Didactic games in kindergarten for the successful development of the child

Preschool age is one of the most important stages in a person’s life, when not only his personal inclinations develop, but the general skills necessary for a full-fledged life are formed. Didactic games in kindergarten is one of the methods generally recognized in the educational system that have established themselves as the most rational way of the comprehensive development of a small person.

The most important task for which didactic games in kindergarten are directed is the development of fine motor skills of hands. Everything goes in a strict planned manner. Carers draw up class notes, which clearly describe the course of action performed by the child. The result of a properly conducted lesson is improved speech. It should correspond to the age category. And this happens only if the movement of the fingers is developed. Otherwise, the child has a delay in speech development.

Didactic games in kindergarten train the child’s manual dexterity, imperceptibly and unobtrusively preparing him for the next, school stage of his life. There is a purposeful preparation for the writing technique, familiarization with the figures that are important for geometry, topographic skills are laid, the basics of spatial thinking, the eye is improved. We emphasize that this is not training, but only a preparatory process, since the first is still associated with some moments of coercion to one or another activity. And, of course, a very important point of such classes is the formation of communication skills, the ability to communicate with the team, live by its interests, as well as perseverance and focusing on one, separately taken subject.

The use of didactic games in kindergarten begins from the first days a child arrives in a preschool institution. But while still at home, the child should receive regular finger massage sessions that are easy to perform and really like the baby. The tips of the hands are closely connected with the areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for the development of motor skills in the child. Exercises such as "Magpie-Thief", "Ladushki" and others not only entertain the baby. They help accelerate the development of baby skills. In addition, those parents who do before the kindergarten teach children to fasten and unfasten their buttons, put on and take off their tights, and even tie and untie the laces do the right thing. Elementary self-care skills will not hinder the baby, but rather, will help to quickly integrate into the general course of educational activities proposed in the kindergarten.

An important place for the development of manual motility in preschool age is occupied by crafts in kindergarten. Children are happy to do manual work when sculpting from plasticine, cutting and pasting a variety of paper applications. Of course, a lot of preparatory work is required from the educator, who must stock up in advance with the set of necessary material. And here again, everything should strictly correspond to the skills that the child has formed at this moment, and the actions are directed not only to the formation of new skills, but also to the consolidation of those that already exist. Crafts in kindergarten should not scare away the child and seem difficult to him. Only in this case will he fulfill them with pleasure.

Most of all, preschoolers enjoy classes when drawing in kindergarten. They at such lessons not only learn to handle graphic material. The child develops emotionally, because on paper he is trying to portray those feelings that are exciting for him, and unfortunately he still cannot tell about everything. But we must remember that drawing in kindergarten is also associated with proper posture and therefore pay attention to the child’s planting, as well as how he holds the pencil from the moment he begins to draw around the first contours.

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