Guelder-rose during pregnancy - is there a risk?

Since ancient times, various infusions and decoctions have been the main drugs, but even now, in the age of medicine, the appearance of a huge number of tablets on the shelves of pharmacies, medicinal plants do not lose their popularity among people with distrust of medicines. Many are interested in the properties of viburnum - a plant that was very common in the past, but now, if you are a resident of a metropolis, in the flora surrounding you on the street this tree is almost impossible to meet. However, it is always available at pharmacies and grocery stores. If you are interested in what a viburnum tree looks like, you can find a photo in our article.

What is useful in viburnum?

Viburnum tree photo

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Is it possible to viburnum during pregnancy

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Kalina during pregnancy

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Viburnum broth

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You can simply rub the berries with sugar 1: 1 and store in the refrigerator in a glass jar, then you can always enjoy healthy tea with a spoonful of viburnum added to it.

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