Dolls have been a companion of man since time immemorial: they were found during excavations in places of residence of ancient civilizations and nationalities. Little men or animals are made in the likeness of their living prototypes using imagination and a miniature creator. They got "roles" on stage, were the main characters in the books, and outlived their creators.
Revitalize Creation
Puppet dealers have made many attempts to revitalize their creations, to endow them with “intelligence”, to get them to talk, sing or dance. Famous Thomas Edison (the one who came up with the light bulb) decided that the talking doll is what customers are looking forward to, and worked hard to create such a puppet., , , . " " , . , .
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The little daughter will surely be delighted when a surprise in her beautiful packaging awaits her birthday: a doll that walks and speaks Russian and English. Now the girl, imitating her mother, will take care of her new friend: she can be put on and taken for a walk for a walk. Names of dolls can be very diverse, as well as their appearance and growth. They work from batteries: finger-type or small “tablets” (as for watches).Let your little daughter know that she has a faithful toy girlfriend.