Stretch marks during pregnancy: what to do? Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes changes. They occur not only inside, but also outside. Most often, women during pregnancy suffer from stretch marks that appear on their skin. They occur on the inside and outside of the thighs, chest, and abdomen. How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy? The article will discuss the causes of their occurrence and methods of prevention.

What are stretch marks?

Specialists call striae completely painless and non-hazardous skin defects. Their harm lies in an unaesthetic appearance that spoils the beauty of the female body. Due to the loss of elasticity caused by weight fluctuations, the inner layers of the skin are deformed and micro-fractures appear in them. The connective tissue is penetrated by blood vessels, when they stretch, they burst, which leads to the red color of the striae. Over time, the damaged skin is restored, so stretch marks acquire a light shade.

Causes of Stretch Marks

The appearance of striae is associated with a rupture of the deep layers of the skin, which occurs due to insufficient production of elastin and collagen. The skin's ability to stretch is reduced, microcracks are formed, which are replaced by connective tissue of a different shade.

The main causes of stretch marks during pregnancy, according to experts, are as follows:

  1. Hormonal restructuring of the body. In this regard, the sensitivity of the skin changes.
  2. The skin does not have time to adapt to the growth rate of the abdomen. This is especially true for multiple pregnancy.
  3. Dramatic weight gain. Pregnant women should control their body weight and prevent its increase.
  4. Genetic predisposition causes the appearance of stretch marks, if they were in female relatives. Thin inelastic skin can be inherited.
  5. An insufficient amount of vitamins during the period of bearing a child.
  6. Features of the complexion of the future mother.
Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy

To reduce the manifestation of striae, it is necessary to apply a cream from stretch marks or use products prepared at home.

The first signs of striae

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy? They occur in the 2-3 trimester when the fetus grows rapidly.

The area of ​​the skin on which the stretch marks appear begins to turn pink. There is an itch and a desire to scratch the stomach. Shades of striae can vary. They become both pink and red-brown. Striae can be convex. The size of stretch marks is from 1 to 3 cm in length and from 1 to 5 ml in thickness.

Stretch Mark Zones

Striae can be seen in different parts of the body. Most located stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy. And also on the stomach and hips. To avoid their appearance is quite difficult, because they largely depend on the genetic predisposition and hormonal changes that occur in the body.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Striae on the hips occur after pregnancy and are located at the top. Stretch marks on the chest are less noticeable, so it’s easier to hide them. Reducing them is easiest than striae in other parts of the body.

On the stomach, stretch marks can quickly increase in size and become deep and bright. The most difficult to eliminate. Striae are formed where the skin is thinned the most. And this continues until it is stretched to the desired result.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

As soon as striae appear, it is necessary to deal with their reduction immediately. To do this, take the following:

  1. Physical activity. Women during pregnancy should do exercises and more likely to be in the fresh air. Exercise improves blood circulation, as well as skin condition.
  2. Diet. In the diet of women should be present poultry, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Calcium and potassium rich foods will be especially beneficial. It is useful to consume olive oil containing vitamins A and E. It is better to limit the amount of sugar in the diet.
  3. Water treatments. A contrast shower is a way to prevent striae. It makes the skin supple and resilient. A contrast shower is used only after consulting a specialist.
  4. Supportive underwear. Properly selected clothing will help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. The bandage removes the load from the spine, supporting the stomach and prevents the occurrence of striae. A prenatal bra is used for the breast. Thanks to him, the mammary glands are supported, taking into account their size. The bra maintains a beautiful breast shape and prevents the formation of striae on it.
  5. Salon procedures. In addition to cosmetics for stretch marks during pregnancy, they can be eliminated with the help of a wrap of algae and baths with mineral salts. All products must be natural and approved for use during pregnancy.
  6. Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy. There are many drugs that have a positive effect. You need to apply a moisturizer starting from the first trimester of pregnancy.
Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

The use of these recommendations in combination will significantly reduce the manifestation of stretch marks.

Proper nutrition

To avoid stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy, as well as on the chest and hips, it is necessary to include the following products in the diet:

  • The menu should contain dishes containing white meat. The proteins that make up its composition do not allow collagen to break down.
  • Fatty fish (trout, salmon) should be included in the diet. They are a source of omega-3, 5, and 9 acids, which help the skin maintain elasticity.
  • On the table should always be greens, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Sugar intake should be reduced. After all, it binds collagen fibers to each other, so they become very stiff.
  • The diet should include fermented milk products containing calcium.
  • You should eat cereals containing potassium.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be balanced and contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Home scrubs

Are there any stretch marks during pregnancy? What to do? The most important issue of concern to women during this period. Indeed, many of the expectant mothers are at risk.

