"Clotrimazole" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

In the expectation period of a baby, a pregnant woman experiences a lot of pleasant emotions. Especially when the child begins to communicate with his mother by stirring. He rejoices when a woman eats sweets, loves fresh air and is active when her mother goes to bed. But sometimes, in addition to pleasant sensations, some troubles may appear. If at the next visit to the gynecologist conducting the pregnancy, it turns out that the smear tests have deviations from the norm, it is necessary to treat the infection. When Clotrimazole is prescribed during pregnancy, how safe is it, how to drink it? This will be discussed in the article.

Features of the immunity of a pregnant woman

A future mother has a lot of different changes in her body. This is due to the intensity of the process of fetal formation. A developing embryo requires maximum return, therefore, all systems and organs of a pregnant woman work to meet these needs.

clotrimazole suppository pregnancy

It’s not easy for a woman. She should try to lead a healthy lifestyle, move actively, eat well. Do not overeat, because then there will be excess weight, swelling may occur. But eating enough vitamins and minerals is a must.

The body's defenses become very weakened. And then diseases can visit him. The reason for the weakening of immunity is the process of rejection, which occurs if a foreign body enters the body. In this case, the foreign body is the embryo, which develops due to the presence of mother's and father's cells.

Gift for Infections

Pathogens are delighted with the weakness of the body's defenses. As a rule, the first such situation is used precisely by fungal infections. Then, when passing a smear, the presence of candidiasis is diagnosed. The popular name for this disease is thrush. Such a manifestation of a fungal infection should not cause fear in the expectant mother, but the disease will have to be treated. And it’s not so difficult.

How to treat thrush

"Clotrimazole" from thrush - a tool known for a long time. It is affordable and effective in influencing fungal infections. This medication is prescribed during pregnancy in order to successfully defeat not only candidiasis, but also other diseases caused by the activity that pathogenic microflora shows. How safe is the drug for the developing fetus? We will talk about this later.

Is clotrimazole possible during pregnancy?

How safe is it for pregnant women to take Clotrimazole?

"Clotrimazole" from thrush is often prescribed. Only a doctor has the right to establish a diagnosis, determine the correct dose of the drug, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. The appointment of "Clotrimazole" during pregnancy is almost always practiced. Even if you want to choose a more expensive drug, it will also be based on the use of the components of Clotrimazole.

clotrimazole pregnancy instructions

It is important to consider that "Clotrimazole" during pregnancy is prohibited in the early stages. Therefore, in the first trimester, this drug is not prescribed. When pregnancy has passed into the development stage of the second trimester, there is no prohibition for the use of this medication if it is prescribed by a doctor. When you decide to use this medicine on your own on the advice of friends or acquaintances, you risk harming not only yourself, but also the baby. After all, every organism is individual.

Indications for use of this drug

"Clotrimazole" during pregnancy is prescribed if the diagnosis yields results on the presence of:

  • thrush - affection with Candida;
  • vulvovaginitis due to the active behavior of the fungus;
  • candidal stomatitis;
  • when the area of ​​the birth canal was sanitized in the process of preparing for childbirth, and pathogenic microorganisms, pathogens were concentrated in the vaginal area;
  • skin lesions in the form of lichen or mycosis.
clotrimazole tablets during pregnancy

If these problems are present, you will need to use Clotrimazole tablets during pregnancy. Vaginal tablets have remarkable properties for quickly eliminating infections concentrated in the vulva and vagina. For successful therapy, it is important that both a woman and a man are treated.


Can Clotrimazole be given during pregnancy? Yes, but not at all times. It was previously indicated that such actions are unacceptable for the first trimester of gestation. What are the reasons for such restrictions? The ban is due to a number of objective reasons:

  • laying in the first three months of the fetal organs;
  • the greatest vulnerability of the embryo in this period when any intervention is undesirable;
  • the formation in the mother’s body of a full-fledged placenta, which will deliver to the baby both useful components and not too good if the woman allows the intake of harmful drugs.
clotrimazole during pregnancy reviews

If harmful substances pass through the placenta to the baby, it is difficult to even predict the possibility of consequences from taking medication. In laboratory conditions, clinical trials of the effect of "Clotrimazole" on fetal development were not conducted, so as not to risk the condition of the baby. It is important to remember that in the first trimester, taking this medicine is prohibited.

Overview of the instructions for use of the drug

"Clotrimazole" is an artificial antibacterial and antifungal agent. It is he who is characteristic of the manifestation of high activity in the fight against fungus. The use of this substance helps to suppress the activity of bacteria such as:

  • gardnerella;
  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus.

If the drug is used in a small dose, it will not provoke the disease, but rather will ensure a slowdown in the further development of harmful flora. If the dosage is sufficient, the structure of the fungus will be destroyed. Hydrogen peroxide during its accumulation will help to achieve this effect.

clotrimazole for thrush

The instruction to "Clotrimazole" during pregnancy indicates contraindications for taking the drug in the first trimester. Until recently, this practice was widespread. If the tests revealed the presence of a fungal infection in the future mother, gynecologists actively prescribed treatment with this agent to remove the pathogenic microflora that infected the genitals. To date, this practice is not used, since there are high potential risks. The appointment of "Clotrimazole" is practiced no earlier than in the second trimester. To take the drug, you will need the advice of a gynecologist.

Drug release options

It is possible to choose one of the three available options for the release form of Clotrimazole. They differ in the features of use and dosage. The drug may take the following forms:

  • Vaginal suppositories. The use of Clotrimazole suppositories during pregnancy is especially popular. Since candles have a local effect. A selection of blisters is available from six, three or one candle per pack. The manufacturer carefully ensured the availability of an applicator to successfully administer the medication. In this form, clotrimazole is concentrated in the amount of 500, 200 and 100 mg. Auxiliary components are tartaric acid, aerosil, starch, lactose and soda.
  • Creams (ointments) at a concentration of 1 percent. The drug is available in aluminum tubes. A cardboard box is used as packaging, where the instructions for use lie inside. The main element is also clotrimazole with the addition of cetostearyl alcohol, purified water, evantol G, Span 60.
clotrimazole ointment

  • A solution in a concentration of 1 percent, supplied in the form of bottles equipped with a dropper in the form of a dropper. Additional ingredients are components of ethanol and isopropyl myristinate.

What do women say about the drug

Reviews about “Clotrimazole” during pregnancy make it possible to establish that it is the shape of the candles that is optimal for future mothers to take, since a tabletted drug in a higher concentration enters the bloodstream and passes through it to the baby. Suppositories and ointment have a local effect and are not harmful to the child. But the ointment is not enough to apply to the external genitalia. It is better for men. A woman will recommend candles to a woman. The frequency of their use will depend on the complexity of the condition.

To summarize

If a pregnant woman is found to have fungal infections, this is not very scary. But it is important to take up treatment at the very first stage of diagnosis. In most cases, the doctor will prescribe an effective drug such as Clotrimazole. It is prohibited in the early stages, but from the second trimester to the appointment of this medication there are no contraindications. Get healthy!

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