With the advent of the first-born, newly-made parents have not only a huge number of pleasant worries, but also many questions. Particularly worrying is the problem of baby sleep. After all, all hopes that babies fall asleep on their own and sleep for hours, collapse in the first week of communication with the newborn. Some have to rock a child for hours, while others have to lie next to him throughout the night. But the issue of baby sleep can be solved without any problems. You just need a little patience!
Sleep is an important element of harmonious development.
Quality sleep plays a big role in the life of any person. Adults spend a third of their lives in the kingdom of Morpheus. Proper sleep is also very important for a baby who is awake only 6-7 hours a day. If a small child does not want to fall asleep during the day, then something is bothering him. A healthy preschool child must have a day's rest.
Sleep is an essential component in the mental and physical development of a small person. It is during rest that growth hormone is produced. Especially important is the phase of deep sleep. At this time, new cells appear in the body, and the brain rests. Therefore, if the child does not fall asleep himself during the day, then he should definitely help. You need to tell a fairy tale or sing a song to your baby.
Hyperactivity in children can often be the result of a lack of night sleep. Lack of sleep leads to the fact that the baby can not control his emotions. The result is excessive tearfulness and moodiness. Many parents try to remedy the situation with the help of medications. But the only thing that needs to be done is to establish the correct sleep of the child.
Features of sleep in babies
In babies, as in adults, sleep is divided into phases. It seems to many that they continuously sleep from evening to morning, but in fact they have to wake up several times a night. The only difference is that adults can easily fall asleep on their own and often do not even remember their nightly awakenings. But the child does not fall asleep on his own until a certain age. If he has already woken up, he may need the help of mom or dad.
The sleep of children older than one year is already becoming more like an adult. Many children can already sleep without the help of their parents all night. Some even in a separate room. But often it still happens that the child does not want to fall asleep without parents. Despite this, after a year the baby can already be accustomed to an independent sleeping place.
Baby's diet and sleep patterns
Breastfed babies eat almost constantly. Maternal breasts for them are not only a source of nutrition. With the help of sucking, the baby quickly calms down and falls asleep. This is not a problem for mothers who adhere to the natural parenthood scheme. They offer the breast to the child at his first request.
It has long been proven that breast milk does not burden the babyβs stomach. A child can eat even during sleep. But parents whose babies are breast-fed, should pay special attention to the organization of sleep and nutrition.
Children, whose weight already exceeds 6 kg, may well sleep all night without feeding. Parents should teach their child from an early age that the digestion process stops in the evening. An exception, of course, is breastfeeding. It is advisable to give the baby a mixture no later than an hour before a night's sleep. If this rule is not observed, do not be surprised that the baby does not fall asleep after feeding.
If the baby does wake up at night, you can offer him a drink of water. Just a few days - and you can forget about night insomnia.
The benefits and harms of sharing sleep
Psychologists of the world never tire of repeating that sharing a dream with a child plays a huge role in his psycho-emotional development. The baby always feels safe, and therefore sleeps peacefully. In addition, joint sleep allows you to establish lactation from the very first days. Despite this, many parents, even before giving birth, are wondering how to teach their children to fall asleep themselves. However, some immediately prefer to settle the baby in a separate room.
Up to three months, each baby needs close contact with the mother. It is vital for him to feel her smell, to feel the warmth of her body. Therefore, sleeping together at this age is especially important. If a child falls asleep with hysteria, he should definitely be put in his bed!
Moms who sleep next to their baby all night get a good night's sleep. After all, there is no need to get up for feeding. The baby can independently find the breast of the mother lying nearby. In this case, you can control the body temperature of the baby, and also respond to any of its needs. Joint sleep also contributes to the rapid physical development of the child.
Sometimes you still have to think about how to teach a child to fall asleep on his own. Too sensitive mothers may be afraid to harm their child. In this case, the dream can not be called quality. Not the best option is a joint dream with both parents if the father does not deny himself the use of alcohol. Alcohol significantly reduces sensitivity, which means that there is a likelihood of suffocation of the baby in a dream.
Baby falls asleep with breast
Many young children get used to falling asleep during feeding. Mom does not disturb this moment until a certain time. Sucking is one of the most important reflexes of a newborn. Therefore, even if the child is not hungry, he quickly falls asleep, only a few minutes sucking his chest. This is a very convenient and quick way to put your baby to bed.
Sometimes you still have to wean a child to fall asleep with a chest. It happens that the baby does not let go of the mother's breast during the whole sleep. In this case, the mother does not get enough sleep. In this case, breasts can only be offered when the baby is really hungry. But laying a baby to sleep will help a simple soother.
Today, there are practically no pediatricians who would not talk about her harm. Substitute maternal breasts, of course, does not benefit the baby. But it is not harmful, if used wisely. It is worth offering a baby's dummy just before bedtime. Giving a pacifier to a baby older than a year is not advisable.
The benefits and harms of motion sickness
Since ancient times, motion sickness was considered an effective way to calm a baby. They did this manually or with the help of special children's cradles. Our grandmothers and mothers rocked babies. Modern parents also use this method. But there are those who consider motion sickness harmful. They are partly right.
