The processor N3710 belongs to the most low-cost and low-performance semiconductor solutions . The characteristics of this chip indicate that it is optimized for the most simple tasks. But at the same time, his level of energy efficiency is beyond praise. It is about this processor device that will be discussed later.
Chip niche
, N3710. . . , . pdf-.
, Intel Pentium N3710, 1600 . “” - TurboBust. 2560 . 4 . , Hyper Threading, . 4- . 14 Braswell. 1 2016 . 6 , 90 0.
8 Intel Pentium N3710. DDR3-L 1600 . , , 1600 . , , , 2- . , , . , 2 2 , 1 4 . 10-15 %. 2- . 128 , 2 .
IdeaPad 110-14IBR Lenovo. N3710. . 4 , . HD Graphics 405 “” 400 700 . - 14,1”, - 1366768. 500 , DOS. 14000 .
, N3710. , . , . . - . - , .