Runny nose in an infant. How to treat baby’s nasal congestion?

In less than a month, you were discharged from the hospital, and the nose is clogged with the baby, and this does not allow him to breathe or eat? Many parents are concerned about the problem of how to overcome a runny nose in an infant, than to treat it in order to alleviate the condition and not harm. After all, doctors do not recommend the use of vasoconstrictors for up to three months, but it is very difficult to look at the suffering of the baby.

runny nose in a baby than to treat

Runny nose in an infant

Komarovsky, a pediatrician doctor popular among parents, advises mothers not to treat a runny nose (rhinitis), but the disease that caused it. Therefore, first of all, the nature of its origin should be determined. A runny nose can be bacterial, viral, physiological or allergic. And each of its types is treated in its own way. And only a doctor will be able to do this. However, every mother must know that with allergic or viral rhinitis, nasal discharge is clear. If they acquire a yellowish or greenish tint, this indicates the presence of bacteria in the body. Often the cause of nasal congestion in a baby may be just insufficient humidity in the room. And if you raise it, the nose of the crumbs will be able to clean without outside help.

runny nose in infants Komarovsky

Runny nose in an infant. How to treat rhinitis?

If the discharge from the baby’s nose is transparent, then in the first three months after birth the baby is not recommended to be treated, because the nasal mucus has protective properties and does not allow the infection to penetrate the nasopharynx further. To facilitate the breathing of the crumbs, you only need to regularly suck this mucus with a medical pear. After this procedure, you can drip the nose with a saline pipette (one teaspoon of salt is taken in a glass of boiled warm water).

How to treat a runny nose for a nursing baby at home?

At the head of the baby for the night, you can put a napkin moistened with eucalyptus oil, or drop two drops of Zvezdochka liquid balm on it. Try hanging pieces of onion wrapped in shreds of clean gauze or garlic cloves around the crib. Their pairs will help the baby breathe more freely. Light pressure on the wings of the nose contributes to the secretion of mucus, the child will feel better. The air in the room should be cool and humid enough, this can be done using a special humidifier. If it is not, you need to place bowls with water wherever the area of ​​the room allows. A sick child must often be drunk from a bottle so that the airways are moist. These procedures will prevent the formation of crusts in the nose.

how to treat a runny nose in an infant

Runny nose in an infant: how to treat? Medical preparations

It is necessary to treat vasoconstrictor pharmacy drugs with extreme caution and choose them only after the doctor’s recommendations. It should be remembered that they give a short-term result, the body quickly gets used to them and does not further respond to them. The following pharmacy products (drops) are recommended: Euphorbium, Etericide, Derinat, Nazivin, Salin. With green discharge, Protargol or Collargol will do.

Runny nose in an infant: how to treat? Warming up

It will help with nasal congestion heat on the nose. For this purpose, you can use a boiled egg wrapped in a clean napkin, or warm the nose with a bag of salt or buckwheat, heated in a pan.

Any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, more attention should be paid to strengthening the immunity of the child. Properly selected physical exercises, frequent walks in the fresh air, good nutrition will provide invaluable assistance in developing strong immunity for your baby.

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