Dot matrix printer Epson LX-350. Specifications, setup and reviews

Epson LX-350 . . , . , . .

Manual for Epson LX-350

Epson LX-350 :

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  2. USB.
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, , . Windows. .

, Epson LX-350. , . 9 . 240144. 4 . .

Features Epson LX-350


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- USB. LPT. COM, 10 . , .

Epson LX-350. :

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  6. .


Epson LX-350 14000-14500 . . , .


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Epson lx-350

It is important to understand that the Epson LX-350 is a purely specialized device. He has excellent specifications for his niche. But if it is possible to use a more modern printer based on the inkjet or laser method, then it is better to choose it.

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