The virus encrypted all the files. What to do in such a situation?

Has it ever happened that you received an email message from Skype or ICQ from an unknown sender with a link to your friend’s photo or congratulations on the upcoming holiday? It seems that you are not expecting any kind of setup, and suddenly, when you click on a link to a computer, serious malicious software is loaded. You do not have time to recover, as the virus has already encrypted all the files. What to do in such a situation? Is there a way to recover documents?

In order to understand how to deal with a malicious program, you need to know what it is and how it penetrates the operating system. Moreover, it doesn’t matter which version of Windows you use - the Critroni virus is designed to infect any operating system.

Cryptographic computer virus: definition and algorithm of action

, CTB (Curve Tor Bitcoin) Critroni. -, CriptoLocker. , ? . , .ctbl, .ctb2, .vault, .xtbl . , .

virus encrypted all xtbl files what to do

Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Shade Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Onion. . . Trojan-Ransom .xtbl. , , , , . , , , . , . , .xtbl, ?

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virus encrypted all xtbl files

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the virus encrypted all the files on the computer

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Critroni ( ) , ? .vault-, .xtbl-, .rar- , .doc, .mp3, .txt . 96 , , . , , , . , , . , .

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- , . - . , . .cbf, .ctbl, .ctb2 , , , . , . , .

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the virus encrypted all the files on the computer

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virus encrypted all files what to do vault


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  2. . CTB- . , , , , . Photorec R-Studio . , , .
  3. .vault, - . , , , . , .
  4. , DropBox. . , . .

virus encrypted all cbf files

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virus encrypted all files what to do

Critroni-, .rar, .ctbl, .ctb2, .xtbl, .vault, .cbf , . , .

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