What are ear plugs and are they safe?

what are ear plugs

First of all, let's find out just in case what are ear plugs? And this name is called special devices that are placed in the ear canal in order to protect a person from excessive noise both during sleep and in completely quiet rooms. But they are not always at hand. For example, in a film called “Destination 4”, in order to save from noise, the mother put tampons in the children’s ears, but we strongly recommend that you use more suitable means, say, cotton wool. And what are factory ear plugs, and what are they, in fact, made of? They are mainly made of foamed polyurethane or other elastic materials that are not conductors of sounds. Most doctors believe that ear plugs are completely harmless. They can be used by any person if he wants to get rid of excessive noise. But still, although almost everyone clearly understands what earplugs are, and how easy it is to use them, the question often arises: are they safe and is it harmful to use them every day?

ear plugs

This issue is controversial. If extraneous noises or the sounds of busy city life outside the window prevent you from falling asleep, then noise-free ear plugs are simply an irreplaceable, saving thing. Just put these little devices in your ears, and a relaxing holiday is guaranteed. Many scientists are sure that earplugs are not only completely harmless, but also save their presence from low-frequency sound, to which the human ear is very sensitive. As mentioned earlier, they can be purchased at the pharmacy, but devices made by an individual order in a workshop specially equipped for this will be ideal protectors.

Homemade ear plugs, that is, cotton wool, twisted in a special way and inserted into the ear canal, will perfectly help you get rid of extraneous noise. Such a device will protect you no worse than purchased. And you don’t have to worry at all about the safety of such “homemade products”.

antinoise ear plugs

However, not all so simple. What are ear plugs? This is what a person uses every day. With the constant use of something, the body begins to get used to it and, so to speak, “is losing ground”. If you resort to the help of an ear plug constantly, you will not be able to fall asleep in any way, except in complete silence. And your brain can and must defend itself from light external noise and go into sleep mode. With continued use of the ear plug, this ability is dulled. So take breaks in using your little helpers.

There is one more thing that all people who use ear plugs need to remember. Ideally, these devices are designed for single use only, but in rare cases, people adhere to this rule. If you do not intend to buy a new pair every night, be sure to store your earplugs in a clean and dust-proof container. And even more so do not share them with everyone. These are commonplace rules of hygiene, and if you do not follow them, then you will only get worse. And few of us wish evil for ourselves. Therefore, excellent health and strong and happy dreams!

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