Install PhpMyAdmin on various operating systems

PhpMyAdmin is a free project for web developers designed to simplify interaction with MySQL databases. The tool is written in PHP and operates through any web browser. For its normal operation, it is necessary that the system has a web server, PHP and MySQL installed. This article will focus on installing PhpMyAdmin on various operating systems - Ubuntu, Centos, and Debian.

Install PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu

Before you install the program on this system, you need to have a LAMP bundle in it. The first term in the abbreviation means that the Linux family system will be used.

phpmyadmin centos installation

Apache - -. MySql - . PHP - , -. , , PHP- . . PhpMyAdmin.


, . . Apache Ubuntu :

  • sudo apt-get update - ;
  • sudo apt-get install apache2 - .

, sudo, root. , . Y. localhost. , .

phpmyadmin installation

MySQL. , . : sudo apt-get install mysql-server. root. , root Ubuntu, MySQL.

Ubuntu PHP. , . , : sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql. LAMP . sudo systemctl restart apache2.

/var/www/html/. PHP, :

  • <?php
  • phpinfo()
  • ?>

phpmyadmin ubuntu installation

localhost/_.php , .


PhpMyAdmin Ubuntu , - . : sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin. , . Apache. , dbconfig-common, . - MySQL. PhpMyAdmin. -: sudo systemctl restart apache2. localhost/phpmyadmin : , .

CentOS PhpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin CentOS LAMP. Ubuntu. , Yum - : sudo yum install httpd.


  • sudo systemctl start httpd
  • sudo systemctl enable httpd

, localhost .

MySQL. Linux, , CentOS MariaDB: sudo yum install mariadb-server.


  • sudo systemctl start mariadb
  • sudo systemctl enable mariadb

root, : sudo mysql_secure_installation. .

PHP : sudo yum install php php-pear php-gd php-mysql.

install phpmyadmin debian

, -: sudo systemctl restart httpd.

PhpMyAdmin. : sudo yum install phpmyadmin

, Ubuntu, - PhpMyAdmin : localhost/phpmyadmin. PhpMyAdmin CentOS .

PhpMyAdmin Debian

Debian Ubuntu . , PhpMyAdmin Debian Ubuntu . , root, sudo .

LAMP PhpMyAdmin . , , . , . PhpMyAdmin .

In addition, the Network for various distributions has a ready-made set of the LAMP kit, which can be installed in one line. Naturally, its assembly is carried out not by official manufacturers of products, so sometimes their versions may be slightly outdated. Manual installation makes it possible to use the latest versions. And after completing all the procedures, the owner will receive a convenient and fast component for managing their databases.

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