Mother's Day is gradually occupying an important place among other holidays. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all women with children. Special words should be sent to your mother. In many children's institutions on this day special matinees are held, to which mothers are invited. Children prepare a concert for them and give gifts made by themselves. In order for the holiday to take place and pass as we would like, it is worth preparing it carefully.
On mother's day, the script can be written both in poetic form and in the form of prose. It is advisable that each child in the class or group receive the poem. You can choose one large quatrain from which several children will tell in a certain order. It is also worth considering that during the preparatory phase, each child makes a postcard for his mother. This can be done during the labor lesson at school or in the corresponding lesson in kindergarten. The moment of delivery of such a card can be the culmination of the whole holiday. What will be written inside, you decide for yourself. Most often these are specially written or found verses, or congratulations of the child himself.
If you don’t know how children’s festivals dedicated to this holiday are held at all, enter the phrase “mother’s day holiday scripts” in the search engine and you will immediately receive several alternative options. From several you can make one that is most suitable for a special occasion at your school. Or, based on analogues, write your own in poetic form, if you have such inclinations.
On Mother's Day, the script may contain all kinds of contests and competitions. Between themselves, not only the children themselves can compete, but also their mothers. Be sure to prepare small prizes. The winner will get a pencil or pen, and the loser candy. What is not an incentive to participate in the competition? If we talk about contests, we can ask the children to continue the phrase: “My mother is the most-most ...”, and my mother, respectively, “My child is the most-most ...”. Who will have the most adjectives and nouns - he won. If you do not come up with other contests, you can search for possible options in any literature on the organization of children's parties or on thematic sites on the Internet.
On mother's day, the script may contain other highlights. Ask the children what their mothers are by nature, why they love them. I think every mom will be interested to hear that. In addition, they will have a great opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of their child and, probably, they will be very surprised to hear the opinion of their own child.
Alternate “sedentary” contests and entertainments with joint dances and songs. Then the children will not get tired so much and will take an active part in all the main episodes of the holiday.
On mother's day, the script may also include a presentation of the children's work. In addition, it is possible to provide for a performance on a given topic. Most likely, you cannot hide the contents of the holiday from your moms, the children will tell you what they did in the kindergarten. The main thing is to maintain at least the smallest intrigue. You can agree with the students. Ask them not to say anything at home and surprise their mothers. Be sure to decorate the room, and let the children help you with this. To do this, use not only balls and ribbons, but also thematic pictures dedicated to this holiday.
The scenario of mother's day can be the most diverse. The main thing in it is to preserve the pride of children and the love of mother. In this case, the idea will be fully implemented, and the holiday will turn out bright and memorable.