Uterine bending and pregnancy

Bending the uterus and pregnancy. In scientific language, the bend of the uterus sounds a little different. This is uterine retroflexion. It is worth noting that this diagnosis in many women does not inspire much hope for pregnancy. Indeed, if a similar sex is found in a representative of the fair sex, it is a little more difficult for her to become pregnant than a healthy woman. To date, doctors have already shown that the wrong position of the uterus is rarely the cause of infertility. This happens in one case out of a million. However, with the right approach, a girl with a bent uterus is able to get pregnant. Bending of the uterus can develop in the event of any inflammation in this area or in neighboring organs.

Bending the uterus and pregnancy are various concepts that practically do not concern each other. The uterus is a muscular organ. It consists of a neck and a body. This organ is located in the cavity of the so-called small pelvis of a woman between the rectum and directly the bladder. The body of the uterus should be slightly inclined forward, while a certain angle is formed with the cervix. Normally, this obtuse angle is open at the front. If a woman's uterine bend is revealed, then its location is absolutely the opposite. It is open behind.

Bending the uterus posteriorly and pregnancy, as inexperienced women believe, is the opposite. However, in case of such a deviation, it is still possible to get pregnant. The main thing is to believe and try. It is necessary to identify the reasons for this arrangement of the cervix and uterine body. Retroflexion occurs with inflammation of the adhesions, appendages, rectum, endometriosis and so on. If the cause of the bend lies in such inflammation, specialists are able to cope with it. They will eliminate inflammation, and the uterus simply simply falls into place.

What is a cervical bend? Both pregnancy and childbirth in a certain way affect the body of a woman. Bending of the uterus can occur during repeated pregnancy, for example, during pregnancy by a fifth or sixth child. The explanation is simple. The ligaments that attach the uterus to the pelvis weaken with age. As a result, its position changes, a bend occurs. As mentioned above, the uterus is located in the very center of the pelvis. But her position is very unstable. The cervix is a slight deviation of the position of this organ in any direction. Sometimes it twists, which happens just because of the weakening of the ligaments, which were mentioned earlier. Inclination, bend, bend or uplift may also occur.

Bending the uterus and pregnancy - a topic at all times relevant. In conclusion, it must be said that even a small deviation from the norm in the position of this organ can be a regular feature of the body of a particular woman. However, in most cases, gynecologists diagnose other causes, that is, pathological deviations of the position of the genital organ from the norm. You can not ignore a problem such as bending the uterus. If a woman was diagnosed with this, it is urgent to start treating an organ that has caused a change in the position of the uterus. Inflammation at an early stage is much easier to cure than an advanced disease. Otherwise, the expectant mother may lose the opportunity to have her own children not because of any bend, but because of inflammation of the neighboring organ. It can be ovaries, kidneys, which play an important role in the formation of the female body and its genital function.

Anyone can become better acquainted with this topic in the media. For example, on the Internet there are a huge number of articles on the topic "Uterus Bend and Pregnancy." In addition, there are many forums where women with this problem share knowledge and experience, answer each other's questions.

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