Forms and methods of aesthetic education - description, tasks and means

In order for a child to grow up as a cultured person, parents should not only deal with his physical and intellectual development, but also pay attention to aesthetic education. The methods for this development are different. One of the most effective is a personal example. A child (especially at a very young age) is inclined to imitate adults, whom he considers authorities. If you want to raise cultured children, set them the right role model.


content of aesthetic education

Not everyone understands why aesthetic education is needed. But each development method has its own goal. This can give the child a culture:

  • Perception. Learn to see the beautiful in the world. It is good for both physical and emotional health. A person who knows how to see the beauty of objects and objects surrounding him will be prone to outdoor activities, long walks and contemplation of the world around him. People who did not receive proper upbringing in childhood prefer the virtual world that television provides to the real one.
  • The senses. A person should not only be able to distinguish between beauty, but also accordingly respond to it. Therefore, you need to develop a sense of beauty. A comprehensively developed person can control their feelings and be aware of their origin and development.
  • Needs. A person who, from childhood, is accustomed to admiring beauty in its various variations, will desire this all his life. Today it is difficult to meet a person who will gladly go to the museum only for the reason that a new exhibition has arrived. But people should perceive art as a vital necessity.
  • Taste. Thanks to immersion in beauty, a person develops good taste. He can distinguish the beautiful from the ugly. Properly set priorities will not allow a person to vulgarly behave or dress.
  • Ideals. In order to strive somewhere, a person must have high moral and spiritual values. Their formation is engaged in culture in all its manifestations.


tasks of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children

The goals of cultural education of children are clear. What methods and tasks of aesthetic education exist? Specialists distinguish the following:

  • The formation of personality. Man must be diversified. This will help him in the future to feel full. If there is a gap in the formation of personality in any area, a person may experience depression due to their inferiority. Parents always devote more time to the physical and intellectual development of the child than to aesthetic education. That is why, in general, the level of culture becomes lower every year. What can this lead to? Moral values ​​are falling, ideals are crumbling. As a result, a person gradually falls to a primitive level.
  • The formation of the ability to see the beautiful. A person must be able to look positively at the world. It is this ability that will help him in the future overcome all life problems and troubles. This does not mean that you need to wear pink glasses, but it means that the attitude that a person gives himself internally will be positive.
  • The development of taste. Today, people are trying to replace ideals. In order not to feel like a fool and not exchange glass for gold, as the natives did, each individual must have a developed concept of beauty, which will correspond to the established canons.
  • Motivation for creativity. A creative person is able to live interestingly and create something new. Creativity, good imagination and fantasy work wonders. To develop these areas of thinking, you need to engage in aesthetic education.


What helps to develop a person’s tastes and ideas about the beautiful? These are the simplest things that we see daily in front of us. Among them:

  • Art. Painting, graphics, other drawing techniques help a person to better feel the beauty of this world. Artists in their canvases transform reality this way, so they perceive it. The result of their vision appears before the viewer. The contemplation of the masterpieces of painting inspires a person and helps him to comprehend the true purpose of his existence.
  • Architecture. One of the oldest forms of art allows a person to see the beauty next to him daily. Amazing monuments, cathedrals, churches, palaces and simply residential buildings confirm the phrase that the beautiful is always nearby.
  • Music. Songs can inspire a person to new achievements. Music helps to experience a surge of strength and energy, feel incredible emotions.
  • Theater. This art form shows a person the beauty of life, demonstrates the vices of people, and also tells in a comedic or dramatic form how to live.
  • Movie. Parents should teach their children good movies from childhood. In order for a person in the future to have the opportunity to independently shape his taste and enjoy watching films, he needs to be given an idea of ​​what is good.
  • Literature. Reading opens up new worlds for man. All the knowledge of our ancestors is stored in books. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of literature for modern man. In addition to classic publications, contemporary creations are annually released that help a person to better know himself and his surroundings.
  • Nature. Man has always sought inspiration in the world around him. Today this situation has not changed. To relax, relax and look at the pristine beauty, you can go to the forest, to the river, to the reserve.


methods of aesthetic education

How do parents raise a child? Not all of them think about what methods of aesthetic education exist. Many mothers and fathers do everything on a whim. Parents should alternate between different techniques to achieve optimal results. Among them there are such:

  • Conversation. To develop a child quickly and effectively, you need to talk with him. About what? Children are very susceptible to everything that adults say. Therefore, you should tell what is interesting to you personally. Talk to the children about art, about architecture. Listen to music together or watch a movie, and then discuss the contents of what you hear and read. During the conversation, the child will form a circle of his interests and the ability to defend them.
  • Example. The best way to teach a child something is to show him something by example. If you want to make your child read, then you yourself often must appear in front of the eyes of a child with a book. In this case, the baby will have a clear connection between what parents read. But children always copy the behavior of elders.
  • The lessons. The forms and methods of aesthetic education can be different. A lesson is one of them. By this concept is meant not only a lesson at school, but also instruction in a garden or at home. The child should receive metered information on the subject chosen by the teacher or parent, and be able to reproduce it.
  • Tours. One of the common methods of aesthetic education of younger students are joint walks in museums. Parents or guides tell kids about the masterpieces of painting, sculpture or applied art. Seen images help the child form his own picture of the world and develop a good taste.
  • Matinees. A popular method of aesthetic education of preschool children is the celebration. At such events, children receive accessible information about the theme of the entertainment event, learn to work in a team and gain the skill of public speaking.


