If you are registered in the popular social network Instagram, then you are sure to regularly post your new photos there. Indeed, using this service you can achieve very great popularity. If your page is actively visited, then for sure other users leave their comments under the photos. Thus, the pictures look “live”, not empty. By clicking on the photo, you can also read comments from other users. Accordingly, your subscribers will not be bored. On the Instagram network, comments are also currently very popular. This is the only way that users can rate photos and also communicate with each other. In this article, we decided to talk about how you can edit reviews,as well as how to delete a comment on Instagram, because these questions are currently of concern to many. However, everything is in order.
Let's talk about comments on the Instagram social network first. We have already mentioned that they are the only way to communicate. However, comments are endowed with many additional features for the convenience of users. Entering a message on the Instagram social network is really very convenient. If you already had to leave comments under photos, then you probably know about it. Besides the fact that you can leave feedback, you also have a special opportunity with which you can tag people. In the same way, a message can be addressed to a specific user. After you leave a review, the selected person will receive a special notification on their page. If you still don’t know how to edit a comment on Instagram, then we can tell you right away that this procedure is not complicated,and if you wish, you can at any time edit the messages left under the photos. I would like to mention one more important point. You can only edit your own comments; there is no function that would make it possible to edit other people's statements.
Recipient Selection
Let's now figure out how to correctly mark users in the comments, because in this way you can create more comfortable and convenient communication. Before creating a new review, you will need to set a special symbol - @. Then you should start writing the username of the user to whom you want to address this letter. Further, the system in automatic mode will provide you with a list of participants in the system, where you should choose the person you want to highlight. Also, if you have a question how to delete a comment on Instagram, then you should proceed as described below.System limitations
We pass to the main thing. As we mentioned earlier, you can delete only those comments that you personally left. Therefore, you should not try to exclude other people's messages, since you will not achieve any result at all. So, let's move on to the issue of how to remove a comment on Instagram. In fact, everything is very simple, and you should only adhere to the instructions given.
First you need to find the photo under which you previously left a comment. Next, under the picture on the left, you can see a small icon. It has the form of comments. Next, click on the edit button. There you can get removal options. As you can see for yourself, the question of how to delete a comment on Instagram is uncomplicated and quickly resolved.