Breath during childbirth

Childbirth is a very complicated process, and in addition to all other methods offered by doctors to reduce pain and maintain the strength of a woman in labor, they recommend using proper breathing during childbirth. Unfortunately, not all women during pregnancy pay attention to studying it, but meanwhile breathing correctly is a very important skill; it will help speed up the process of giving birth and concentrate the woman's strength.

At the very beginning of labor, the contractions are not very painful. At this time, it is better to use "economical" or "slow" breathing. Such breathing is characterized by depth, a slow change of exhalation by inhalation. In this case, the exhalation is quite long. During pregnancy, it is necessary to master the tactics of slow breathing, it is based on achieving the optimal ratio between inhaling and exhaling and the rhythm of the heartbeat. We cannot control the heart rate, so it remains to learn how to control breathing during childbirth.

Learning the technique of such breathing, you need to gradually (it is necessary) to lengthen the expiratory time. This is done by controlling the pulse. The fact is that usually the same number of pulse beats falls on the inhale and exhale. However, with an extended exhalation, it should account for twice as many pulse beats. So, if during a breath there were three pulse beats, then when you exhale there should be six. By learning how to breathe, you will achieve the most optimal ratio between the phases of breathing and heartbeats. And to find the pulse, it is enough to put the fingers of one hand to the inner surface of the wrist of the other - closer to the thumb.

The main breathing technique during childbirth is that at the very beginning of the painful sensations - every contractions - you need to exhale through your mouth, then inhale through your nose and continue to breathe, according to the above principle: a calm, slow breath should replace a long exhale.

In the period between contractions, especially when they are not too painful, you should try to use relaxation breathing in order to relax as much as possible and gain strength as much as possible.

Further, breathing during childbirth should be based on the following principle: the longer the struggle, the more painful it is, the longer the woman should exhale.

Some analgesic effect can be achieved if you breathe "dog-like" - nose or mouth. Start with slow breathing, and with increasing pain, increase the number of breaths to one or even two per second. Inhale quietly, and you need to exhale air with noise. It is better to slightly cover the mouth with your hand so that moisture does not evaporate, and the throat does not dry out. When the fight is over - breathe again sparingly.

If the attempts have already begun, but it is still impossible to push (for example, the uterus has not fully opened), use another method of breathing during childbirth. Someone here needs help. Exhale deeply, then inhale and exhale easily 4-5 times (here let someone help you to count, because it’s difficult for a woman to concentrate), and exhale for a long time all the air, curling her lips with a tube.

When it is time to push, while fighting, inhale as much as possible and “swallow” the air. The air will press on the diaphragm, and it will press on the uterus, pushing the baby out. When there is a feeling that there is not enough air, slowly exhale and immediately inhale sharply. In one attempt, such a cycle must be repeated three times.

It may happen that during childbirth you will need only one of the described methods of breathing. All four species help some. Proper breathing during childbirth reduces pain and saves strength. The main thing is not to be lazy during pregnancy, to learn each of the ways. It is better to do this under the guidance of an experienced childbirth instructor.

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