Many people think that cats do not get sick. In reality, unfortunately, this is not so. There are cat diseases that everyone should know about who plans to have a tailed purr in the house or already own it.
So, let's look at the known feline diseases and their symptoms. Let's start with the viral ones. The most dangerous feline disease is panleukopenia. This is a highly contagious viral disease. The disease can be characterized as follows: it affects the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, there is a significant decrease in white blood cells in the blood. The causative agent of this disease is a DNA-containing virus of the parvovirus family.
This cat's disease (photos of sick animals cause only compassion and a great desire to help these kids) is quite common in our country, in the states of Asia and Europe. Most often, massive diseases were recorded in late autumn and spring. This is due to the seasonal dynamics of the birth rate of kittens. Note that this disease is characterized by latent virus carriage. The spread of this feline disease is facilitated by ticks, as well as mosquitoes. The most common type of infection is fecal-oral. Although there have been cases that the infection occurred by the oral-nasal route. The incubation period is from two days to two weeks.
Panleukopenia is a feline viral disease. Symptoms and treatment
The disease can manifest itself in three forms: acute, super acute and subacute. The second type of ailment is mainly observed in small kittens under the age of three months. The disease begins suddenly, babies stop sucking mother-cat breasts , refuse food, quickly lose weight and constantly squeak. Unfortunately, the death of kittens in this case occurs within the first two days.
The following symptoms are characteristic of the acute form: general depression, vomiting, fever up to 41 degrees. After a couple of days, diarrhea appears. First, watery-bile, later mucus appears mixed with blood. Abdominal tenderness and bloating are also observed. With a favorable course, cats recover in a week. If an adverse course occurs, then dehydration occurs, a decrease in white blood cells is observed, and the electrolyte balance is disturbed. In this case, the body temperature decreases to 37-38 degrees. A similar symptom is a sign of an unfavorable prognosis.
In the subacute course of the disease, all the same symptoms are observed as in acute, but less pronounced. In this case, symptoms develop gradually over a week or two.
The disease is diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs, research results. A special test is used to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment of feline disease in this case is carried out comprehensively. Globulins such as Vitafel and Globfel are used at an early stage. They are used twice, sometimes three times. To activate cellular immunity, immunomodulators of a new generation are used. To maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, a solution of sulfocamphocaine is used. To suppress vomiting - antiemetic, for example, Metoclopramide. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are also used. To restore the electrolyte balance, various solutions are administered intravenously or subcutaneously, for example, Ringer's lactate solution.
Leukemia (leukemia)
This is a viral disease of cats. In this case, malignant lesions affect the hematopoietic system and lymphoid. The causative agent is an oncogenic virus of type C. Typically, infection occurs through the feed, as well as gustnatally.
This disease develops slowly, usually hidden. This disease of cats often manifests itself after exposure to adverse factors. For example, there was a sharp change in feed or content.
Symptoms of Leukemia
The disease usually occurs in a chronic or latent form. In a chronic course, there are three stages: prodromal, clinical, and terminal. The main symptoms of the disease are: anemia, depression, loss of appetite, gradual exhaustion, impaired heart function.
In the results of the analyzes, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left is observed . The hematocrit is gradually reduced, the number of red blood cells decreases.
If we talk about the hidden form, then it is not accompanied by the development of clinical signs, for a long time does not appear, but under the influence of stresses, a vivid development of the disease can occur.
Leukemia Diagnosis and treatment
How is feline disease diagnosed? Now let's figure it out. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a number of studies, including histological. For confirmation, special test systems and enzyme immunoassay methods are also used.
Note that with this disease, pathogenetic and etiotropic therapy has not been developed. An insignificant effect from treatment can be achieved using immunomodulators with cytotoxic drugs.
Infectious Respiratory Diseases
This is the common name for highly contagious acute mixed infections. For such feline diseases are characteristic: catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity and conjunctiva. These diseases include calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, and a runny nose.
Typically, infection occurs by airborne droplets and contact. Although it is impossible to exclude the transmission path. The incubation period is different, depending on the specific pathogen. For example, a viral infection is characterized by a period of 3 to 19 days.
These infections also take various forms, for example, super acute, subacute, latent and chronic.
