How to care for cats? How to care for a pregnant cat?

How to care for cats

Have you decided to get a fluffy cat? Have you imagined how she playfully playfully with a ball of thread and every time rejoices at your appearance, affectionately wagging his tail? Of course, you made the right choice. However, you do not have the slightest idea about how to care for cats, what to feed, whether to vaccinate, sterilize. It only seems that the mustachioed predator does not need much attention, in fact, this is not entirely true.

Of course, the tips and recommendations described below will be most welcome for those who want to get murka, but absolutely do not know how to care for cats.

Proper nutrition

First of all, you need to ensure proper nutrition for your striped pet. It must be balanced and rational, otherwise the health of your murka may be in jeopardy.

Those who are especially worried about how to care for cats should know that when feeding them, it is better to give preference to natural products. Firstly, in “Wiskas” with turkey, the meat content, as a rule, does not exceed 10%. Secondly, manufacturers often add components to artificial mixtures that are addictive to them, which is also bad.

How to care for a cat

A cat should eat 2 times a day . On its menu should be approximately 150 grams of fish, the same amount of meat, as well as dairy products, borscht, cereals and soups. However, it should be noted that such a norm of nutrition is permissible for individuals who lead an active lifestyle.

If we are talking about a predator, whose habitat is an ordinary city apartment, then we need to use a different principle - its portion consists of the products that it eats at a time.

At the same time, experts who thoroughly know how to care for cats, note that there is no universal recommendation on how many products an animal should be given, since it all depends on individual characteristics.


Under the above term, it is customary to understand a certain set of measures aimed at maintaining the hygiene of a pet.

Hair care

Remember that caring for dogs and cats - this means, first of all, to monitor the condition in which their hair is. It should be soft, shiny, without tangles and parasites. In the natural habitat, the animal regularly cleans its “fur” using the tongue, so there’s no need to bathe it again.

How to care for a pregnant cat

At the same time, considering the question of how to care for a domestic cat, it is necessary to mention that you still have to brush its hair with a frequency of once a week, and during molting - even more often. Some breeds, including Angora and Persians, need daily combing.

Remember that the cat should be trimmed only in case of force majeure, for example, during the period of illness. This is because the wool may not grow back to its original length.

Many are interested in the question of how to care for a British cat, namely: whether it is possible to cut it. A significant part of experts does not advise doing this, since by standard the animals of this species should have short plush hair, and besides, “bald Britons” are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Teeth and Ear Care

Future cat owners and catwomen will also need to regularly care for the teeth of their pets and conduct their daily brushing. In addition, it will be necessary to monitor the condition of the ears and from time to time remove particles of dirt and dust from them with the help of cotton buds.

How to care for a domestic cat

Health is Above All

The mustachioed predator should always be healthy, and your immediate task is to be avoided by all illnesses and ailments. It is very important to do health prevention.

First of all, it is necessary to do vaccinations, and from an early age. Today, there are complex preparations that protect against several ailments at once. Certain vaccinations need to be done twice, and in some cases, three times. What kind of vaccines are needed, the veterinarian will tell you, visits to which should become regular. In this case, vaccination must be done not only "street" animals, but also "domestic".

Once again, we note that anyone who wants to learn how to properly care for a cat should take into account that preventive examination of an animal by a veterinarian should become regular (at least once a year).

Reproductive function should be monitored

Felinologists all over the world advise to do the sterilization and castration of "murok" and "badger" without fail. What is cat sterilization? How to care for your pet after this operation? Several options are possible here: pulling the fallopian tubes, removing the ovaries, uterus, or both. The rules for caring for a pet depend on the type of operation, the veterinarian will tell you about them in detail. As for cats, castration is used for them - surgical removal of the testicles. It should be emphasized that the technology of the above procedure has long been worked out and does not pose any threat to health, and even more so.

Sterilization of cats how to care

Naturally, the above operations are not exposed to individuals that were pre-selected for gestation.

In cases where kittens are undesirable, it is better to resort to sterilization or castration. In addition, you will not be bothered by the “March” screams that annoy many cat-keepers.

However, it is important to remember that the lack of sex can provoke a health disorder in a cat or cat. Sterilized cats and neutered cats, as a rule, are more malleable and gentle to their owners than “full-fledged” individuals, and they do not always lead an active lifestyle. In this case, special care must be taken to ensure that they do not become obese. They should never be overfed and it is advisable to play with them regularly.

When to do sterilization and castration

It is optimal to sterilize and castration at a time when the cat has already completely formed physiologically, and the attraction to the opposite sex is only just beginning to manifest itself. As a rule, this period falls on the age from one year to three years. It should be noted that castration of a “badger” can also be done at the moment when it has already mated with “murki,” but sterilizing a kitten that has already bred offspring is extremely undesirable, as this can have negative consequences for her health.

Take care of dogs and cats

It should be emphasized that sterilization is technically more complex than castration. In addition to this, it is perceived by animals more painfully.

And what will happen when the cat is castrated late? He will continue to adhere to the model of the male’s behavior: long howl in March, mark territory, scratch blankets and pillows. This is because, after removal of the testicles, the male hormone (testosterone) still continues to be produced in the organism of the mustachioed predator and, as before, it may show interest in the opposite sex.

In a situation where castration is no longer feasible (due to the lateness of the procedure), as well as to minimize the negative consequences of the March behavior of the animal, hormonal drugs are used that weaken sexual desire.

Caring for a pregnant cat

Very many people are interested in the question of how to care for a pregnant cat. It should be noted that individuals awaiting offspring need even more careful handling of themselves than in the usual state.

First of all, make sure that the animal’s nutrition is varied and always fresh. Increase the amount of food eaten by about 15-20% compared with the amount of food for the cat in its normal state. A pregnant cat should eat about 4-5 times a day, in small portions. After four weeks of gestation, add foods rich in proteins and proteins (milk and meat) to your diet. If you want your pet to receive balanced nutrition during the waiting period for kittens, purchase a special cat food “in position” at the pet store.

How to care for a british cat

However, the question of how to care for a pregnant cat is not limited to the aspect of proper nutrition. If during this period she shows maximum activity - you can not prevent her from doing this. However, if it is playing and playing excessively, then make sure that it does not climb on too high surfaces, otherwise clowns may fall and the likelihood of offspring may be jeopardized. How to care for a cat when it is expected to breed? Nobody will tell you more about this than a veterinarian. He will have to regularly inspect and observe the animal.


Getting a fluffy cat, you get not only a loyal friend, but also a healer, because it is known that in some cases, "murky" and "badger" are able to alleviate and relieve pain, weakness, depression. Remember that if you surround your pet with warmth, care and affection, he will answer you the same.

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