Multiple pregnancy

Waiting for a baby is always a quivering and tender feeling. At the same time, now a woman has to be largely more careful and attentive. How much responsibility increases when spouses learn that they will have not one, but two or even three children.

Multiple pregnancy: causes.

Multiple pregnancy occurs infrequently and involves the bearing of two or more embryos at a time. Various factors influence the number of resulting embryos. Until now, experts cannot come to a common opinion on this issue. It is known that the determining factor is heredity, that is, if one of the partners in the family had twins or twins, then the probability of their appearance in this generation is significantly increased. According to statistics, multiple pregnancy pleases older women more often than young women. The fact is that with age, a hormone called gonadotropin begins to be actively produced in the female body. It promotes the removal of eggs from the ovary.

Multiple pregnancy occurs regularly during in vitro fertilization. The treatment program for infertility and artificial insemination includes taking drugs with a high content of hormones. In this case, a ready-made embryo is introduced into the uterus, from which several embryos can be obtained. As a rule, the number of fruits is reduced to one, in order to increase the chance of normal development.

It is customary to isolate identical fruits and heterogeneous. Gemini is exactly the same, as they have the same set of genes and one blood group. Such babies are always born same-sex. Siamese twins are identical, just the egg began to split at the wrong time. When fertilization of two or more eggs takes place, then different-sized fruits arise. In this case, twins are born either of the same sex or different. Moreover , the blood type and children may be different. Such children have a similar genotype, but not more than 60%.

When waiting for a double miracle, you need to be more careful about your health, since the load on the body in this case is also double. Multiple pregnancy is examined by week. Its presence is detected by ultrasound, but in the early stages it is impossible to give an accurate result, since there is a high probability of error. Often the second embryo is confused with tumors or other pathologies.

If the future mother has already managed to please, then you should be prepared for the fact that the tummy in the late term can not be called small. Two fruits greatly stretch the uterus and stomach, so experts recommend abandoning physical activity, in particular, sexual activity. The main motto of the next nine months should be a vacation. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, because in order to withstand such a colossal load, the body needs regular rest and recovery.

A multiple pregnancy suggests that a woman will get much better. But when waiting for twins, it is allowed to gain no more than 20 kilograms, so you should carefully monitor the diet and the quality of the foods used. Expectant mother needs to double in size to saturate the body with useful substances that ensure the normal development of the fetus.

Do not worry too much if the birth of the children happened in advance. As practice shows, in most cases with multiple pregnancy, premature birth occurs . But this will not affect the future well-being of children, because modern medicine is able to ensure the vital activity of a child born earlier than the established deadline.

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