How to increase progesterone during pregnancy. Progesterone preparations. What foods contain progesterone?

Pregnancy brings many changes to the body of a woman. The position of the internal organs, taste preferences, weight change. Significant metamorphosis undergoes the hormonal background of the expectant mother. The intensity of the production of some decreases, while others begin to be produced with double strength.

One of the most important hormones in a woman’s body is progesterone. Its deficiency during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences. That is why, with a decrease in hormone levels, the expectant mother must take all measures to replenish the balance in the body. A doctor will help increase progesterone during pregnancy.

What it is?


Progesterone is a sex hormone that affects the menstrual cycle. It is produced by the endocrine system. In the male body, it is also contained. However, its concentration is negligible.

Progesterone is often called the hormone of pregnancy, because it affects the processes that occur during the period of gestation. The content level increases significantly during the period of ovulation and after the onset of the long-awaited conception. Progesterone ensures the preservation of pregnancy, prepares the mammary glands of the expectant mother for breastfeeding.

Why do i need

Not every woman knows how progesterone affects pregnancy. The hormone, in turn, in the body of a woman performs important functions:

  1. Progesterone is involved in a woman’s menstrual cycle. He is responsible for updating the endometrium.
  2. Progesterone is responsible for attaching a fertilized egg to the walls of the female reproductive organ. The action of the hormone eliminates the excessive activity of the uterus after fixing the fetal egg, preventing spontaneous miscarriage.
  3. The hormone prepares the woman’s body for bearing the baby, namely, it prepares the immune system for the adoption of the man’s genetic material.
  4. Promotes the formation of the endometrium, to which a fetal egg can attach.
  5. Progesterone promotes swelling of the mammary glands, thus preparing them for breastfeeding.
  6. The hormone stimulates the growth of the woman’s reproductive organ during pregnancy.
  7. Progesterone helps to relax the uterus, reducing the risk of hypertension.
  8. The hormone strengthens the immune system of the expectant mother.
  9. Progesterone is responsible for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat during pregnancy. This provides a sufficient amount of nutrients for the unborn child.
  10. The hormone is also able to maintain blood viscosity and glucose.

How is the level determined?

progesterone during pregnancy

The level of progesterone is determined quite easily, using a blood test. In the early stages, as a rule, a study is carried out only according to indications, if the doctor has any suspicions. In the normal course of pregnancy, an analysis to determine the level of progesterone is carried out in the third trimester.

Diagnostic manipulations are carried out, as a rule, in the morning. A prerequisite - the analysis is taken on an empty stomach. If a woman ate, at least six hours should pass. Only after that it is allowed to take tests. Otherwise, the reliability of the result is called into question.

In addition, the doctor strongly recommends the abolition of hormonal drugs two days before the expected date of the study, as well as eliminate stress. A few hours before taking blood, it is not recommended to smoke cigarettes.


There are certain standards for the content of progesterone in the blood.

In the first two weeks of the cycle, the expectant mother contains about 1-1.5 n / mol of progesterone. The next two weeks, hormone production increases to 2 n / mol. An increase in the level stimulates the woman’s reproductive organ to take the egg. After its successful attachment, progesterone production increases significantly by 3-29 n / mol per day. In the early stages, the hormone level in a woman’s blood is at least 12 ng / ml. By the end of the third trimester, a woman's body should contain at least 172 ng / ml of progesterone.

The level of the hormone in the blood undergoes significant changes over time. The closer the date of the alleged birth, the higher the content of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother.

Deficiency symptoms

how to increase progesterone in a natural way during pregnancy

Low progesterone in women during the period of bearing a child can lead to irreversible consequences. Deficiency of progesterone in the body of the expectant mother manifests itself quite clearly. A woman may experience frequent headaches and dizziness. The expectant mother becomes irritable, quickly gets tired, gets tired. The woman has frequent mood swings. In addition, she may experience excessive hair loss or, conversely, strong growth. A woman's weight can suddenly change for the better. The appearance of severe edema in the area of ​​the mammary glands is possible.

What threatens low progesterone during pregnancy

A hormone deficiency in the body of the expectant mother significantly increases the risk of developing uterine bleeding, as well as the appearance of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.

The insufficient content of progesterone can lead to the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage. In addition, there is an increased risk of late toxicosis, which is extremely dangerous for both a pregnant woman and a baby.

In some cases, progesterone deficiency can lead to fetal retardation in mental and physical development, as well as the birth of a born child.

Level up

If the hormone level is significantly reduced, a pregnant woman should take measures to increase it. There are several ways to increase progesterone during pregnancy:

  • by eating the “right” foods;
  • by taking special medications;
  • using folk methods.

