Hypoallergenic beauty - cat allergy

More recently, many people have been tormented by choosing between allergies and love for the feline family. As you know, the fur of these furry creatures is one of the most powerful provocative substances that even the best antihistamines cannot always cope with. For such people, keeping a cat as a pet was ordered just a couple of years ago. But the ubiquitous breeders and genetics headed by Simon Brody, president of the science company Allerca, set to work. He and his team revealed during research that the main source of allergies is the protein glycoprotein, which is secreted by the sebaceous and salivary glands of cats. As a result of many years of selection, they managed to breed a radically new breed, which releases this enzyme in much smaller quantities. So there was a cat allergy - the first purr in the world, available to people with allergies.

cat allergy

This breed of pets has not yet been recognized by international organizations of felinologists, however, it has already caused a stir in the world media. Many still believe that a cat allergy is nothing more than a newspaper “duck” or the machinations of scammers, but in fact a hypoallergenic breed still does not exist in nature.

Moreover, in our country there are no official breeders of these cats. Animals can be ordered only on the websites of foreign kennels and only in the status of “house”, that is, a pet that is not intended for breeding and exhibiting as a breed producer. The cat allergy is described in books as a medium-sized animal, reaching an adult weight of four to eight kilograms. The characteristic color for this breed is black marble on gold, that is, an almost ordinary spotty color. It is also believed that the cat allergy gets along well with people, and especially with the kids. She has a companionable and good-natured character. But its main advantage, of course, is that the secretion of its salivary and sweat glands does not cause allergies in people.

allergy cat

Why did the distrust of the existence of this breed arise? The fact is that Simon Brody already once deceived the expectations of breeders. The allegedly Asher’s cat, created using unique innovative technologies, was simply a subspecies of the serval, an African wild cat. But the cost of “thoroughbred” representatives of this rare species of practically “small panthers” was calculated not at all by African standards. And the allergy - a cat, whose price at online auctions sometimes reaches the mark of 8 thousand US dollars, is now included in the list of TOP-10 of the most expensive breeds in the world. And it’s not at all a fact that she is really so hypoallergenic as Mr. Brody informs.

allergy cat Price

But in any case, it doesn’t matter if there is actually an allergy (a cat without glycoprotein in the blood) or if the representatives of the “breed” are ordinary murks, she certainly deserves love, like any other representative of this fluffy family.

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