Known drug "Pimafucin." Instruction and use

The drug "Pimafucin" is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that belongs to the group of antifungal polyene macrolides. The action of the drug is fungicidal. The active substance is natamycin, the action of which is based on the binding of membrane sterols of fungal cells, a violation of their working function and the integrity of the membrane. Before you buy a drug and start using it, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist doctor and get appropriate recommendations when using Pimafucin. Analogues of this drug have a similar effect.

pimafucin instructions

The bacteria Candida albicans, as well as most of the pathogenic yeast, are most sensitive to the drug . Resistance to the drug in medical practice did not occur.

Description of the properties of the drug "Pimafucin" (tablets)

The tool does not have a systemic effect, since in the stomach there is almost no absorption of natamycin. Applied to the skin and mucous membranes natamycin is also not susceptible to systemic absorption.

imafucin tablets

Indications for use of Pimafucin, instructions

- for the tablet form: treatment, as well as a prophylactic for non-invasive intestinal candidiasis . The appointment of the drug after the use of corticosteroids, antibiotics or cytostatics is recommended;

- for cream, ointment: fungal infection of the mucous membranes, nails and skin;

- for vaginal suppositories: candida-induced vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis.

Release Forms:

- vaginal suppositories (100 mg);

- coated tablets (100 mg);

-2% creams, ointments (applied externally).

The drug "Pimafucin": instructions and scheme of use

With intestinal candidiasis :

- for adults - one tablet four times a day for a week;

- for children - twice a day, one tablet.

With dermatomycosis, treat the surface up to four times a day.

With mycosis of the auditory external passage, it must first be cleaned before applying the cream directly, and then place a swab of natural materials (cotton or wool) there.

With vulvovaginitis (vaginitis), vulvitis, candles are used for 3 to 6 days in a row, introducing them deep into the vagina at night. In severe cases of the disease, parallel administration of tablets is indicated for a period of 10 to 20 days. This will help eliminate candida in the intestines. At the same time, it is necessary to use a cream for the treatment of partner's genital organs affected by candidiasis.

pimafucin analogues

The duration of admission is determined individually. After the symptoms of the disease have passed, it is necessary to continue treatment with the drug for several more days. You should study the characteristics of the drug "Pimafucin." Instructions for use should be with you before you begin to use it.

The following side effects may occur during treatment:

- burning sensations (from cream, candles);

- nausea;

- superficial irritation;

- diarrhea (appears at the beginning of taking the pills and then passes quickly).

Contraindications to taking Pimafucin, the instruction lists the following: strong sensitivity to the components of the drug.

You can use the tool for pregnant and lactating mothers. There are no statistics on adverse effects on the fetus.

Some features of the use of the drug "Pimafucin" (instructions):

- Do not use suppositories during menstruation;

- during treatment, it is not necessary to limit sexual contacts, but barrier contraceptives should be used;

- prescribing the drug to newborns is allowed;

- the tool does not affect the ability to drive and control mechanisms.

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