Pekingese: maintenance and care, character

If you choose a faithful “servant” for yourself, you may not even look in the direction of a small but proud Pekingese. This is a true aristocrat, all life in the house should revolve around him, and he will receive honors with royal dignity. It seems that the Chinese emperor himself lives with you . Royal manners are inherent in him from birth, so if you are not ready to squander attention without measure or are too busy for this, it is better to take a cat or a rat. Have you decided to have a puppy? Ask yourself what do you know about the Pekingese breed? Maintenance and care have their own subtleties to which you need to be prepared. If there is no answer, then the whole family sit down to read the article, and then make a decision together.

Pekingese maintenance and care

What you need to know

Who is hiding behind a fluffy cloud called Pekingese? Keeping and caring for this dog is not too difficult, but it requires selfless love and tenderness for your pet. This is an amazing, incredibly charming and intelligent dog. But at the same time wayward, with a heightened sense of dignity. You must clearly understand the two rules from the first days. First: the owner is you. The word no should be law. Second: education must take place gently, without violence, otherwise you, instead of a good-natured, active and playful pet, will raise an evil, aggressive and uncontrolled animal.

Choose a puppy

Having studied a bunch of literature, you still stop at the Pekingese breed. We will consider the maintenance and care in more detail a little later, and now let's focus on choosing a puppy. What dreams do you have with him? Do you want to grow a star champion or do you need a good friend and companion? The Pekingese will never become a guard, but it can be a good friend and a reason for enthusiasm. If you are planning an exhibition career, then choose a breeder very carefully. It is desirable that both parents have high titles. Of course, such puppies are very expensive, but offspring from the future champion will be highly appreciated. The cost will start at $ 1,000 and above.

You will always know by appearance that you have a great Pekingese. Maintaining and caring for them is much more difficult, since luxurious wool spreads directly on the floor and needs to be combed or braided constantly. If you are looking for a family friend and pet, then you can opt for a dog not the best blood. You probably saw in the courtyard of the Pekingese, whose coat is relatively short and does not require so many worries. But he still remains a sweet and wonderful friend and companion.

Pekingese care and maintenance


Growth at the withers is 15-23 centimeters, weight not more than 5 kg. Color can be monochrome or spotty, white, red, black. It is highly desirable that there is a dark tan around the eyes, a mask on the sea and darkened tips of the ears. This does not apply to pure white or black individuals. This is a long-haired breed, and there are no restrictions. When the show-class Pekingese glide across the ring, it’s impossible to consider their paws, because the silk wool gently lies on the floor. On the contrary, attempts to shorten it in order to simplify the care of animals can be perceived negatively by judges.

Advantages and disadvantages, the nature of the Pekingese

You also need to know this if a Pekingese is due to appear in your home soon. Maintenance and care may also be complicated by the nature of your pet. He is extremely proud, independent and restrained; he reacts painfully to excessive “lisp”, as well as to rudeness. A lot depends on the upbringing that the dog will receive. Absolutely all Pekingese are very smart and smart. If you managed to find an approach to your pet, then he will catch the team on the fly, but this can only be achieved by affection, but not by force. This is the nature of the Pekingese. The care of the Pekingese should also be very delicate, otherwise a proud creature might be offended.

Pekingese is characterized by waywardness. He will prove by any means what exactly he will decide when to eat, sleep or walk. It’s impossible for a person to break it, it remains only to wisely lead so that all this happens within the boundaries of what is permitted, only then you will have a happy Pekingese. The character of the Pekingese is distinguished by courage bordering on recklessness. He will calmly attack the dog, ten times larger than him. Therefore, socialization is necessary from a very young age, but all the same, you need to follow it on the site.

Self-esteem does not allow him to easily endure any grip, this is not a sofa ottoman at all. Therefore, they do not get along well with children. They react to rudeness and the use of force with aggression, so you have to be very careful here. The best method of punishment is ignoring, because the Pekingese does not like loneliness.

Features Pekingese maintenance and health

Luxurious Wool Care

This is the first thing you have to take care of if you have a Pekingese. Care and maintenance are reduced to daily combing with a soft brush. A long "skirt" needs to be passed with a comb with rare teeth, and the tassels should be disassembled by hand, and if necessary, cut from the bottom a tangled ball. He does not need a regular haircut, but if you are tired of caring for your hair, you can shave it shortly by summer.

Periodic bathing (about once a month) and hygiene of intimate places are another feature of the maintenance of the Pekingese. Care and health are impossible without keeping the pet clean, and after each toilet, particles of natural waste adhere to the wool, which dust and dirt cling to. For these purposes, you should always have a shampoo for long-haired dogs at home. Wool should be dried with a hairdryer and combed. Keep in mind that after bathing, the hair becomes softer for a while, and the “hairstyle” loses its shape. Therefore, bathing on the eve of the exhibition should not be.

Separate care requires its muzzle, on which the remains of food are constantly collected. They need to be removed with a velvet cloth. This rule applies to coat on the chest and ears. That is how a handsome Pekingese should live. Care and maintenance take time, but if it is not, why start a dog?

Pekingese care contents

Content Rules

All the beauty of a dog is its coat, so you need to pay special attention to it. This is another point why we so often see in the courtyard of the Pekingese with a very modest "robe". Here we are talking not only about the purity of the breed, but also the lack of exposure to fresh air. It is regular walks in any weather that allow the dog to wear a thick, beautiful undercoat, which makes it look like a regal cloud.

There is another point determining the care of him. Pekingese should not be carried out in an apartment where the air temperature exceeds 20 degrees. In a stuffy, hot room, the dog may overheat and receive heat stroke. Put the caps on the batteries and regulate the heat flow. Another sore spot is the eyes. They are susceptible to a number of different diseases, so visit your veterinarian regularly.

Pekingese and his care


These are very small dogs, they do not need a lot of calories, and they can very well use this to choose only the most delicious pieces. Thick wool allows him not to waste energy on thermoregulation, so he can do without food around the clock. This "hunger strike" forces the owner to give him the tidbits. From the very first day, make it a rule not to give anything from your table except sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits. Everything salty, sweet, smoked is contraindicated. You can use ready-made feeds, for Pekingese they will not need too much.

Pekingese character Pekingese

Health and Disease

In general, this is a fairly healthy dog. A Pekingese pet and caring for it is an endless affection, care and love, the only way to build a harmonious relationship with it. Do not forget that a bad atmosphere affects health a lot. We must not forget about vaccinations - they are necessary to provide protection against the most serious diseases. The first vaccination is carried out at 8 weeks. The second in two weeks. A third is advised to be carried out after a tooth change, and then come to the vaccine once a year. Do not let the pet jump from tall objects, sofas and armchairs, this is also an important part that makes up the care of the Pekingese. Keeping in an apartment is convenient because of its small size, but until you reach full maturity, you should carry a dog in your arms on the street so that there is no skeleton deformation.

Pekingese character Pekingese care


Despite the fact that this is not a guard breed, the Pekingese should know the basic commands. These are: “Come to me!”, “Stand!”, “Lie!”, “Sit!”. They are necessary in order to protect your pet during walks. Begin classes as early as possible, from the first day, when the baby appeared with you. If you have exhibitions, then you should work out the movement in a straight line, pick up the pace at which the whole beauty of the Pekingese movement is revealed. This will highlight him when running in the ring. Do not use force when training, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result.

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