In the modern cynological world, there are more than four hundred dog breeds. Some of them are very popular among professional breeders and ordinary owners. And others are not often found on city streets and specialized exhibitions. In today's publication you will find descriptions of rare breeds of dogs with photos and names.
Slovak Chuvach
These little-known shepherd dogs differ in impressive dimensions. The height of an adult varies from 55-70 cm with a weight of 30-45 kg. A similar ratio of growth and weight indicates that these large animals can easily knock down a person. Therefore, it is advisable to use them not only as shepherds, but also as security guards.
At the same time, the Slovak Chuvach is endowed with a rather attractive appearance. On the beautiful head of the dog there are oval dark eyes and high-set hanging ears. Strong massive limbs with compact round paws are located under the massive body with a well-muscled croup and a wide chest. The whole body of the animal is covered with thick white coat.
This is a fairly expensive and rare breed of dog. Only a few dozen Slovak Chuvachs live in Russia. Therefore, they cannot be seen on the streets or in city parks. Before you buy such an animal, you need to not only familiarize yourself with the features of the exterior, but also learn more about the nature of a potential pet. These are quite independent dogs, meekly obeying only those whom they respect. However, they adore children and are not overly aggressive. Representatives of this breed need good training, early socialization, long walks and physical activity.
This rare breed of dog has ancient roots dating back to the 15th century. It was bred on the territory of Hungary and was used for grazing sheep flocks, hunting wild boar and catching rats. Moodies are not large. The height of an adult varies from 40-45 cm with a mass not exceeding 13 kg. The compact body of the animal is covered with a thick wavy-curly, practically not shedding coat of brown, fawn, marble-blue, black, ash or white.
Typical representatives of this rare dog breed are characterized by a cheerful and friendly disposition. They are very affectionate, good-natured and playful. All this makes them suitable for the role of a companion. Moodies perfectly adapt to any conditions of detention and get along well with other pets. They are very curious and enthusiastically explore the surroundings. Moreover, these dogs can be too noisy and vociferous.
Moodies are easy to train and, under favorable conditions, successfully participate in various competitions in flyball, frisbee or obedience. They love active games and long walks. Despite all the above advantages, this is one of the rarest dog breeds. In the world there are only a few thousand of these animals. Moreover, the bulk lives in Hungary and Finland.
Bergamo shepherd
Despite the exotic appearance that attracts the views of others, these animals are great hard workers. Their ancestors are shepherd dogs that lived in ancient Asia. Over time, they came to Italy, and even later - to Europe. Despite a long history, the Bergamo shepherd remains one of the rarest dog breeds in the world.
Of particular note is the exterior of these animals. These dogs are not gigantic in size. The height of the adult shepherd is 54-62 cm with a weight of 26-38 kg. Under the proportional rectangular case with a straight back and a wide chest, there are even parallel limbs with fingers and black claws assembled into a lump. On a massive, elongated head with a short muzzle and small hanging ears, there are dark eyes hiding under a shaggy bang. The whole body of a typical representative of this rare breed of dogs, with the name and photo of which many of you got acquainted only today, with thick, long, coarse hair, twisted into cords. As for the color, it should be gray with light or black spots.
The Bergamo Shepherd Dog is characterized by a complaisant and balanced disposition. She is very smart, patient and easy to get along with other pets. This dog is happy to participate in active games and is ideally suited for the role of a companion. It lends itself well to training, but is not suitable for maintenance in cramped city apartments.
Lancashire Healer
The history of this rare breed of dogs originates in the 60s of the XX century. It was bred artificially as a result of crossing the Manchester Terrier and the Welsh Corgi cardigan. Initially, these small animals were used as watchmen and for catching harmful rodents destroying farm stocks.
The build of the healer is almost identical to the structure of the Welsh Corgi. But the dog’s head recalls his kinship with Manchester Terriers. On a rounded, slightly flat skull with strong jaws there are triangular erect ears and dark almond-shaped eyes. To the best of long neck smoothly passes into a flat and strong top line. Relatively short limbs with well-developed muscles are located under a slightly stretched body with rounded ribs. The whole body of the animal is covered with straight shiny black and tan coat. Representatives of one of the rarest dog breeds cannot boast of impressive size. The weight of the healer ranges from 3-6 kg with an increase of 25-31 cm.
These small animals are good-natured. They are very devoted to their owners and wary of strangers. Healers are quite active dogs that almost never show aggression. They have a pronounced hunting instinct, so it is undesirable to keep them in the same room with smaller pets. In addition, they need regular walks and dosed physical activity.
This rare breed of dog, a photograph of which can be found a little later, was bred in Germany thanks to the efforts of Heinrich Essig. It was in his head the idea to create a dog that looks like a lion. In the veins of modern Leonbergers, the blood of St. Bernard, Landseer and the mountain Pyrenean dog flows.
These animals differ in impressive dimensions. The height of the adult is 63-81 cm with a weight of 35-75 kg. Leonberger is a muscular dog with a heavy skeleton, strong even limbs, a broad back and a fluffy long tail. On the beautiful head of a typical representative of this rare breed of dogs, the photo of which is presented in this publication, there are high-hanging drooping ears and expressive almond-shaped eyes of a dark shade. The whole body of the animal is covered with luxurious thick red, lion or sand wool. And on the elongated face there is always a black mask.