What helps a child to better and faster learn the culture of his country and understand what is considered to be beautiful in the world? These criteria include:

  • Situation. Children should see a beautiful room. Good repair in the apartment is needed not only to demonstrate it to guests. The child should grow up in a room that will inspire him to develop creative abilities. This applies not only to his room. The premises of the kindergarten should also contribute to the development of a good aesthetic taste for babies.
  • Independent activity. You can not limit children's creativity. Of course, it must be directed in the right direction and explain the boundaries of what is permitted. But do not criticize the work of the baby. Children learn the world through images. Everyone has different perceptions, so the result of the activity will also be different. Parents should support any creative initiative of the child and help him in the implementation of their projects.
  • Activity management. Parents should not stare blankly at how their child is doing nonsense. If the child decided to draw on the wallpaper, you need to scold the child. Between creativity and permissiveness lies a thin line that cannot be crossed. At first, the rules of the game should always be set by parents. Children should connect to the game and upgrade it as they wish. Parents must ensure that the child does not cross the boundaries of the reasonable.

Introduction to art

children's creativity

How can parents explain to a young creature what art is? For this, a person needs to demonstrate the forms of its manifestation. The ways in which you can familiarize your child with the beautiful:

  • Impression This is a method of artistic and aesthetic education, when a child gets acquainted with some object or object. Parents show the child a canvas with a world-famous masterpiece and explain that in the picture you need to see the meaning laid down by the artist.
  • Observation. Another method of aesthetic education is contemplation. The child must look at the picture for a long time in order to understand its meaning. To understand the philosophy of the story, the student may need to read the book twice.
  • Example. Parents and teachers should tell the children that they need to love the culture, and then demonstrate, by personal example, affection for the beautiful. For example, parents who want to introduce the child to the art of theater should take him to performances and sit on a performance with the child.
  • Explanation. After watching a theatrical performance or after reading a book with a child, you need to discuss the learned material. The fact that an adult may seem accessible to a child may be incomprehensible.
  • Analysis. When the child says that he understood the explanation of the adult, the parent should ask the child to explain the learned material to him. A child can only then become aware of something when he learns to analyze what he has seen and heard.

Organization Forms

aesthetic education in kindergarten

How can I organize the educational process? There are standard forms and methods of aesthetic education of younger students. Among them:

  • Lessons. Lessons or short half-hour stories about something will help the child gain the necessary knowledge, as well as help him increase the area of ​​attention and the ability to understand information.
  • Independent activity. A person assimilates material better if he practices theory in practice. Therefore, after going to the art gallery, give the child paints, let him create his masterpiece in the image and likeness of the great masters.
  • Amateur activities. One of the methods of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children is the manifestation of their creativity. This may be the organization of a home concert or staging a small performance. Children can stage their own dance or have a shadow play.
  • Organization of holidays. Entertaining activities conducted by adults help the manifestation of creativity in children. The guys see the preparation process, they want to help their authorities, gradually becoming familiar with the creative process.
  • Entertainment. In order for the child to fully develop, classes need to be alternated with rest. Parents should come up with activities for their children to help the children develop during the game. It can be all kinds of quizzes or mobile contests.
  • Tours. Parents can take their children to public places and teach them to work in a group. Today, excursions to art galleries and literary museums for preschoolers are very popular.

Family education

goals of aesthetic education of preschool children

Where does the child learn about culture, moral standards and etiquette? That's right, in the family. Methods of aesthetic education of preschool children in the family should be as follows:

  • Personal example. As already stated more than once, a child can become a cultured person only if his parents are secular personalities. Adults must go to exhibitions, museums and theaters. Naturally, you need to take a child with you to some of these activities.
  • Reading fairy tales. Folk wisdom in large numbers is concentrated in fairy tales and epics. From this kind of literature, children get their first ideas about good and evil, about honesty and meanness, about justice and retribution. Parents should raise children in fairy tales.
  • Lullabies. Methods of aesthetic education in the family can be different. The lullabies that a mother sings to a falling asleep baby are one of the forms of aesthetic education. The child remembers the timbre of the mother’s voice, and also joins the music.
  • Aesthetics of everyday life. Children who see many beautiful things in their daily lives, get used to the fact that beauty should be everywhere and in everything. It does not always depend on the wealth of the family. The child can be beautifully dressed, even without large funds.
  • Conversations. The content and methods of aesthetic education is not a dry science. Information should be beautifully presented to the child. Long conversations with children help develop the values ​​of the child. Parents who tell their children tales and read epics, shape his imagination, talk about the work of great people motivate the child, and musical breaks help improve his taste.

School education

aesthetic education in school

What subjects help develop the culture of the child and introduce him to art? The main among them are three:

  • Russian language and literature. School lessons are one of the methods of aesthetic education of children. The teacher tells the children about the norms of the language, forms a beautiful speech, helps to develop a good literary taste.
  • Art. The methods and techniques of aesthetic education in drawing lessons can be different. It all depends on the mood of the children and their willingness to cooperate with the teacher. Children can draw, sculpt, apply, make stained glass.
  • Music. A good musical taste can be developed by a worthy teacher who is interested in musical works. What methods of aesthetic education of schoolchildren are used in this area? Theoretical lectures are replaced by practical exercises. This can be learning songs or attending children's music events.


Many children spend more time at school than at home. What should teachers do to develop good taste in children, in addition to conducting lessons? A good teacher can hold such events with children:

  • Discussions. A popular method and means of aesthetic education are conversations on an abstract topic. The class teacher in this way can prepare children for public speaking, train their students to conduct a harmonious dialogue.
  • Visit to theaters. Not all parents have the opportunity to take their children to the theater, so this mission often falls on the shoulders of the class teacher.
  • Visiting museums. This is part of the aesthetic education of schoolchildren.
  • Class hour. If we give a description of the method of artistic and aesthetic education of schoolchildren, then we can call it extracurricular activity. Children, under the guidance of the class teacher, prepare concerts, come up with comedy numbers, sing songs, and learn dances.
  • Contests. All kinds of contests should be held for schoolchildren, where children can demonstrate their talents.

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