At what age can a child be given sour cream: advice and recommendations of specialists

At what age can sour cream be given to a child? This question is asked by many young mothers. So, experts do not recommend giving sour cream to the smallest children. Moreover, even a one-year-old child should not be fed sour cream, it is better to replace this product with low-fat yogurt. It will be much more useful. After all, sour cream contains a significant amount of fat, which can cause a baby’s upset stomach and even allergies. Therefore, pediatricians advise starting to feed a child with sour cream not earlier than two years of age. You will learn more about all this from this article.

A little about the main thing

grandfather feeds granddaughter sour cream

At what age can sour cream be given to a child? The answer to this question interests many parents. After all, far from all adults know about from what specific age it is possible to feed a child with such a dairy product.

Pediatricians recommend starting giving babies sour cream no earlier than two years. Moreover, this dairy product should not be very greasy (no more than 10%). After all, the pancreas of a child at this age is not yet fully formed. Therefore, it is not worth much to load it.

In addition, it must be said here that children prone to allergies should not be given sour cream before three years. Until this age, replace this sour-milk product with low-fat yogurt. This must be remembered.

The benefits of sour cream

useful product

Almost all adults love to add this fermented milk product to the first and second courses. Moreover, many housewives use sour cream to prepare tasty and pastry. But what is the benefit of this fermented milk product all the same, and is it there? The answer to this question is of interest to many parents who are trying to teach their little children to eat sour cream.

The benefits of this dairy product are directly related to its composition. Sour cream contains:

  • proteins that are very well absorbed, as well as valuable amino acids necessary for the growth and development of the child's body;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, sodium - all these trace elements contribute to the strengthening of the baby’s bones, the normal functioning of the heart and nervous system;
  • carbohydrates, they are so necessary for energy production in the children's body;
  • fatty acids are responsible for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and improve the appetite of the child;
  • a lot of B vitamins, which are responsible for the formation of immunity in the baby, as well as for the health of nails, hair and skin.

Moreover, this sour-milk product gives the dishes simply amazing taste. So its benefits are undoubted not only for adults, but also for children.

When and what sour cream to give to kids?

boy tastes sour cream

Parents need to be very careful with the nutrition of their children. Therefore, sour cream is not recommended for children under one year of age. This can cause not only allergies, but also serious problems with the digestive tract. After all, this dairy product is quite fatty.

Nevertheless, here again I would like to answer the question of many caring mothers and fathers about how old it is possible to give sour cream to a child. In the absence of allergies and any digestive problems, you can begin to introduce this fermented milk product into your diet from the age of two. But with extreme caution. In this case, sour cream should be taken with a fat content of not more than 10%.

Children from 2.5 years to three and a half years old can be given the specified fermented milk product with a fat content of 15%. From the age of four, babies are allowed to give even 25% sour cream. This dairy product with even greater fat content is not recommended for children. This should be considered by all parents.


a spoon of sour cream

When answering the question of at what age it is possible to give sour cream to a child, it must be said that this is allowed to be done from two years old. Moreover, this product should only be dietary (fat content not more than 10%).

Tasty, yellow sour cream with a creamy taste and fat content of 48 percent is allowed to be consumed only by adolescents who are not inclined to be overweight. But there is such a product, they should only be in small quantities due to the high fat content.

Do not forget that if there is a lot of fat in sour cream, then it contains few proteins.

Is harm possible?

sour cream can be put in soup

Earlier it was written that sour cream is simply a unique product in its composition, because it contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body. But can its use adversely affect the health of the child? This is really a very interesting question.

Due to the fact that the digestive system of a child who is not yet two years old is insufficiently formed, it is not recommended to give sour cream to him at this age. Because it will lead to bloating, pain and even diarrhea. For this reason, the parents of the baby will have to refrain from introducing this sour-milk product into the diet of their child until a certain age.

In addition, the use of sour cream will not be useful for the child in the following cases:

  • if there is an allergy to lactose, then you do not need to give this product;
  • sour cream purchased from a distribution network may contain substances harmful to the child's body;
  • if you give the baby this fermented milk product in large quantities, then this can lead to obesity;
  • in the situation when the shelf life of sour cream has already expired, you do not need to add it to the child’s food, this can lead to food poisoning and very serious consequences.

These simple rules must be remembered by all parents.


girl eating soup with sour cream

The age at which sour cream can be given to a child begins with two years. It is then that parents can give this child a try on this product. But this must be done with extreme caution.

When can a child be given sour cream if he is allergic to certain foods? The answer to this question is very mixed. Firstly, if the baby is allergic to certain foods, then before introducing sour cream into the diet, parents need to consult a pediatrician. This must be remembered.

Up to three years, experts do not recommend giving sour cream to children who have allergies. In such a situation, you need to limit yourself only to low-fat yogurt.

As they grow older, teenagers who previously had an allergy can consume a small amount of low-fat sour cream, adding it to the first and second courses. But even in this case, it is better to consult with a specialist.

When can I give a child sour cream and what to do if the baby does not want to taste this sour-milk product? This question is asked by many young mothers and fathers. So, up to two years, you do not need to feed the child with sour cream, this is contraindicated. As the baby grows older, you can try adding it to a soup, a second or fruit salad. If the child does not like the taste of this product, then it should not be force-fed. It is possible that in the future the baby himself will show interest in sour cream and want to taste it. This must be taken into account.

How to choose a product?

Is it possible to give sour cream to a child? The answer in this case will be positive. Nevertheless, parents need to be very careful about the choice of this fermented milk product.

Choose sour cream for the child only in the store, and not in the market. Moreover, you need to pay special attention to the composition of the product and its shelf life.

It should also be noted that in this sour cream there is only starter and cream. All other thickeners and other additives will indicate a non-natural fermented milk product. The longer sour cream can be stored, the less useful it is. This rule must be remembered.

Helpful information

Some parents, trying to diversify the baby’s nutrition, often turn to pediatricians with the question of how many months you can give your child sour cream and whether it is allowed to introduce such a product into complementary foods. In fact, everything is very simple. Children can begin to give sour cream only from two years. Therefore, there can be no question of parents feeding a baby who is several months old with such a sour-milk product.

Can I give sour cream to a child a year? According to existing special standards, feeding a baby with sour cream at this age is unacceptable. Because in addition to pain and bloating, the child will not receive anything. There is no question of the benefits of sour cream here. Give the child such a product no earlier than two years. All parents must know this.


is sour cream harmful

Sour cream is a very useful sour-milk product, which contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the health, growth and development of the child. Unfortunately, many parents simply do not know about this. Many of them sometimes still turn to pediatricians with the question of how many years you can give your child sour cream and whether to introduce this product into the baby’s diet. The answer here is quite simple. Sour cream should begin to give the child only two years old and in small quantities. It is best to add it to cheesecakes, soup or main dishes. Sour cream for young children should not be very oily. It is best to take this sour-milk product with a fat content of not more than 10% in the store.

How much can I give a child sour cream? Not earlier than two years. If the baby has an allergy, then before introducing this product into his diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

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