Leonberger is an intelligent, calm and obedient dog, optimally suited for the role of a family dog. He loves to play with children and needs constant communication with a person. An animal that is deprived of housekeeping and care can become ill or become depressed. A purebred representative of this breed never shows unreasonable aggression and easily gets along with other pets. He is not inclined to dominance and endowed with excellent protective qualities. This huge dog does not require special care and special nutrition. But due to its impressive size, it is not suitable for living in a city apartment.
Thai ridgeback
Expanding the topic, which breed of dog is the rarest, one cannot fail to mention these animals. The homeland of ancient dogs with an unusual name and exotic exterior is Southeast Asia. This breed has very deep historical roots. The first images of dogs that look like modern Thai Ridgebacks were found in cave paintings of Thailand and Cambodia. Moreover, they were created more than three millennia ago. These animals are relict species and carry the blood of indigenous dogs.
Thai Ridgeback is a fairly large dog. The height of the adult is 60-68 cm with a weight of 27-37 kg. It is characterized by a proportional athletic physique with a strong skeleton and mesomorphic, well-developed muscles. The entire body of a typical representative of this rare breed of dog is covered with short hair of red, black, blue or isabella color. Their distinctive feature is the obligatory presence of a clearly distinguished ridge, extending from the tail to the withers.
In Thai Ridgeback, hunting and security qualities are extremely well interwoven. All this allows you to use it as a universal dog. They practically do not show causeless aggression, but are mistrustful of strangers.
Those who are interested in what rare breeds of dogs live on our planet, do not hurt to find out about the existence of these animals. In 1960, the Lefen were listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Since then, little has changed, since today they are among the ten most rare breeds.
Levchen is a small dog with a square proportional body, a well-developed chest and a straight top line. The whole body of the animal is covered with thick, long, curly hair that does not have an undercoat. On a relatively short and wide head with a straight muzzle and a well-defined stop, there are black round eyes and low-set ears. A typical representative of this breed does not differ in impressive dimensions. The height of the adult dog is 25-32 cm, and the weight does not exceed 8 kg.
These miniature animals are endowed with a friendly and affectionate character. They adore people and are kind to children. Levcheny never bark at trifles and get along well with cats. They are cheerful, hardy, easily trained, quick-witted and fearless. All these qualities make them ideal indoor dogs and wonderful companions. They can be kept both in apartments and in country houses. Levchen wool needs a regular combing and regular haircut. Therefore, their owners will have to bring their pets to a dog groomer at least once a month.
This one of the rarest breeds of dogs also got on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. It was bred by an American gold digger Arthur T. Walden. The aim of breeding work, which began in 1900, was to obtain fast, hardy and flexible animals. The creation of a new breed took place by crossing a mastiff and a husky. The descendants born as a result of this mating became the founders of the modern chinook. Now in the world there are about fifty such dogs.
A typical chinook is distinguished by a powerful physique with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. Under the massive and athletic body of the dog are long, even limbs with large round paws. The whole body of the animal is covered with thick hair with dense undercoat. On a slightly elongated proportional head with an elongated muzzle and a pronounced occipital protuberance, there are black almond-shaped eyes and hanging wide apart ears.
These are very balanced, persistent and loyal animals, getting along well with their relatives. They do not tolerate loneliness and everywhere follow the owner. Active and energetic dogs need long walks and regular physical activity. They almost never bark and do not show aggression to strangers.
Tibetan mastiff
The first mention of this rare breed of dogs, a photograph of which can be found a little later, is dated 1122 BC. e. Chinese chroniclers described these animals in detail. Based on this fact, experts came to the conclusion that the appearance of the Tibetan mastiff has not practically changed since then.
Representatives of this breed amaze with their impressive parameters. The minimum height of the Tibetan mastiff is 61 cm, and the weight should not be less than 60 kg. On the large heavy head of the animal are small, wide-set eyes and triangular drooping ears. The massive, stocky body with a straight line of the back and an almost imperceptible sacral bend is covered with thick wool of chestnut, red, fiery, gray, blue or black color.
Tibetan mastiffs are endowed with a silent and restrained disposition. They get along peacefully with other pets and love to nap next to the owner. These melancholy, stubborn and rather lazy dogs are difficult to train and are intended for guard duty. They are very susceptible to changes in the situation and hardly get used to the new owners.
Mexican nude
This is one of the rarest dog breeds. A photo of a Mexican naked can not fully convey her unusual beauty, but not everyone will have a chance to see her live. On its oblong harmonious body with a wide chest, hair is completely absent. As for growth, it varies from 25 to 60 cm. Depending on this parameter, miniature, medium and standard dogs are distinguished.
The Mexican naked is endowed with a silent and friendly disposition. This intelligent and very graceful dog never shows cowardice or aggression. She is devoted to her masters and does not tolerate long separation. Xolo does not get along well in the same area with other pets and needs strict upbringing and early socialization.
They are not suitable for maintenance in outdoor enclosures and require careful care for skin that suffers from direct exposure to sunlight, wind and frost. It is recommended to systematically lubricate with special gels and creams. After water procedures, it is advisable to rub the body of the dog with coconut, olive or almond oil. And before going out to the Mexican street, it is better to dress in special clothes. In addition, the owner will have to regularly inspect the skin of his pet for parasites and wounds. Every scratch noticed must be treated with ointments in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing skin infections.