The following remedies are used to eliminate stretch marks:

  • Coffee scrub. It is based on natural coffee beans. 2 tbsp. spoons must be crushed to the state of cereals. To them add 2 teaspoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, white clay and peach oil. To the mixture add 0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon and 3-4 drops of shower gel. The scrub is mixed and applied to places where stretch marks begin to appear. This is best done after a shower. Massage for 2-3 minutes, rinse with water. Moisturize with a cream of vitamin A.
  • Sugar salt scrub. The tool is one of the most effective. Mix a glass of salt and sugar. Then add 1/2 cup almond or olive oil.

The use of scrubs acts as a prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy and significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

Application of oils

Remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy

In most cases, stretch marks during pregnancy can be eliminated over an extended period. Thanks to massage, it is possible to reduce this effect faster. For this, oils containing Vitamin E are used to make the skin supple and elastic. These include:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • almond;
  • rosemary.

In addition to these funds, coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is widely used. It must be gently rubbed into problem areas (abdomen, hips and sides).

Coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Coconut oil is completely safe for the health of mother and baby. Its unique properties heal, soothe and moisturize the skin. A few days after using coconut oil, there will be a significant reduction in stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy, as well as the number of striae on the hips.

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

The most effective ways to eliminate striae include creams prepared at home. They can reduce the skin defect and improve its general condition.

Masks for stretch marks during pregnancy

The best cream for stretch marks during pregnancy based on aloe is prepared quite simply. For its preparation, the following components are used: olive oil, aloe juice and 10 drops of vitamin A and E. It is necessary to use a cream for stretch marks during pregnancy 2 times a day. Before use, it is heated. To get the best result, it is applied to the skin with a massage sponge.

Mummy based product. It not only eliminates stretch marks on the hips, but also improves the condition of other problem areas. The cream is prepared as follows: soak the natural mummy in a small amount of water. The resulting mass is mixed with baby cream. To remove a specific smell, add a few drops of essential oil of orange or other citrus to it.

The tool is rubbed into problem areas once a day.

Stretch Wraps

An excellent effect for getting rid of striae is wraps. The composition of the product for them includes algae. Wraps enhance blood circulation and prevent the appearance of edema.

For the procedure, you can use coconut oil from stretch marks during pregnancy. Before use, it should be heated.

Cream for stretch marks

The best way is to prevent dry skin. As an external remedy, you can apply the following creams for stretch marks during pregnancy:

  1. Avent. It can be used during and after pregnancy. Moderate composition will not harm the unborn baby. As a result of application, the skin will become soft and stretch marks will disappear.
  2. "Bepanthol" (emulsion). Helps to eliminate existing striae, and also prevents their occurrence. The composition contains olive oil, vitamin B5, Centella asiatica extract.
  3. Elancyl Cream. Effectively fights with stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy. It is necessary to apply within 2-3 months. The composition includes blue algae.
  4. Cream Mama comfort. The composition of the product includes components that restore the destroyed structure of the skin. The cream is used both for prevention and to eliminate existing striae.
  5. Vichy Cream. The tool is not suitable for all women. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. The basis of the cream is thermal water. He is able to restore the structure of the skin and restore its elasticity.
  6. Mustela Cream. Prevents the appearance of new stretch marks and fights with existing ones, significantly reducing their size. The tool perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  7. Cream Clarins. The cream acts as a prophylactic and reduces the size of striae. The product has nourishing and moisturizing properties. It restores the hydrolipidic balance, and also reduces the red shade of striae.
  8. Cream "Green Mom". The product is of good quality because it is made from natural ingredients. The composition of the best cream for stretch marks during pregnancy includes seaweed (kelp and spirulina), as well as essential oils. It strengthens muscle fibers and has a drainage effect.
  9. Cream Roc. The cream can be used to fight striae, only after the cessation of lactation. Use from stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy is not recommended. The result will be noticeable 2 months after the start of its use.
  10. Eveline Cream Effectively apply a means to restore shape, while stretch marks become invisible.
What to do with stretch marks

The above is an incomplete list of remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy. It is important to choose the most effective cream and start its application.


Stretch marks during pregnancy harm the beauty of the skin of a woman. To get rid of them, there are not only special creams, but also funds that can be used at home. At the same time, it is important for pregnant women to eat right, take walks in the fresh air and constantly moisturize the skin.

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