What nasal drops are best for children: list of remedies, instructions

The sinuses are most often exposed to various viruses, infections and bacteria. As a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. In the autumn, winter and spring, almost every child has a runny nose. Because of him, he begins to feel unwell, his temperature rises and mucus is actively produced. Each caring mom will definitely think about which nasal drops are best for children? There are several optimal options.

what nasal drops are best for children

Why are vasoconstrictive drops needed?

In the early stages of the disease, pediatricians prescribe vasoconstrictive nasal drops for their children to their patients . They are effective in the following cases:

  • If characteristic edema is present in the nasal cavity.
  • The kid complains of stuffiness in the sinuses.
  • An early stage of the disease is observed when the formation of mucus does not yet occur.

In addition, a similar drug is prescribed for some diseases, for example, sinusitis, an allergic reaction and rhinitis are such.

good nose drops for kids

Possible drugs

In total, five most effective vasoconstrictive drops in the nose for children can be distinguished:

  • “Nazivin” - each parent had to face these drops. After all, they are prescribed by doctors for almost any disease. The drug has the ability to eliminate viral exacerbation in the early stages of its development. It is recommended to instill two drops in each nasal passage at a time in order to facilitate the baby's breathing. You can use the drug starting from three months of life.
  • Xylometazoline effectively fights against an unpleasant disease such as rhinitis. You will need to do four irrigation of each sinus per day, then a positive result will not take long. There are some age restrictions - drops can not be used for children under six years of age.
  • "Galazolin" will allow you to relieve swelling in a matter of time. They must be used every 8 hours without fail. The entire course of treatment should not exceed two weeks, if necessary, you can make a short pause, and then continue it again.

nose drops for a child 2 years

  • When it comes to good nasal drops for children, a drug like Naphthyzine cannot be ignored. Its feature is that it does not have an addictive effect. That is, even after prolonged use, it will provide benefits to the body.
  • Xymelin contains effective chemicals that will help get rid of congestion within 10 minutes after the procedure.

When using these drugs, it is important to follow the recommendations indicated on the package. Do not use them too often. Otherwise, a side effect will appear - dryness in the nasal cavity, which will cause itching, irritation and slight malaise.

General recommendations

Any drops in the nose of a child with a runny nose that have a vasoconstrictor effect can not be used for more than seven days. If congestion and edema have not yet passed, it is recommended to replace the drug. To enhance the result, you can pre-clean each sinus with saline, which is sold in almost all pharmacies. A few minutes after this, you can apply the main medicine. Many drugs of this purpose cause an allergic reaction, if redness, itching, rash and other unpleasant symptoms appear, then another treatment method should be chosen.

vasoconstrictor nose drops for children

What are antibacterial drops for?

Young mothers whose children have just started attending kindergarten are not recommended to rush to go to work. This is due to the fact that the child’s body has not yet matured and upon contact with other children they will often become ill. However, the risk of developing colds can be significantly reduced by buying a nasal drop with the antibacterial effect. For a child (2 years), they are recommended to be used immediately after contact with an infectious person. They will become an obstacle to the growth of bacteria.

General recommendations and drug examples

Those drugs that contain the active substance framycetin are very popular among drops with an antibacterial effect. That is exactly what Isofra is. This medication is intended for the youngest visitors to kindergarten, whose age exceeds one year. Used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. It is necessary to irrigate the sinuses after each contact with a sick person, drops can eliminate a huge range of different bacteria. They are also intended to treat a runny nose, some chronic diseases and nasal congestion. To do this, repeat the procedure up to 6 times a day for one week with an interval of three hours.

drops in the nose of a child with a runny nose

Another good drop in the nose for a child (2 years) is Polydex. The composition of the drug includes effective chemical additives that can quickly eliminate the focus of viral exacerbation and prevent the occurrence of a serious disease. This drug has many side effects, contraindications and various nuances, so you can use them strictly as directed by your doctor.

