Parrot view - character difficulties and communication charm

Before deciding which type of parrot you need, you should decide - why do you actually need a parrot? For beauty, for communication, or simply "because I want to." These animals may seem unpretentious at first glance, but in fact they require attention and care. This is especially true for talking parrots. Otherwise, you will have to observe tantrums, broken things, torn feathers and aggressiveness on the part of the animal. They cannot stand loneliness.

kind of parrots

Careful care requires a domestic parrot. The species of these birds are numerous, but they are all equally sociable, interesting and funny. Therefore, if you do not disdain to constantly clean the tray of feces and feathers, and also forgive your friend his “dusty” habits, then you should look at this type of pet.

Types of Domestic Parrots

  1. The budgerigar is the most unpretentious and common type of parrot. These cute creatures are small but very colorful and varied in color. Their homeland is considered Central Australia. The nature of this bird is cheerful and sociable. She flies beautifully and runs on legs. He feels comfortable in a cage. These parrots are best kept in pairs. Caring for them is not difficult.
    domestic parrot species

  2. Corella (Nymph) - this parrot can often be found on the shelves of pet stores, it is larger than a wavy one. On his head he has a funny crest, as well as pink cheeks. This species of parrots can hardly be called gifted, despite sociability, it does not show interest in learning. For all life can only say a few words. But he loves the sun and can be trained.
  3. Cockatoo - a famous parrot with an impressive funny crest. Often such a parrot can be found on the shoulder of a pirate in a movie. They brought a cockatoo from Australia and the Indonesian islands. In addition to the beautiful crest, these birds have a large and powerful beak. Cockatoo, like Corella, are losers in terms of conversation. Although they love the presence of a person, learning to speak is extremely difficult. But they shamelessly swaggered in full throat. These birds love to flirt with their master, play and fool around.
  4. Rosella is a beautifully colored musical parrot. This type of parrot is very unpretentious in captivity, but, unfortunately, can not speak. But perfectly imitates almost any musical motive.
  5. Amazon is one of the most talking birds. Talented parodists, sociable comrades, cheerful birds who have conquered breeders for centuries with their charm. These birds have an amazing memory - they are able to remember people. And also prone to mood swings.
  6. Lori - the most beautiful small parrots. Very kind and quick-witted. But they require special climatic conditions: heat and special nutrition. Lori and Amazon are the types of parrots that talk, and their vocabulary exceeds 70 words. They are easily trained and very mobile.

    types of parrots that talk

  7. Jaco is one of the most gifted birds among parrots. Jaco easily remembers not only words, but also great sentences, while he can imitate the sounds of music. Moreover, the talented parodies of Jacquot cannot be distinguished from real ones, so accurately he imitates all kinds of sounds. It is better to keep a gray parrot alone in a cage, in captivity, this bird rhyme, unfortunately, does not breed.
  8. Ara is the largest representative of the parrot family . Ara has a rich bright color, as well as an impressive size. These birds stand out in a loud and unpleasant voice, but they have no conversational talents.

    Yes, they are able to clearly pronounce one or two words, and that’s all. But their powerful beak is able to spoil many things in the house.

In fact, there are a lot of species of parrots in nature - more than 360. Many parrots live for more than 50 years, in captivity with the right content - about 20 years. These birds are very sociable and cheerful. And with proper care, they will decorate any home.

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