Any heart can melt a small but strong dog with the unusual name of Havana Bichon. Long wavy hair is its main distinguishing feature. The homeland of these fascinating creatures belonging to the family of lapdogs is Cuba, where the Havana Bichons were especially revered by the local aristocracy.
Breed description
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A huge world is hiding in the small heart of the Havana Bichon. The meaning of this dog’s life is man. Only then does she feel happy when a loving host is next to her. Despite its small size, this animal is highly active, filling the entire space in the house.
She loves fun games, doesn’t sit still for a minute. Incredulity to strangers allows the pet to be an excellent watchman. This little dog is capable of decisive and fearless actions in case of danger. In Cuba, Havana Bichon was often used to protect livestock.Maintenance and care
Dogs of this breed are very energetic and mobile. Therefore, active walks in the open air are mandatory for them. However, sometimes there are too domestic dogs, which are difficult to make to go out.
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