Many parents who are accustomed to rocking, the child falls asleep only on his hands. Putting him to bed even after falling asleep can be quite difficult. Any seemingly insignificant stimulus can wake the baby. In this case, the process of motion sickness has to be repeated again.
Children under one year old have a weak vestibular apparatus. Fast motion sickness can lead to a slowdown of the babyβs brain. What parents take for sleep can be a loss of consciousness. In this case, to teach a child to fall asleep without motion sickness is very important for his physical health.
Despite this, thanks to the gentle swaying, the newborn feels the caress of the parents. And the old people claim that people who are rocked in childhood grow up smart and calm.
How to teach a child to fall asleep without motion sickness?
Those who have taught their children to fall asleep with motion sickness will have to be patient. After all, the baby will not be able to get used to self-falling asleep not the first time. The process should be gradual. In the warm season, daytime sleep can be combined with a walk on the street. Fresh air contributes to a quick and calm sleep. Kids sleep in a stroller for a long time and soundly.
If the child falls asleep only on his hands, even on the street, a sling will come to the rescue. With this device, mom will not only be calm for her baby, but will also have time to do many things. Sling makes parents more mobile and children more relaxed.
How to teach a child to fall asleep on their own if the weather is bad? Before going to bed, the baby should spend its energy as much as possible. You should actively spend time with the baby. You can do gymnastics with him or play educational games. It is only necessary to send a child to sleep when he is really tired. In this case, the probability of self-falling asleep increases several times.
You should be prepared for the fact that motion sickness will be replaced by another ritual. Before bedtime, you can tell a baby a tale or sing a song. Thus, the baby will wean from parental hands and will sleep much harder.
When to transfer a child to a separate room?
When children themselves fall asleep in their room, parents have much more freedom. Spouses can pay attention to each other or solve important issues. But not everyone succeeds in relocating the baby from the very first days into their own room. Yes, and this is not necessary. Indeed, close contact between mother and child in the first years of life is especially important.
Many parents wonder when and how to teach a child to fall asleep on their own and in a separate room. There is no universal advice on this. Each child individually responds to events that occur around him. Some children are ready for independent existence in a separate space from the first days of life. But there are those who are afraid to be alone with themselves even at school age.
Parents should develop their own tactics for relocating the baby in a separate space. The first time you have to stay with the child until he falls asleep. The time spent with a son or daughter will need to be reduced daily. Do not worry if the process is too slow. And certainly you canβt shout at a child who is afraid to be alone with himself.
Relocating to a separate room is stress for the baby. Parents must do everything so that he can quickly overcome his own fears.
Insomnia in a child
Moms and dads who are wondering how to teach a child to fall asleep themselves may face the problem of child insomnia. A kid who is afraid to be alone, on a subconscious level, prepares himself for long wakefulness. After all, it is at this time that you can react to danger as quickly as possible. Habit can also cause you to stop sleeping. The baby has already formed a certain vision of life. Rocking - time to sleep, give breast - time to eat. Breaking such habits is quite difficult.
Causes of insomnia can also be found in other irritants. The baby will never fall asleep if he is hungry, thirsty or in pain. However, he will not only stay awake, but also behave uneasily. In this case, the process of moving the child to a separate room will have to be moved. Any changes in the life of the baby should occur when he is completely healthy and well-fed.
The atmosphere in the room also affects children's sleep. In the evening, it is worthwhile to ventilate the room. The optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees Celsius. If the room is too hot, the child will definitely not be able to fall asleep. Cold also does not contribute to a sound and long sleep.
Sleep and wake failure
Parents who do not know how to teach a child to fall asleep on their own often have to deal with the problem of disturbing their sleep patterns and wakefulness. Babies sleep for a long time during the day, and wake up at night and "walk" for a long time. The problem is solved quite simply. During the day you need to keep the baby awake for as long as possible. This, of course, is not easy. Have to come up with various fun and distract the baby in the most interesting ways. But just a few days - and the regime will be restored.
They help to establish the correct routine and contribute to the rapid fall asleep of some rituals. It is necessary to perform the same actions every day before bedtime. It can be water procedures, then feeding. Just before bedtime, playing active games with your baby is undesirable. But you can read a book with bright pictures.
Diet also matters when it comes to sleep. The penultimate feeding before a night's rest should not be satisfying. Then immediately before bedtime, the child will eat satisfyingly and for a long time fall asleep. At the same time, feeding the child later than an hour before falling asleep is not worth it. Food should be absorbed and not interfere with the full relaxation of the whole organism.
A child who has already switched to a one-day nap should fall asleep no later than noon. In this case, before the evening he will have time to gain new impressions and will be able to quickly and independently fall asleep in the evening.
Teaching your baby to sleep himself is not so simple. You should not rush into this matter. The time will come - and the child will wish everyone good night and will go to his bed without any problems. In the meantime, it is worth enjoying close contact with a small and such a native man.