Infectious mononucleosis is a relatively common disease. It is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth, spleen and liver. Infection occurs due to the penetration of the Epstein-Barr virus into the body. The most susceptible to it are children and women in position. Mononucleosis during pregnancy is dangerous both for the expectant mother due to weakened immunity, and for the fetus inside the womb.
Features of the disease
The causative agent of mononucleosis is the Epstein-Barr virus. He is a representative of the herpes virus type IV. Transmission is carried out mainly by airborne droplets. The virus instantly spreads to people, clothing and household items. For a long time, it remains viable outside the human body. With weakened immunity, it quickly penetrates the body, which is accompanied by a characteristic clinical picture.
Mononucleosis during pregnancy is rare. However, its timely diagnosis is extremely important. The immunity of the pregnant woman throughout all 9 months is weakened. Therefore, the virus is dangerous for both the woman and the fetus.
The duration of the incubation period varies from 8 to 21 days. Initially, a woman may not even suspect an illness. His clinical picture is in many ways similar to the course of acute respiratory viral infections. Therefore, some patients are in no hurry to seek medical help and perceive mononucleosis as a common cold.
During pregnancy, the disease begins to manifest itself with fever up to 39 degrees and above. It is always accompanied by muscle pain, dizziness, chills. Symptoms usually last up to 7 days.
From about the second day, lymph nodes and tonsils are involved in the pathological process. Women have severe sore throat. On examination, an increase in tonsils, hyperemia is detected. In 20% of cases, yellowness of the skin and sclera is diagnosed. Rashes on the skin are rare.
The addition of a bacterial infection significantly changes the clinical picture. It is supplemented by a second wave of fever, a deterioration in overall well-being, and other symptoms specific to each case.
The severity of the disease
Depending on the course of the pathological process, 3 severity levels are distinguished:
- With a mild form of mononucleosis during pregnancy, an increase in temperature is observed no more than 5 days. A slight increase in cervical lymph nodes is also possible. Recovery usually occurs after 14 days.
- With a moderate form of pathology, the fever lasts up to 9 days. In addition, the spleen and liver become denser, cervical and abdominal lymph nodes increase. On palpation, pain in the affected organs is noted. In the case of proper treatment, the pregnant woman recovers within 20-30 days.
- A severe form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of high temperature (up to 39 degrees). Lymph nodes increase rapidly throughout the body. Inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids also occurs. Therapy may take up to 1.5 months in this case.
Diagnostic Methods
If you suspect a mononucleosis during pregnancy, you need to contact a therapist who will already schedule an examination. It is important not to delay consulting a doctor, since pathology can take a chronic form.
Her diagnosis begins with a study of the anamnesis of the pregnant woman, complaints and symptoms. Particular attention is paid to the clinical picture. Signs of mononucleosis are similar to acute respiratory viral infections and cytomegalovirus infection.
Examination of the patient involves passing a blood test and bacteriological smear from the throat. If the Epstein-Barr virus is present in the body, the examination will reveal the following deviations:
- Excess ESR parameters. Indicates the presence of inflammation in the body.
- Mononuclear cells in the blood. These are cells with one nucleus. With mononucleosis, their number increases.
- Leukocytosis. At the initial stage of pathology, this indicator is within normal limits. As it progresses, the number of neutrophils increases.
- High bilirubin. The disease affects the condition of the liver. Therefore, bilirubin is excreted rather slowly.
Additionally, an antibody test against Epstein-Barr virus may be required. In the active form of the disease, it shows the presence of antibodies of class M. In the case of good functioning of the immune system - class G.
Infectious mononucleosis and pregnancy are quite rare at the same time. Therefore, if a woman is suspected of having an illness, it is recommended to take tests several times with a small frequency. At the initial stage, it is difficult to detect the virus, including in the laboratory.
Therapy Features
Treatment of mononucleosis during pregnancy is carried out only in a hospital. This approach allows you to constantly monitor the patient's condition, to exclude the development of complications. Self-medicate or ignore the symptoms of the disease is unacceptable. In this case, the consequences for the fetus and the woman herself may be irreversible.
Herpes viruses infect lymph nodes. They cause inflammation in the liver and an enlarged spleen. Therefore, therapy with mononucleosis is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus and its effect on the fetus, internal organs. As a rule, the following drugs are used in the treatment:
- "Hofitol", "Essential Forte" to protect the liver.
- "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen" as anti-inflammatory drugs. However, for the treatment of mononucleosis during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, their intake is prohibited. These medications can cause bleeding.
- "Phlebodia" for the prevention of blood clots.
- Vitamin complexes to enhance immunity.
- "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone." Corticosteroids are prescribed in especially serious cases.
The use of antiviral drugs during pregnancy is considered inappropriate. They can harm the fetus developing in the womb.
Useful Tips
The factors that provoke mononucleosis during pregnancy are reduced immunity, stress, malnutrition. Therefore, doctors give the following recommendations that are useful to use during the prescribed therapy:
- Increase the amount of foods containing vitamins in the diet. It is, first of all, about fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Add to the diet the natural minerals necessary to maintain the full functioning of the body (iodine, iron, potassium, zinc, etc.). Eat only fresh dairy and meat / fish products. Canned products and semi-finished products are best excluded.
- The disease cannot be tolerated "on the feet." The need for treatment in a hospital was described a little higher.
During the illness and for 1.5 years after recovery, the body should not be subjected to intense physical exertion.
The consequences of pathology for women
In order not to aggravate the course of the pathology, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for treatment. If you feel worse, you must immediately notify him about it. It is important to constantly monitor temperature readings. Even a slight increase in it can provoke many unpleasant symptoms.
After mononucleosis and pregnancy, immunity is still in a weakened state for some time. The body remains susceptible to the environment. Therefore, it is better to avoid crowded places, spend more time at home and take multivitamin complexes.
Danger of illness for a child
If a woman does not have antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus in her blood, in the first trimester the disease can lead to a miscarriage.
Confirmation of mononucleosis during pregnancy often causes impaired fetal development. It can be both congenital pathologies and physical deformities. With this disease, the internal organs of not only the pregnant woman, but also the baby inside the womb suffer. The most common complications of the disease are: underdevelopment of the central nervous system, defects in the organs of hearing and vision, jaundice.
In the later stages, mononucleosis during pregnancy often provokes premature discharge of amniotic fluid, which also negatively affects the development of the child.
Prevention Methods
In order to prevent mononucleosis, doctors recommend minimizing the impact of negative factors. We are talking about stressful situations and immunosuppression. In addition, you must:
- avoid hypothermia, infections;
- even at the stage of pregnancy planning, to carry out the rehabilitation of the oral cavity at the dentist;
- refuse contact with sick people;
- follow basic hygiene.
Compliance with these recommendations allows you to minimize the risk of infection with mononucleosis during pregnancy. 2 trimester and 3 are considered the least dangerous to the fetus, if the virus still penetrated the body. However, in this case too, treatment cannot be neglected.