Esoteric has always been quite popular among the people. People loved to use special incense in everyday life to improve their physical condition, tone and mood. One of them is incense. How to use it in various cases?
Frankincense is a mixture of hardened juice (resin) of the mass of African plants of various varieties and species. Its main feature is a strong aroma that occurs during heating. The smell is sweet, heavy and thick belongs to the balsamic type. If pieces of incense are heated further, then in this case they will light up and will greatly smoke. This substance does not dissolve in water or alcohol, but forms an emulsion. How to use incense at home? And what properties are attributed to this type of hardened resin of exotic plants?
Basically, the use of incense is clearly demonstrated in churches. He is often set on fire, and believers of the congregation are fumigated with smoke. Incense has been known to people for a very long time, since the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs. At that time it was used as incense. Frankincense has always been very valuable. Its cost is practically
equated to gold, since such an exotic substance was quite difficult to get.
How to use incense yourself? First you need to determine its properties. In ancient times, it was believed that the fragrance of incense gives a person enlightenment and wisdom. Its smell calms the nervous system, relieves stress and strong emotional arousal, tension. Therefore, frankincense is often used in the process of meditation. Such fumes make breathing more measured and deep, restore the heart rhythm. How to use incense in your apartment? It is best to enjoy its wonderful smell with a special aroma lamp.
In Egypt, it was previously believed that
frankincense oil can relieve even severe joint pain. Therefore, it was gently rubbed into the right places. In China, leprosy and scrofula were treated with it. Incense was even added to masks to rejuvenate the skin of the face. Today it is also practiced. After all, such an oil perfectly renews, restores and smoothes the skin. With it, you can even get rid of small wrinkles. How to use incense for oily skin? It can be added to previously prepared creams or rubbed into the pores before bedtime. Due to the astringent effect, it is very useful even to owners of problem skin. Incense is endowed with healing properties. They are recommended to treat small wounds, rashes, various kinds of inflammation, boils and carbuncles.
How to use incense in magic? It is believed that its aroma repels and drives away evil spirits from the house that can harm a person. He can also give strength for the next day. Therefore, start the morning by burning a small amount of incense on a candle or in an aroma lamp. In the evening, you can take a relaxing bath. Add a few drops of frankincense oil to the water , and the fatigue will be taken off by hand.
For convenience, special incense sticks and incense cones are now sold. They are designed specifically for use at home.