Doctors strongly recommend staying on medication. This method is the most effective and efficient. But at the same time, do not forget about proper nutrition.

How to increase progesterone in a natural way during pregnancy

progesterone in foods

Hormone deficiency requires immediate action. Many women are wondering how to increase progesterone naturally during pregnancy and whether this is possible. It is possible if you normalize your diet and revise the daily menu of the expectant mother.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be proper and balanced. It is scientifically proven that the regular use of foods rich in vitamin E helps normalize the hormones in the body of a future mother. This component is found in large quantities in almonds, raw seeds, as well as in chard, cabbage, spinach and avocado. Vitamin E is rich in olive and cottonseed oils.

how progesterone affects pregnancy

Special attention should be paid to the content of vitamin C in the body of a woman. Regular consumption of foods with a rich content of this component contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Such foods include yellow pepper, guava, dark green leafy vegetables, as well as kiwi, broccoli, and strawberries.

Dairy products, beef, chicken and eggs will also help increase progesterone during pregnancy. The hormones are rich in bell peppers, walnuts, as well as raspberries, avocados, and olives.

progesterone pills

Some essential oils can normalize the level of progesterone, for example, sage, thyme, sandalwood, lavender. However, when choosing products containing these components, it is important to carefully study the composition. Some of the aromatic oils contain unwanted substances that can cause allergic reactions.

Hormone replacement therapy

progesterone function

Taking progesterone during pregnancy will help taking medications. The amount of the hormone can be increased by taking the following medicines:

  • "Utrozhestan";
  • Dufaston;
  • "Ingesta";
  • Norkolut
  • "Byzanne";
  • "Cyclodinone";
  • "Nestran" and others.

The greatest demand among the listed drugs is Duphaston and Utrozhestan. In tablets, Cyclodinone is available.

The list of drugs is much larger. The above are the most popular drugs that can significantly increase progesterone levels. Tablets are not only highly effective, but also a lot of contraindications. That is why it is worth consulting with a specialist before starting the application.

Folk remedies

Some women prefer folk remedies to increase the level of progesterone in the body. A decoction of raspberry leaves has healing properties. He is able not only to have a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, but also to strengthen immunity.

You can enhance the effect of the broth if you add wild yams to the composition. Phytohormones, similar in their properties to progesterone, are found in the yarrow root. As a folk remedy, it is strictly forbidden to use mint petals, as well as clover and licorice root. These plant components can aggravate the situation and lower the level of progesterone even more.

Which way to choose

The functions of progesterone are extremely important for the normal course of pregnancy. That is why with a hormone deficiency in the body, it is worth choosing the most effective ways to increase its content. Doctors recommend the use of medications, but do not forget about proper nutrition and add progesterone-rich foods to the daily menu.

Specialists are quite skeptical of folk remedies. Doctors recommend refraining from using such methods.

Is it dangerous to take a hormone

Some women who are planning a baby take progesterone medications for prevention even before conception. Thus, women seek to prepare their body for bearing a baby. Doctors strongly recommend taking hormone medications only as directed by your doctor. It is not worth taking funds without the testimony of specialists, since an increased level of progesterone also adversely affects the reproductive function of women.

During pregnancy, there are also some risks when taking progesterone drugs. The greatest danger is the artificial intake of the hormone in the body of a woman in the first four months of pregnancy. Reception of funds during this period can provoke the occurrence of malformations in the fetus.

In the early stages of pregnancy, progesterone preparations are prescribed only in extreme cases, when there is a clear risk of miscarriage. Only a specialist can decide on the need for medication. Taking hormonal drugs without a prescription, a woman puts her pregnancy at significant risk.

Instead of a conclusion

Progesterone is a sex hormone contained in the body of both a woman and a man. However, in the fair sex, this hormone performs the most important functions, and its level of content ensures the successful conception and normal course of a long-awaited pregnancy.

A lack of progesterone can negatively affect the well-being of a pregnant woman and have a negative effect on the body of an unborn baby. That is why with a hormone deficiency, the doctor decides to take drugs that increase the progesterone content in the body. One of such means is Utrozhestan. "Mastodinone" is produced in tablets, the effectiveness of which is also quite high.

All drugs with progesterone not only significantly increase the level of the component necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, but also expose a woman's body to certain risks due to the presence of many side effects. That is why only a doctor can decide on the need for hormone replacement therapy. You can’t take such drugs without an appointment.

You can increase the level of the hormone by consuming the right foods rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. Doctors strongly recommend to refrain from folk remedies.

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