Reduced white blood cells in a cat: causes, conduct and decoding of tests, treatment, advice of veterinarians and owners

Decreased white blood cells in cats indicate serious immunity problems. These cells are responsible for protecting the body from infections. More often in animals, an increase in white blood cells is noted in the analysis. This is a sign of an inflammatory process. After cure, blood counts return to normal. If the white blood cells are reduced, then this may indicate more serious problems with the health of the pet, which require long-term treatment by a veterinarian.

Analysis rate

To find out the number of white blood cells in an animal, you need to take a routine clinical blood test. Such a study is often prescribed by veterinarians in the diagnosis of various diseases or during a routine examination. White blood cell counts can tell a lot about a pet’s health status.

The norm for cats is the content of leukocytes from 5.5x10 3 / l to 18x10 3 / l. If the number of white blood cells is below acceptable values, then veterinarians call this condition leukopenia.

White blood cells

Causes of Leukopenia

Why can a white blood cell in a cat be lowered? The reasons for this deviation may be as follows:

  1. Stressful situations. If on the eve of the study the animal was scared, then this can lead to a temporary drop in white blood cells. This is a non-hazardous phenomenon. Usually, after the cat calms down, all blood counts are normalized. Prolonged stress can lead to persistent leukopenia. In this case, you need to pay attention to the lifestyle of the pet.
  2. Avitaminosis. White cell levels may drop if the animal is not properly fed. With a deficiency in food of B vitamins, a decrease in white blood cells gradually develops. However, this situation can be easily corrected. To do this, it is enough to reconsider the cat's diet and include foods rich in vitamins, or special additives in it.
  3. Taking hormonal drugs. For arthritis and other joint diseases, cats are prescribed corticosteroids. These drugs quickly relieve pain and inflammation, but at the same time reduce white blood cells. After completing the course of treatment, blood counts return to normal.
Cat stress

In these cases, the leukocytes in the blood of a cat are slightly reduced. This deviation is temporary.

However, leukopenia can be associated with serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. This may be a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Bacterial infections. Of these diseases, sepsis is the most dangerous. With this pathology, pathogens constantly circulate in the bloodstream. Panleukopenia (plague) is also a dangerous infection. With this disease, the level of leukocytes is sharply reduced, as there is a rapid destruction of these blood cells.
  2. Chronic inflammation. White blood cells rush to the pathological focus and leave the blood.
  3. Pancreatitis Pancreatic inflammation is often accompanied by leukopenia.
  4. Bone marrow disease. This is the most dangerous cause of leukopenia. Hematopoietic diseases are difficult to treat and often end with the death of a pet.

In any case, lowered white blood cells in a cat require attention. If this condition is caused by temporary and random causes, then it is enough to change the lifestyle and diet of the animal. If leukopenia is associated with pathology, then an additional examination and treatment by a veterinarian is necessary.

Types of white blood cells

If the analysis reveals that the cat has low white blood cells, then the doctor prescribes an additional examination. It is called a leukogram. This analysis helps to identify which type of white cells is elevated.

The following types of white blood cells exist:

  • lymphocytes;
  • neutrophils;
  • eosinophils;
  • basophils;
  • monocytes.

Consider in more detail the possible causes of lowering each of these types of blood cells:

  1. Lymphocytes are cells that recognize and reject foreign agents. This type of white blood cells can be reduced in chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and lungs, immunodeficiency states, as well as in the treatment of steroid hormones.
  2. Neutrophils destroy foreign proteins. A decrease in the number of these cells is noted in bacterial and fungal pathologies, anemia, and bone marrow diseases. The cause of leukopenia in this case may also be the use of antifungal drugs or radiation therapy.
  3. Eosinophils fight allergens. A decrease in this type of cell is observed in acute infections, injuries, burns, and also after myocardial infarction. Eosinophilia is also noted in older cats.
  4. Basophils in the blood of cats are rarely detected. Their presence in the analysis usually indicates an allergy. Therefore, a decrease in basophils or their absence is not a sign of pathology.
  5. Monocytes reject dead cells and foreign proteins. A decrease in these blood elements can be observed with sepsis, bone marrow damage, as well as after childbirth and during treatment with corticosteroids.


If lowered leukocytes in the blood of a cat are noted, then this always affects the state of immunity. The animal begins to get sick often, especially the common cold. Often complications develop, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Cat colds

With leukopenia, a pet often has gastrointestinal upsets. Even with proper nutrition and good care, the cat often suffers from vomiting and diarrhea.

Gums and oral cavity become inflamed. Because of this, the animal often refuses food. The pet is losing weight fast. There is inflammation of the eyes with purulent discharge. At the same time, the hair of a cat loses its luster, it looks fallen and groomed. The skin is prone to inflammation.

Deterioration in the quality of the coat

If the owner has found such symptoms in his pet, then you need to show the cat to the veterinarian and do a blood test. It is possible that these phenomena are associated with leukopenia.


What to do with a low white blood cell count in a cat? Leukopenia is not a separate disease, it is only a sign that a pathological process is going on in the animal’s body. Therefore, the treatment of this condition will completely depend on the etiology. The level of white blood cells normalizes after eliminating the cause of leukopenia.

It is necessary to treat the underlying disease. If lowered white blood cells in a cat are associated with an infection, then antibiotics and antiviral medications are prescribed. With pancreatitis, diet and medication are indicated to relieve inflammation and normalize pancreatic secretion.

Drug Administration for a Cat

The most difficult case is leukopenia associated with bone marrow damage. Unfortunately, such diseases have an unfavorable prognosis. Chemotherapy and blood transfusion suspend the pathological process, but do not eliminate the disease. Most cats die, even with good treatment.


How to prevent leukopenia? Pet owners and veterinarians are advised to pay attention to the cat's diet. It should be balanced and enriched with B vitamins. It is necessary to give the cat only high-quality feed. If necessary, use vitamin supplements.

It is very important to protect the cat from frequent and prolonged stress. The pet should be protected from contact with dogs and aggressive relatives. Independent walks of the animal should be minimized or completely eliminated.

If the cat is undergoing corticosteroid therapy, a blood test should be taken regularly. With signs of leukopenia, the dosage of drugs should be adjusted.

If the animal has frequent colds, indigestion, deterioration in the quality of the coat, then the pet must be shown to the veterinarian. This will help detect leukopenia and treat the underlying disease on time.

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