All women, while carrying a child, try to eat right and rationally, lead a healthy lifestyle and in every way protect their unborn child from all kinds of troubles. But no matter what efforts are made, often the body of the expectant mother gives some failures. There are many reasons for this, solutions too, but there are always treatment options. Leg cramps during pregnancy at different times are associated with certain problems.
In the first trimester, cramps are less common than in subsequent periods. However, they carry the greatest danger, because right now all the fundamentals of your baby’s future health and usefulness are being laid. Convulsions in pregnant women during this period are often caused by insufficient metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. The cause may be disturbed work of the parathyroid gland. More often, such convulsions reduce the hands, feet. If they cover the body or face, then mandatory and urgent hospitalization is required. Convulsions in early pregnant women are treated with special hormonal preparations for the parathyroid gland, a course of taking calcium-containing complexes, and an increase in the amount of vitamin D2 in the body.
Leg cramps during pregnancy are the most common problem in the second half of gestation. The reasons for such troubles can be many: uterine pressure on nerve fibers, prolonged walking, uncomfortable posture during sleep, lack of magnesium or calcium. Usually, cramps during pregnancy appear at night. It’s good if there is a loving, caring person nearby who will massage the feet or gently and slightly cover the foot with a needle, conduct some exercises that relieve tension from the muscles involved in the cramp. The fact is that future mothers at this time will be quite difficult and problematic to carry out all this by herself.
To relax the muscles, pulling the limb and returning to the starting position is very helpful. So you can smoothly relieve tension. Preventing leg cramps during pregnancy is still easier than curing them. Basic rules: comfortable rest on the side, preferably with raised legs (for example, lay a small cushion or a low pillow under the lower part of the legs), wear a bandage for the abdomen, prefer shoes with heels no higher than 5 cm, use a large number of products containing magnesium and calcium.
Seizures during pregnancy can be caused by active or passive smoking, which deprives the body of oxygen, which necessarily affects the muscles and health of the fetus. Hypoxia is a very serious issue and it is better to avoid it by all means, because without enough oxygen, normal development of the child is ruled out. Often walk in the fresh air, away from roadways.
Varicose veins can also cause cramps in pregnant women. It is difficult to fight with him in this position, but the most effective way is to wear special tights and underwear that compress your legs and prevent the veins from expanding. With what compressive force tights are necessary for you, the phlebologist will tell. In more severe cases, he may prescribe treatment.
With a lack of magnesium or calcium, complexes containing a large amount of these substances are prescribed. Also, do not ignore products containing these trace elements. For magnesium, these are: nuts, seafood (in particular, seaweed or kelp), dried fruits, legumes, oatmeal, wheat bran, etc. Calcium can be replenished, including dairy products, bone broths, fish with bones (canned food) in the daily diet, dried fruits, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts, herbs, chocolate (much more in milk than in black). But keep in mind that even though the body takes more useful foods from ordinary servings of food during pregnancy, it misses a lot. That is why with infrequent and mild cases of seizures, food can help, but with systematic options, only medication can solve the problem.
Leg cramps during pregnancy in patients with epilepsy often occur. Such women are not recommended to become pregnant, because their main ailment can cause the loss of a child during a seizure. Those who still bear a child have a cesarean section.
Love your children even before they are born and do not forget that the child in your body is not for long, and you are forever.