From what age can children give mint tea and other types

It is imperative for children of all ages to get enough fluids daily. However, if the parents probably know about the benefits of clean water, homemade fruit drinks and compotes, as well as fresh juices, then a drink such as tea often causes great doubts. Let's look at how old children can be given tea. This article will focus on different types of drink and their benefits for a growing body.

from what age can tea be given to children

From what age can children be given tea: servings for newborns

Newborns and infants can be given tea exclusively for babies. The age at which it can be consumed is usually written on the packaging. Usually, tea of ​​any kind is not recommended for newborn babies, and its introduction into the child’s diet should be discussed with a pediatrician.

As a rule, fennel tea is given to babies from 1 month old, linden and chamomile tea can be given from 4 months, but it is better not to give ginger, mint and vitamin drink with fruits and berries up to 5-6 months.

At what age can tea be given to children: consumption standards

Children aged 2-3 years are allowed to give weak black tea in a single serving of 50 ml no more than four times a week. For children from 3 to 6 years, a single serving of a weak drink increases to 100 ml. For children from 7 years old, a single serving can be up to 200 ml. It may already be stronger: a teaspoon of raw materials per serving.

at what age can children give mint tea

The black

As a rule, parents are interested in the opportunity to introduce black tea into the baby’s diet, as it is the most common and popular of all varieties of this drink. We have already found out that it is with him that it is necessary first of all to begin to introduce the baby.

Weakly brewed, high-quality black tea in moderation, with no dubious flavors, will invigorate and tone the child for the whole day, allow him to take part in the general family tea ceremony and give him an excellent mood.


The answer to the question of whether to give the baby green tea and how many years to introduce this drink into the diet will be very mixed. An indisputable fact is the high content of caffeine and tannin, as well as minimal processing of tea leaves.

It is better to introduce green tea in the child’s diet in the last turn, in order to avoid possible negative consequences for the body. It can be drunk by children from 10-11 years old, only after consulting a doctor, if there are any contraindications for health, gradually, slightly brewed, and strictly dosed, in small quantities. However, the best time to get acquainted with this drink is the period after puberty, when the baby's body has already formed and matured.

at what age can you give children tea with ginger

With milk

At what age can milk tea be given to children? Supplementing tea with milk is recommended for children 3-10 years old. A 2-3-year-old child is diluted with tea 50 to 50, and for crumbs older than three years, the amount of milk in the drink is not regulated.

Milk will not allow tea pigments to adversely affect the baby's tooth enamel, in addition, it will significantly reduce the concentration of harmful substances and compounds, and can also neutralize oxalates and tatins.


At what age can ginger tea be given to children? Ginger tea helps to normalize digestion, has a beneficial effect on nausea, runny nose, headache and a variety of colds. In tea with ginger, the ability to eliminate cough and strengthen immunity is noted.

at what age can children give chicory tea


Supporters of traditional medicine and herbal medicine are constantly asking whether children can be given linden tea.

This tea is undesirable to give babies just because of the large number of vitamins and powerful effects on a fragile body. Despite the lack of caffeine, you need to be careful with this tea: daily use is completely useless, because herbs are powerful allergens. It’s best to start giving this tea from school.


At what age can mint tea be given to children ? Peppermint tea is even more dangerous than lime tea. Undoubtedly, mint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also has a strong calming effect, but all this is true only for an adult organism.

The effect of mint on the health of babies has not yet been fully studied; in addition, it is this plant that most often causes skin and food allergies for children of all ages. Therefore, when parents decide on the possibility of introducing peppermint tea into the diet , it is best to consult a pediatrician to avoid possible negative consequences.

from what age can you give hibiscus tea to children


At what age can hibiscus tea be given to children? Like ordinary black tea, red hibiscus is allowed to be consumed by children from three years of age and older. According to some experts, it is possible to introduce it into the diet much earlier, since this species does not have such a pronounced tonic effect.

Hibiscus tea contains a significant amount of vitamins that have a firming effect on the baby's immune system, helping the body better cope with infectious and colds. In addition, the rich and bright red color of the drink and a pleasant sour taste are pleasant for children of any age.

However, do not forget that in addition to vitamins, this tea contains a large amount of citric acid. Therefore, before introducing hibiscus into the diet of a child, it is necessary to make sure that it does not cause a severe allergic reaction. If a child of three years calmly reacted to a cup of this drink, then you can safely enter it into the diet along with black tea.


At what age can chicory tea be given to children? Since caffeine is completely absent in this drink, and also taking into account its harmlessness, chicory is allowed to be introduced into the diet for children after 1 year. As a rule, kids love this drink diluted with milk.

There are almost no contraindications to chicory, but in rare cases, the use of this drink can lead to an allergic reaction. Like other new products, this drink must be introduced into the child’s diet gradually and in moderation. In addition, this drink is not recommended for children before bedtime, as one of its properties is vasodilation and increased energy. The optimal time for chicory toddler is morning.

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