Do cats fart: the structure of internal organs, the features of the stomach, the choice of food and explanations of a veterinarian

Despite the fact that cats are one of the most common pets, we do not know much about them. Sometimes the owners may have different questions related to the content of mustached pets. For example, do cats fart? Should I contact a veterinarian in this case? Why do cats fart? And so on.

Fart or not?

Cat lies

Often the question arises from the owners: "Can cats fart?" Cats fart, and this is a completely normal process of life. However, this happens very rarely. If the cat farts too often, you should pay attention to the health of the pet.

In the process of digesting food in the intestines of the cat gases are formed. Gases can also form in the stomach due to the action of carbohydrates. Unlike dogs, cats themselves can form enough carbohydrates. Therefore, their increased content in food can cause increased gas formation in the cat’s stomach.

The danger of flatulence

Bloating, excessive formation and accumulation of gases can cause flatulence. If the cat hiccups, farts, it burps, we can conclude about failures in the digestive system. Due to flatulence, the cat may begin vomiting, diarrhea, spasms, the abdominal wall may be deformed, which is very dangerous for the animal's body.

If the cat, with such problems, continues to eat food, this leads to incomplete digestion. Food gets stuck in the intestines and begins to rot. The result of this may be intoxication of the animal. If the cat's gas smells of rot, this is an important reason to contact your veterinarian right away.

Digestive system

The digestive system of cats consists of the oral cavity, pharynx, stomach, small and large intestines. The pancreas, duodenum and gall bladder also take part in the digestion process.

An adult cat has 30 teeth in the oral cavity. The tongue is covered with small coarse papillae, thanks to which the cat can lap up all kinds of fluids. Thanks to saliva, the digestion process begins already in the oral cavity. Then the cat pushes food into the esophagus, which, if necessary, is able to stretch.

the kitten lies

After the food enters the stomach, it is digested with the help of gastric juice. From the stomach, food enters the small intestine, where it is finally digested with the help of the pancreatic enzyme.

Recycled compressed waste is removed through the large intestine. It also serves to form beneficial microorganisms and bacteria.

Features of the stomach

The cat’s stomach is single chamber. From the inside, it is lined with a mucous membrane that produces gastric juice. Two openings come from the stomach: one opens into the esophagus, and the other into the small intestine.

The cat’s stomach is used to store food and control the rate of food entry into the intestines, secrete enzymes necessary for the digestion process. It mixes and grinds food. With muscular movements, he directs food into the small intestine.

When food enters the stomach, its bottom relaxes - to reduce intragastric pressure. The smell and taste of food cause the secretion of gastric juice. Digested food is sent to the intestines, and its undigested portion remains in the stomach. The caloric the food, the slower it is digested.

Cat eats

Possible causes of flatulence

If you are wondering if cats are farting, then you are probably interested in the reason for this phenomenon. The cause of increased gas formation in the stomach can be a sharp transition of the animal to another feed. It is worth remembering that if an animal eats one type of dry food, then drastically transfer it to another can be very harmful to the body. New food should be introduced into the diet gradually, so that the body gets used to it.

Another reason may be swallowing air during meals. This is due to the fact that the cat's bowl is too low or high, which is why during the meal the animal is forced to take an uncomfortable position. Rapid absorption of food can also lead to ingestion of air: this is characteristic of kittens and young individuals.

High carbohydrate content in food is one of the main causes of gas formation in the stomach. Flatulence is also possible as a result of an allergic reaction to some food component. Very allergenic are cheap feeds that contain a large number of all kinds of chemical additives that are addictive in the animal.

The cause of increased gas formation can be inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. Congenital pathologies or injuries sustained during the course of life can disrupt the digestive system.

A common cause of flatulence in street animals is viral infection. Another cause of increased gas formation can be dysbiosis. A change in the number of microorganisms in the stomach can occur after the animals have taken antibiotics or as a result of inflammatory processes in the body.

What to do if a cat farts?

First of all, you need to properly equip the place of eating. The animal should have a relaxed position while eating: do not pull your head too low or high, do not throw it on its side.

It is worth taking care of the proper nutrition of the pet. Cheap feeds can be addictive in cats, and they also contain strong allergens. Problems can arise when feeding the animal with natural food, because you can’t just feed the cat with fish or meatballs from the table in any case. Natural foods must be balanced.

If the above measures have not changed the situation, and the cat still farts often, you should show it to the veterinarian. Do not forget that the measures taken in time can save the life of your pet.

Veterinarian Tips

Cat at the vet

Veterinarians concluded that the most common reason cats fart is still swallowing air when eating. The second most important reason is poor-quality feed. The economy segment feed is now widely represented on the market, and many owners feed their pets with it, thereby causing severe harm to the body. Particularly fatal are poor feeds for kittens: the animal’s body is not yet formed and it is very important that it receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

It is worth noting that various diseases, which only a veterinarian can detect, are also a common cause of flatulence. Do not let everything drift if you have doubts about the well-being of the pet.

At the reception, the veterinarian must do an external examination, feel the belly. The animal should take blood for analysis. An x-ray or ultrasound may also be needed. It is these actions that can help determine the cause of flatulence and take the necessary measures in time.

How to choose the right food?

cat in a bowl

A very common cause of flatulence is improperly selected food. Do not forget that the cat is not a man, and therefore do not feed him from his desk. Cat food should be properly balanced, contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. The premium composition can boast of a good composition.

Cheap economy-class feeds most often do not have normal meat in their composition, but include offal (production waste). In addition, they contain addictive additives.

If you decide to feed the cat with natural food, you must consult a veterinarian to draw up a balanced diet. It is worth remembering that in the diet of a cat should be 35% protein, 35% carbohydrates and 30% fat. In cat food, it is necessary to use meat and meat offal, cereals and vegetables. All this should be boiled and rolled through a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass. Fish should be used carefully, because its excess in the diet can cause urolithiasis, especially in sterilized animals.

Happy cat

Thus, the answer to the question "do cats fart" is clear: yes, fart. And this is a completely normal process. However, do not forget that if the cat farts often, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

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