Herpes virus infection
Usually, with a herpes virus infection, an over-acute course of the disease is observed. Typically, this happens in kittens aged from a week to a month and a half. Usually, everything starts suddenly, there is a strong swelling of the oral mucosa. During this period, kittens cannot suck milk from their mother, as a result of which they can die within a day.
The characteristic signs for a viral infection in acute form are: an increase in body temperature up to 41 degrees, depression, flatulence, soreness of the abdomen, swelling of the mucous membranes, frequent breathing. Further, abundant outflow from the eyes, nose may appear. Also, the appearance of shortness of breath, coughing and severe salivation is not ruled out. Sometimes it happens that in the soft and hard palate the animal develops ulcers. They also appear in the language. As a result, the cat refuses water, food. Because of this, dehydration may occur.
The chronic course of the disease is often observed in the presence of secondary bacterial infections. In a latent form, the disease does not appear in any way, however, during the study, some infectious and pathological changes can be identified.
Calcivirosis. Symptoms
The acute course of the disease can be characterized by the following symptoms: short-term fever, swelling of the nasal mucosa, discharge from the eyes, nose.
It often happens that a sick animal has a cough and sneeze. The duration of the disease is about two weeks. After which the animal usually recovers. Sometimes calcivirus infection causes various and secondary bacterial infections. As a result, the cat may have bronchitis or gastroenteritis.
How to identify an infectious respiratory infection? Treatment
An accurate diagnosis can only be made on the basis of laboratory tests. During treatment, individual complex therapy is selected. Immunomodulators are used. They are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
Sulfocamphocaine, Essential Forte, glucose solution and physiological saline are also used. All of these drugs are administered subcutaneously. To accelerate healing of ulcers, injections of Actovegin are injected intramuscularly.
Urolithiasis disease
Such a diagnosis is often made by veterinarians in cats clinics. As a rule, this ailment is chronic. Urolithiasis feline disease is a disease of the lower urinary tract.
An ailment begins to appear unexpectedly. First, the pet lingers on the tray for a long time. But at the same time there are no signs of urination. Another symptom of the disease is an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. In this case, the animal becomes lethargic. Then there are more threatening signs:
- pain during urination;
- frequent urge without any discharge of urine;
- stagnation of urine;
- traces of blood in the urine.
Symptoms of intoxication are also observed, namely vomiting and lack of appetite. If you do not start treatment urgently, then within a few days the animal may die. This cat disease can be caused by an infection, a hereditary predisposition, as well as improper feeding, lack of water, early castration and a large number of fish in the diet.
Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis
Diagnosis is based on a number of examinations. Ultrasound is usually done, an x-ray. Blood is also taken for biochemical research to accurately confirm this particular feline disease. How to treat a cat if such a serious diagnosis is made?
If the animal was not in critical condition to the veterinarian, while the stones are small, they do not cause injury to the urethra, then medications are prescribed. They can be used at home. In this case, drugs are prescribed that “break” the stones, stimulate the excretion of urine in the usual way, as well as antispasmodics.
If this therapy does not help, then a catheter is placed in the cat's bladder. In critical situations, surgery is performed. In severe conditions, droppers that support the body are also used.
Other cat diseases
The aforementioned ailments are very serious and common feline diseases. Now let's talk about what diseases these animals are also susceptible to. Cats can be diagnosed with various diseases of the cardiovascular system:
- Myocarditis, which is characterized by inflammation of the heart muscle. Usually acute or chronic. The diagnosis is made on the basis of signs and ECG data.
- Endocarditis. A disease characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
- Arteriosclerosis. With such an ailment, proliferation of connective tissue occurs in the walls of the vessels.
Also, various diseases of the respiratory system occur in cats. Doctors often make such diagnoses as: laryngitis, bronchitis, pleurisy. Sometimes pneumonia occurs.
Do not forget about cat skin diseases. The most common ailment is dermatitis. Also, cats have pyoderma, phlegmon, toxidermy.
Little conclusion
In our article, various feline diseases were considered, their symptoms are indicated, as well as transmission routes. In addition, methods for diagnosing and treating ailments have been described. We hope that this information was not only interesting, but also useful.