Filling out the child’s individual development card allows the teacher to monitor the intellectual and emotional development of their students. Not all kids love going to kindergarten. Among the innovations that have been introduced into domestic education in recent years, GEF DO is of interest.
The specifics of the new approach
This standard gives the teacher the opportunity to take a fresh look at their professional activities at the Kindergarten. A special card of individual development of the child helps him in this. A preschooler, a teacher, together with a psychologist, speech therapist, and other specialists, studies throughout the entire period of his stay in kindergarten. They are interested in the features of development, achievements, individual characteristics of the baby. Such a map allows you to note the dynamics, make timely adjustments to the individual developmental trajectory created for each baby by his mentor.
Orientation of the educational process to the average child, whose health does not deviate from age-related features, does not allow children with developmental disabilities to fully feel in the surrounding society, to dismantle their creative and intellectual abilities and capabilities.
The main task
The individual development map of a child with disabilities allows solving such problems, provides a personality-oriented approach to preschool education.
The teacher captures the slightest positive changes in the baby’s speech, his movements, relationships with his peers, helps him solve emerging issues.
An individual map of the child’s development in a preschool educational institution helps the teacher to timely identify deviations in the development of babies, to select effective methods for resolving issues.
The main task posed by the Federal State Educational Standard for the educator is to create an acceptable environment for the full realization of each child.
An individual map of child development according to the Federal State Educational Standard helps to create optimal conditions for the teacher to form and socialize, emotional, general physical, intellectual and creative development of the individual.
Psychological aspects
At the age of 3 to 7 years, large-scale mental changes in the personality of the child are observed, which affect subsequent socialization. The development process is ongoing, so for a preschool child it is important to participate in his life not only the educator, but also the family.
Currently, in all preschool educational institutions an individual map of child development is maintained. It allows parents to make some changes in the activities of the educator, as well as additionally deal with the baby on those issues that are most difficult for him in the classroom at the Kindergarten.
Theoretical aspects
An individual map of the development of the child in kindergarten is the document that contains basic information about the achievements of the baby, his progress. If the baby has mental abnormalities, the teacher must note them.
There are certain rules according to which it is conducted. For example, in the section “Physical changes” the information is indicated by a physical education instructor who conducts direct classes with kids. The teacher leads the "route" (IOM).
An individual child development map is the document where the following sections are present:
general information;
mental and physical changes;
intellectual achievements;
academic performance;
Creative skills;
individual educational route;
readiness for school life.
General information
An individual map of a child’s development presupposes an indication of data about the pupil himself, his family. The name of the educational organization, the duration of training, group, teacher, additional classes attended by the child are noted. Also in this section, interests, hobbies, basic achievements of the baby are noted.
Annually in this section the weight and height of the child, the health group, the presence (absence) of chronic and acute diseases are noted. When the baby only enters the Kindergarten, the individual child development card in the kindergarten is partially filled in. For example, the level of adaptation to a preschool institution is noted. If sporting events are held (jumping, endurance, running, throwing), the instructor takes into account not only the speed of movement of the baby, but also his behavior during the tests. For example, when passing a run of 30 meters, not only the running time is indicated, but also the change in breathing, coordination of movements, concentration of attention.
Diagnostic parameters
These include mental processes: memory, mindfulness, speech, thinking. Personal qualities are also noted: temperament, self-esteem. An individual child development map, a model of which is presented in the article, includes questions regarding leadership qualities.
Among the achievements characteristic of pupils of preschool institutions, creative abilities are noted. In addition to the main sections, the educator may include subsections that make it possible to draw up a detailed description of the child.
Map Example
What should an individual development map look like? A sample fill is proposed below.
Petrov Serezha, 5 years old. DOW "...", the city ...
Speech skills: has sufficient vocabulary, owns a coherent conversational speech, makes up a story based on a tale heard.
Cognitive skills: characterized by curiosity, interest in protecting the environment, logical thinking.
Communication skills: good relations with peers, adults.
Creative skills: she owns scissors very well, neatly performs tasks on ISO, applications.
Physical activity: mobility corresponds to age characteristics.
The child’s individual development card, the sample of which is proposed above, must be signed by the teacher and other specialists. Be sure to put down the date of filling sections.
Educational route
The map of the individual characteristics of the preschooler must contain a detailed educational route, as well as recommendations for subsequent training and education. For IOM to be competent, it is important to allocate specific time intervals during which it will be filled by the teacher. For example, for the first time, a teacher fills such a card for a 3-4 year old kid, who first came to a preschool educational institution. After a certain period of time (1-2 months), the teacher notes the first achievements of the baby, highlights his positive and negative qualities. For example, a preschooler does not like to make applications (negative parameters), he easily composes a story based on a tale he heard (positive features).
In order for the map of individual development to be realized, to give the desired results, it is important to note on it (2-3 times a week) the psychological, intellectual, physical growth of the preschooler. The map also contains recommendations for parents, the observance of which contributes to the positive dynamics of the child’s self-development.
To fix changes in communication skills, the teacher daily asks the child specific questions: “Tell me what it's called,” “Explain what sounds you heard.” In the framework of working with the parents of his pupils, the teacher offers options for consolidating the material at home.
The importance of individual cards
Thanks to the information indicated on the cards, timely identification and correction of the mental and emotional state of the baby is possible. They allow educators to provide timely support and assistance to children, predict mental illness, and select methods for adapting preschool children to elementary school lessons.
Leaf dynamics of individual growth of the baby
IAS is manifested in the following moments:
the form in which the baby uses information (characters, images, words);
a way of processing information (associative connections, intuition, logic);
processing speed;
conditions and duration of quality cognitive activity;
option and effectiveness of cognitive process management;
distribution of reproductive and productive cognitive options;
methods and conditions for eliminating failures, achieving success;
factors that influence the motivation of a preschooler
Individualization is carried out in three areas:
educational work;
forms of employment;
interaction time
It is necessary throughout the lesson. The teacher selects the best ways to identify the creative abilities of each child, armed with innovative methods of education and training.
What might a kindergarten graduate card look like?
An example is below.
Surname, first name.
Type of nervous system: stable. The left cerebral hemisphere predominates.
Speed of activity: at the beginning of the day, energetic, by the end of the day, the pace of work decreases. Efficiency is most clearly manifested in the first half of the day (before lunch).
The main representative system: kinesthetic, audio. There is an average motivation for the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills.
Abilities: the most pronounced mathematical abilities. Able to identify relationships between individual elements, build a logical chain, find the right algorithm for solving a specific problem.
Communicative skills: does not have leadership qualities, has problems communicating with peers.
Key recommendations: uniform distribution of training and physical activity during the day to reduce anxiety, nervousness of the child. Support for parents, spending free time with family, stimulating any initiative taken by the baby.
A compiled description indicating the specific problems of this baby is an opportunity to avoid problems when he enters elementary school. That is why, within the framework of the new FSES, close interaction is being conducted between educators, child psychologists, and primary school teachers.
To summarize
When drawing up an individual development map for a child, his mentor uses a certain scheme:
- A child psychologist carries out preliminary diagnostics of the cognitive and personal qualities of a child entering a preschool educational institution, holds meetings and talks with kids, their parents, and a teacher. Based on the information received, he compiles a primary map in the form approved in the DOE.
- The teacher, together with the child psychologist, develop a developmental route for the preschooler, bring it to the parents (legal representatives).
- If difficulties arise during the implementation of the IOM, the teacher promptly makes changes to the individual map of the preschooler, changes the methods and techniques of development and education.
New educational standards introduced into the system of preschool education have contributed to the individualization of each baby’s development and the early diagnosis of giftedness.