If a child has a runny nose or nasal congestion, then it is possible to apply such remedies strictly after cleansing each sinus with a remedy such as Aqualor or Aqua Maris.

Several means for moisturizing the nose and why they are needed

When it comes to which nasal drops are best for children, special preparations designed to moisturize the nose cannot stand aside. What are they needed for? There are several indications for their use:

  • They help eliminate nasal congestion. In young children, the problem of blowing is acute. Active substances contribute to the independent excretion of mucus from the sinus, which undoubtedly facilitates breathing.
  • Moisturizers are used for preventive purposes after visiting a kindergarten to eliminate the infection that is on the surface of the sinus.
  • They are used as an additional tool before applying good nose drops for children, such a combination, according to medical experts, will enhance the effect of treatment.

nose drops for kids reviews

The composition of each means for moistening the sinuses includes microelements contained in sea water. They are natural supplements, so this drug is suitable for children of absolutely any age. In pharmacies, such medicines for irrigation of the nose and throat can be found under the name “Aqua Maris”, “Salin” or “Aqualor”.

"Interferon": instructions for use

The leader among antiviral drugs is Interferon drops for nasal congestion for children. They are mainly used to treat viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract. Children who are often ill are prescribed this medicine as a prophylactic. Active substances enter the body and prevent the penetration of infection.

Such a medicine is very effective, therefore it is often prescribed for the treatment of more serious diseases: hepatitis, malignant tumors, eye damage, leukemia, pancreatitis and much more. This is a fairly strong drug, therefore it is not recommended to use it for children under three years of age, but even after reaching this age limit, it is recommended to consult an experienced specialist in advance.

Drops in the nose have a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use them for patients who have problems with the functioning of the digestive tract, suffering from depression or a disorder of the nervous system. After using the product, nausea, chills and irritation may appear, in which case you should immediately stop using it.

"Vibrocil": features, indications, side effects

“Vibrocil” is practically the only drops from nasal congestion in children up to a year old. Basically, it is prescribed by specialists of a narrow focus (ENT), in rare cases, such treatment can be obtained from a pediatrician. The first action of the drops is to obtain a vasoconstrictor effect, which leads to a decrease in the amount of mucus, the elimination of viruses and congestion. The second goal of taking the medication is an antiallergic effect.

what drops are better for children with nasal congestion

Small children under 12 months of age are advised to use the product with extreme caution, one drop in each sinus three times a day. If the child is 3 years old, nose drops can be used up to 4 times a day. Older children can increase the dosage to 3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

what drops in the nose can a child

The most common side effect is the appearance of dryness in the nose. This is due to the fact that the tool was used incorrectly, it is required to take a more responsible attitude to the correct observance of the dosage. Bleeding may occur. There are ailments associated with individual intolerance to the component: burning, redness, or itching.

"Derinat": instructions for use

"Derinat" - nose drops for children with immunomodulatory effect. Arriving at the pharmacy, you can see that a similar tool is sold in several forms of release. Which one is worth buying? The answer to this question depends on the purpose of the drug. If the child has a cold or a viral disease, then it is worth giving preference to drops.

drops in the nose of a child 3 years

The acceptable dosage for adults is three drops in each nasal nostril with an interval of four hours. The course of treatment for the common cold should not exceed 7 days, otherwise an undesirable effect of addiction may occur. For children, the use of nasal drops should be limited to two drops per day. Patients under two years of age should reduce the dosage to 1 drop in each sinus.

This is one of the most sparing drugs, the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

"Protargol": features of the drug

With a special “love”, medical professionals relate to silver-based preparations. They are the most effective, but at the same time completely safe for the child's body. These are exactly the nose drops for children of Protargol. First of all, they are used to treat viral diseases, runny nose, chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

Such a tool can be used by patients of absolutely any age category, including newborn children. Beforehand, it is mandatory to rinse the nose with saline. The ideal option for this is Aqua Maris. Next, you need to thoroughly shake the bottle of "Protargol" and gently squeeze one drop into each nostril of the baby. The general course of treatment should not exceed five days.

