existed, and the British are no exception. The history of their origin began with the islands of Britain, where the imported Persians were crossed with local representatives - English domestic cats. The new breed was called British. She combined English intelligence and Persian proud stubbornness.

To get new colors, breeders crossed this breed with their relatives - Persians. As a result of their labors, a mestizo of the British and the Persian was born. The breeding of such mestizos continued until 2003, after which it was banned due to signs of degeneracy of both breeds. Today, a kitten from a Persian cat and a British cat is characterized as purebred and does not receive seats at exhibitions.

Metis Brit

Mating of British and Scottish shorthair cats, which were used to breed Scottish fold or Scottish fold, was also relevant. Since lop-eared is caused by a mutating gene, mating of two mutants is prohibited due to the risk of hereditary diseases and skeletal deformations incompatible with life in the offspring.

The result of mating Maine Coon and an ordinary cat

The cat and Maine Coon cat were bred naturally and all the efforts of the breeders are aimed at preserving their character traits:

  • friendliness;
  • poise;
  • complaisance;
  • caution;
  • lack of aggression;
  • loyalty.

The Maine Coon half-breed, obtained as a result of mating a breed representative with an ordinary cat, loses its characteristic features or they are distorted. The color of the coat will not change much, because most outbred cats have a color similar to Maine Coon, but genetic traits of their ancestors may appear. Eye color will depend on the dominant color of the father or mother.

mestiz maine coon

Maine coons have medium-long hair, and if the partner was smooth-haired, then kittens will be born with short hair.

The nature, weight and structure of the body is difficult to calculate. Metis Maine Coon can combine the features of both parents and have different indicators. Kittens are more massive than outbred cats, but inferior in size to purebred ones, the same goes for character: some are affectionate, others are more aggressive.

Thai cats and their differences from mestizos

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Siamese cats appeared in England , but people noticed that they differ in body structure and divided the breed into two types:

  • strong-bodied cats with a rounded head - the progenitors of today's Thais;
  • graceful with an elongated muzzle - Siamese.

Thais are interested in scientists and work began to improve the breed. As a result of works today, there are three types of Thais: classic, traditional and modern.

Thoroughbred Thai cats should have a large round head with a high forehead and a powerful bulging sternum. Almond-shaped eyes and diluted ears prove that the breed came from the East. Thanks to numerous crosses, the standard color of the Thais was diluted with cream, red, tortie and tabby (brindle).

Half-breed Thai cat

By nature, these are devoted balanced cats with high intellectual data, very sociable and know how to change intonation.

A mixed breed Thai cat, after crossing with a domestic cat, has a pronounced outward resemblance to the breed, but is fundamentally different in character by an unbalanced psyche. Such mestizos can be aggressive and evil. This is due to the instinct of the hunter, who is forced to defend his territory in street conditions.

If the mestizo descended from different breeds, then in the character and appearance the features of both parents will be visible.

Metis or mongrel?

Truly purebred cats are significantly inferior in numbers to mongrel and mixed breeds, the difference between which lies not only in color, but also in behavior and health. As a result of family ties that were carried out for improvement, thoroughbred cats have numerous mutations and a number of congenital pathologies. Mestizos and outbreds are distinguished by stronger physical characteristics and immunity.

Metis cat what is it

Outbred cats often have short hair, which helps to maintain hygiene. The tiger color is the most common, but tortoiseshell, blue, spotted and plain are also found. According to the external characteristics of domestic cats, it can be conditionally divided into the northern and southern type. The inhabitants of the north are distinguished by a thicker, lighter coat and stocky large physique, while the southerners are darker, smoother and more elegant.

A mestizo cat also belongs to a purebred, but has the characteristic features of purebred cats. This is manifested in color and physique, character and health. Mestizos have a chance to get a breed. To do this, the owners need to breed offspring from the parent pair of the mestizo (but not the father and mother, but the same breeds) and cross the offspring among themselves. And only the fifth generation can become a contender for pedigree.

Than mestizos are good

Despite the fact that mestizos cannot become winners of exhibitions, such cats can be kept as a faithful companion. They will please their company and will not cause much trouble, because, unlike thoroughbred brothers, mestizos differ:

  1. Health. Having a stronger immunity, mestizo is less likely to get sick.
  2. Intelligence - much easier to train and accustom to the tray.
  3. Unpretentiousness in food.

The character of the mestizo is formed from the characteristics of the breeds of its parents. Both maternal and paternal qualities or all together can prevail in it. According to the structure of the skeleton and aesthetic data, a mestizo cat can surpass parents, but it will never become the winner of the exhibition.

Mixed breed cat

How to choose a kitten

In order not to miscalculate with the choice of a pet, it is not enough to listen only to the inner instinct. Experts advise you to follow the basic rules:

  1. Ask the breeder about all the offspring in order to determine whether the kittens are suitable: where they grew up, what kind of character they are, whether the veterinarian examined them, whether they took the kittens in their arms after two weeks of age.
  2. Whether preventive treatments and vaccinations were carried out.
  3. Initially take a look at mom.
  4. If the kittens are from the nursery, then you should learn as much as possible about the parents.
  5. Do not take obstinate representatives who hiss and scratch.

Mestizo cat

A healthy animal can be identified by the following criteria:

  • clear eyes without discharge;
  • clean area under the tail;
  • shine of wool;
  • lack of bloating - the first sign of helminthiasis;
  • energy and curiosity;
  • communication with brothers;
  • fearlessness.

Any kitten - thoroughbred, mestizo or outbred - is able to become the best companion and companion. He reciprocates the sincere love and care of the owner. Do not chase expensive, fashionable and thoroughbred cats, it is better to bring a faithful and devoted comrade to the house who will not leave you in difficult times and brighten up the longing of gray everyday life.

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