Schnauzers of all kinds: description and photo

Dog lovers will certainly appreciate a breed like the Schnauzer. These animals come in several forms. Between themselves, they differ in physical parameters (height, weight, color, etc.). But there are general characteristics - this is devotion to the owner, complaisance and friendliness. Read more about what characteristics schnauzers of all kinds have in this material.

schnauzers of all kinds

Breed description

Despite the fact that there are several types of schnauzers, they all have characteristic external signs. This breed of dog is different:

  • massive body;
  • rectangular oval of the skull;
  • flattened muzzle;
  • stiffness;
  • bushy eyebrows;
  • the presence of an elongated "beard";
  • small triangular, high-set hanging ears;
  • sweeping trot movements.


From the German language, the word "Schnauzer" is literally translated as "mustache." Schnauzers of all kinds are descendants of pinschers. The breed appeared in Bavaria. These dogs served as assistants on the farm. They were used for cattle herding, guarding, catching rats and moles (hard coat protects the dog from bites of rodents).

The breed name appeared in 1789, when a wire-haired pinscher named Schnauzer won the competition. Then this breed of dogs had a very different color, and only after the approval of a new species as a result of cultivation, two species were fixed - “pepper and salt” and black.

The standard was approved only in 1923. This breed was very popular in the Soviet years. But today, due to the unique characteristics and unpretentiousness in care, the breed "Schnauzer" is in high demand. How many species of it are registered today? We will answer this question below.

Schnauzer: how many species

Types of Schnauzers

The following types of breed "Schnauzer" are distinguished:

  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • mittelschnauzer;
  • miniature schnauzer.

All of them are similar to each other both externally and by habits. But only schnauzers take part in professional competitions.

Below we will tell more about the representatives of each species of breed.

Schnauzers of all kinds: photos

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer - this is the largest representative of this breed. Its height reaches 70 cm, and the weight of an adult varies from 35-47 kg. This is a massive stately representative of the breed. The dog’s posture and movements are graceful and graceful.

At first glance, it seems that this animal is masterful and can not be trained. But this statement is erroneous. The Giant Schnauzer is very hardworking, active, sociable and devoted to his master. This type is distinguished by high intelligence - the giant schnauzer quickly learns. Despite the energy, he is diligent and attentive to the execution of the commands of the owner. Thanks to the complaisant disposition, such a large dog is not scared to start in a house where there is a small child - the animal will become a protector and friend for the baby. Schnauzers of all kinds differ in these character traits. Photos of dogs of this breed are provided in our article.

Interestingly, such a famous person as Yuri Nikulin, was the owner of a coal-black Giant Schnauzer named Fedor. This dog was a loyal friend of the actor and outlived his owner for only 4 years. At the grave of Yuri Nikulin, a monument was opened, which depicts an actor sitting down to rest on the edge of the arena after the performance, and a faithful friend, the dog Fedor, lay down next to him.

Schnauzer breed: how many species?


The Mittelschnauzer is a representative of a medium-sized breed. Its height is from 45 to 50 cm, and its weight is 14-20 kg. This species is the ancestor of the breed.

Today, schnauzers are bred according to the established international standard (FSA No. 182). The external characteristics are very similar to each other schnauzers of all kinds. Photos of these dogs are provided in our article.

Representatives of this species of breed are smart, well trained, energetic. In order to raise a dog from a puppy at the level of established standards, attention should be paid to the development of obedience and perseverance of the animal. A cheerful disposition and activity encourage long walks in the fresh air and regular games with the middling schnauzer.

A representative of this type of breed will become not only a devoted pet, but also a worthy defender of its owners. The Mittelschnauzer is used in cynology - they are used in the service of the troops, the Ministry of Emergencies and the police. Such dogs are able to detect narcotic and explosive substances, weapons, take part in the detention of a lawbreaker, as well as in various kinds of rescue operations.

Got a celebrity worldwide mittelschnauzer named George. He showed extraordinary abilities in medicine - this dog is able to detect by the smell the presence of malignant cells in the human body.

It should also be noted that it is this type of schnauzer breed that is most often perpetuated in monuments, sculptures and paintings.

Species of the breed Schnauzer

Miniature schnauzer

Schnauzers of all kinds can become pets: mini, standard and even large. But the miniature schnauzers are still leaders in the list of dogs acquired as a friend. This is the smallest breed. Zvergas are 30–35 cm tall and weigh up to 8 kg. The word “miniature” is literally translated from German as “dwarf”. Despite the small size and touching appearance of animals, miniature schnauzers can not be attributed to the "indoor" dogs. This type of breed is considered official. Tsvergas are no worse than their large brothers in size helping border guards and police work by identifying prohibited substances and objects.

This type of schnauzer takes seventh place in popularity among all breeds in the world due to the characteristics described above.

Zvergas are not only black and “pepper and salt”, but also white, black with silver, chocolate.

Schnauzers of all kinds: mini

Schnauzer Care

Schnauzers of all kinds are unpretentious in leaving. Here are some simple but important recommendations:

  1. The diet is calculated taking into account the weight, age and physical activity of the animal. So, an adult large species needs daily a kilogram of meat and 300 g of special food. You can not overfeed the dog - this is fraught with the development of obesity and related diseases.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to grooming. So, you should trim the animal at least 1 time in 2 months. Daily should be combed with a special brush. Frequent bathing of the schnauzer is also important for maintaining the quality of the coat.
  3. It is necessary to regularly cut the hair around the eyes, ears and on the pads of the feet (as necessary);
  4. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the ears, eyes and nose.
  5. Vaccinate strictly on schedule.
  6. It is necessary to trim the hair twice a year, since schnauzers of any kind do not molt on their own.
  7. Tail docking is a must.
  8. In addition, long active walks in the fresh air and special exercises are an important aspect of care.

Training of these dogs has its own characteristics. In this matter, it is important to become a leader for the animal. Schnauzers, with the right approach, are easily trained dogs. As puppies, they are able to remember up to 20 teams. The basic principles of training this breed are the game, praise and leadership of the owner.

The cost of puppies schnauzers

Thoroughbred schnauzers of all kinds are quite expensive. Puppies of a Giant Schnauzer and a Miniature Schnauzer will cost 30-50 thousand rubles. Whereas the cost of a schnauzer starts from 50 thousand and reaches several hundred thousand rubles.

Schnauzers of all kinds: puppies

In our article, we described the breed of the dog "Schnauzer". How many species, character traits, conditions of care - all of these questions can also be answered in this material. But the decision to purchase such an animal should be made individually. We add only that the schnauzer can be both a pet and a service dog. Inexhaustible energy, devotion to the owner, moderate aggressiveness and at the same time complaisance, fearlessness, playfulness and attractive aristocratic appearance - these are the main characteristics of this breed, thanks to which many dog ​​breeders make their choice in favor of Schnauzers.

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