This tool is well tolerated by children. In a single case, a side effect may appear in the form of a mild allergic reaction, represented by a short-term sneezing. The only drawback is the minimum shelf life, which is only one month from the date of manufacture.

"Sialor": features, indications, side effects

In rare cases, a runny nose can cause fear in humans. For many mothers, this symptom becomes a real problem. A child can constantly sniff and not a single remedy helps to eliminate this ailment. If the disease has acquired a chronic form, then for treatment it is recommended to use Sialor drops for children in the nose. The instructions for use indicate that they are suitable for patients of category "0+".

The main indication for use is the treatment of a runny nose, shortness of breath and restoration of smell. It is also used to eliminate such a chronic disease as adenoids. In the cold season, it is used as a prophylactic to prevent the spread of infection on the mucous membrane. Depending on the age category, from 1 to 4 drops can be used in each sinus three times a day. The effect is not long in coming, a sense of relief will appear within a few minutes after application.

nasal congestion drops for children

The drug is suitable for almost all patients. It is mandatory to comply with the dosage. Otherwise, an addictive effect will occur, which will negatively affect the result of treatment.

Features selection, expert advice

Every young mother visits the pharmacy several times a year. Young children have weakened immunity, so they are more susceptible to various viral diseases. When parents come to the medical shopping center, they are faced with the fact that they face a huge selection of drugs. What nasal drops are best for children? Experts recommend making your choice, given the following features:

  1. The most important factor is the type of disease. During the day, you should observe the characteristic features of the course of the common cold. Based on this, you can pay attention to the main substance contained in the drug. For example, the naphazoline component significantly facilitates respiration. Those funds in which it is the basis, can be used for nasal congestion.
  2. It is necessary to determine what drops in the nose can a child of a certain age. To do this, just look at the instructions for use with the medicine.
  3. Another important point is the duration of action of a particular drug. Oxymethazoline-based drops can last up to ten hours.
  4. Before buying a medication, it is mandatory to carefully study its composition. If it contains eucalyptus, then it has an antimicrobial effect. Such drops can be used as preventive purposes to prevent the spread of infection in the body of the child.
  5. Experts do not recommend the use of oil preparations for patients under the age of three, they can cause inflammation of the middle ear.

Depending on the type of disease, the form of release of the drug should be correctly selected. Many mothers are interested in the question of which drops are better for children with nasal congestion? In this case, it is recommended to give preference to sprays with a dispenser, they will instantly facilitate breathing. If mucus is actively released from the sinuses, then you need to pay attention to liquid drops. You must take into account the cost of the product, it is hardly possible to buy an effective medicine at a low price.

Plant drops

If the child is more than three years old, then vegetable drops will be an ideal option for him. They are a combined remedy, can simultaneously relieve swelling, reduce congestion and reduce the amount of mucus secreted.

The most common herbal medicine is Pinosol. If you pay attention to its composition, you can see that the main components are essential oil and plant extracts. It is recommended to irrigate each nostril with 1-2 drops of this product. A similar procedure should be repeated up to three times a day.

It is recommended to strictly observe the dosage of the medicine. The general course of treatment should not exceed seven days. Otherwise, unpleasant side effects may occur: bleeding, pain in the temples and congestion of the auricle. If this happens, then urgently need to stop the use of drops. Symptoms should go away within three days, in the absence of a positive effect, you must consult a doctor.

Positive patient reviews

Before buying a drug, you should pay attention to many components, including the reviews about drops in the nose for children left by patients. As for the merits, mainly patients distinguish the following:

  • “Nazivin” and “Naftizin” are the leaders among sales. They are recommended to be used for children of absolutely any age. In a matter of days, these universal drops can eliminate a runny nose and significantly ease the baby's life. We should also talk about the amazing value for money. The tool can be bought at a fairly low price - about 100 rubles.
  • Vibrocil is a universal assistant for the treatment of chronic diseases. , . , .
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