Short stay group in kindergarten: benefits for children and parents

No one disputes or questions the importance of raising a child in a family where he is surrounded only by love and positive emotions. Parents want to create all the necessary conditions for the excellent emotional well-being of their offspring, his normal mental development. However, not all mothers and fathers, unfortunately, realize the importance of certain points, understand the need to communicate with the baby and take into account the peculiarities of the pedagogical impact on children under three years of age. Sometimes it happens that parents would be happy to bring it all to life, but someone does not have enough time, someone has certain knowledge, someone is just too lazy to pay attention to the child.

short stay group in kindergarten

In this regard, the group of short-term stay in kindergarten is very popular. What are its features and advantages? Why is this form of education necessary ?

Firstly, the group of a short stay in kindergarten differs from the usual nursery in that the child does not receive psychological trauma due to separation from his mother. After all, it was with her that he first visited a preschool institution, gradually getting used to his new friends, educators, doing interesting and suitable things for his age.

Secondly, the child does not spend all day here, but only about 3.5 hours 3 times a week, which allows experienced teachers and psychologists to organize the educational process in such a way that the child receives all the knowledge necessary for him, not one important detail overlooked. Thanks to this, time is allocated economically, it is enough for both scheduled classes and free activities.

groups of short stay in kindergarten

Thirdly, the group of a short stay in kindergarten has a special specificity, which implies the presence of a special educational program taking into account the age of the kids, their psychological and emotional characteristics.

Fourthly, one should not forget about the mother, who can leave the child to professionals with a calm soul and in the same few hours have time to visit the hairdresser, prepare dinner or just relax.

What are the tasks performed by groups of short-term stay in kindergarten? The main ones are:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of babies;
  • the formation of emotional stability, taking into account the physiological characteristics of children;
  • broadening the horizons, age-appropriate development of abilities;
  • helping children adapt to a particular institution;
  • the formation of means and methods of communication with peers and adults;
  • work with parents, familiarizing them with the necessary activities.

short stay group dow

The group of a short stay in kindergarten in all respects provides great assistance to parents in the proper and appropriate upbringing of children. Teachers conduct games with children that are aimed at the development of thinking, speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory, perception. In addition, a musical director and a specialist in physical education work with the kids. A group of short-term stay in a preschool educational institution is not just a fun and interesting pastime, but also a huge benefit for both children and their parents.

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