This luxurious fluffy cat is widely distributed in the countries of Northern Europe. In Norway, it is better known under the names Skogkatter and Norsk Skogkatt. A very beautiful animal combines several unusual qualities. At home, this is a close and gentle friend, even for a small child, an affectionate pet for the whole family. On the street - a hardy beast and a strong hunter.
Due to its independent nature and amazing natural beauty, this breed is very popular and famous in European countries. Today we will introduce you to the main features of the Norwegian forest cat breed and the conditions for keeping these animals, since this beauty is still quite rare in our country.
A bit of history
There are many versions about the origin of this breed. The Norwegian Forest Cat, according to one of them, is a descendant of Angora cats, which the Vikings brought to Norway. Caught in the harsh climate of Scandinavia, these animals naturally crossed with aboriginal shorthair individuals.
Adaptation to inclement weather and cold was accompanied by the appearance of a thick undercoat in the animal, the development of dexterity and endurance. Adverse climatic conditions affected the size of these animals.
Specialists consider another version of the occurrence of the breed under consideration less reliable. The Norwegian forest cat appeared as a result of the crossbreeding of a domestic cat. In favor of such an original version, the animal’s ability is amazingly clever to climb tall trees, as well as characteristic “tassels” on the ears and well-developed, powerful and predatory claws.
At the beginning of the last century, after actively breeding with representatives of other breeds, the Norwegian forest cat (we placed the animal photos in the article) was on the verge of complete extermination. The ban on interbreeding helped to correct the situation. In the XX century, this breed was officially registered . The Norwegian Forest Cat has been recognized by FIFE as experimental.
Since that time, active breeding of purebred animals began in their homeland and in other countries. Today the breed is recognized by all felinological organizations in the world.
Description and photo of a Norwegian forest cat
The appearance of these magnificent animals harmoniously combines the tenderness of a pet with the stamina and grace of a Scandinavian predator. This very beautiful animal due to the unique characteristics of the exterior has long and firmly held a leading position among many well-known, widespread and popular breeds of domestic cats.
At first glance, there is nothing extraordinary in the characteristics of the Norwegian Forest Cat - no strange proportions, no unusual muzzle, no twisted wool, or intricate ears. However, this is the very highlight for which animals are so loved and appreciated. A real forest animal should be just that: a muscular strong body, natural correct proportions, powerful chest.
The Norwegian Forest is a fast and agile animal with a slightly stretched body and high hind limbs, thanks to which the croup is slightly raised above the shoulder blades, a tucked up stomach, firm, firm legs with strong fingers and powerful sharp claws. Representatives of this breed are slightly larger than average sizes. The Norwegian forest cat does not belong to the giants, it is much smaller than the coons and even Siberian cats.
From the Siberians, these beauties differ not only in size. In Norwegian cats, the cheekbones are higher, the eyes are almond-shaped, and in Siberians they are oval, in addition, they have a direct profile that does not have a sharp transition, and a more accurate and delicate muzzle.
Norwegian tail is noticeably longer and better pubescent. Thanks to a strong constitution and fluffy fur, the Norwegians seem very large, although the weight of an adult cat does not exceed nine kilograms, and a cat - seven. Sexual dimorphism is obvious - cats are much larger, more fluffy, breasts wider, muzzle more serious, legs more powerful.
Hair coat
The long, well-developed undercoat of this animal delights: on the back of its paws there are fluffy panties, a powerful mane on the chest and neck, a long thick coat adorns the tail. The breed standard Norwegian Forest Cat welcomes tassels on the ears and between the fingers, but their absence is not considered a defect. The hairs are not soft or thin to the touch - the Norwegian fur coat perfectly retains heat and repels water. She never falls into tangles, in contrast to the soft hair of representatives of long-haired breeds.
The Norwegian forest cat, whose photo often adorns the covers of animal magazines, slowly grows up, so only by the age of five it reaches full development.
Type of wool
A feature of the Norwegian forest cat is a multi-layered coat and a thick, well-retaining heat undercoat. The integumentary hair is quite long. They are located in the tail region and along the ridge. Wool has pronounced water-repellent properties.
Breast wool consists of three sections:
- sumptuous whiskers and bib;
- collar on the neck;
- fluffy "breeches" on the hind legs.
In winter, wool can be denser than in summer. Softer hair is allowed in animals with shaded and solid colors, as well as in bicolors.
Forest cat color
Future owners should be aware that with an expert assessment, the quality of the coat and its type are more important characteristics than color and pattern. The color of the representatives of the breed may be different, but the presence of point markings in the area of the tail, paws, muzzle and ears of the animal is mandatory. The tabe pattern is characterized by expressiveness and clarity. According to FIFE standards, the color of this breed includes four main groups:
- with agouti factor;
- without agouti factor;
- agouti factor and white color;
- white color without agouti factor.
The breed standard does not allow hybridization of colors - sable, chocolate, lilac and lavender colors, as well as fawn and cinnamon, or their combination with white. The color of the eyes of a purebred animal must match the coat color. In animals with an agouti factor, the nose should have a border. How it looks can be seen in the photo above.
Breed Norwegian Forest Cat: Character Description
The description of the breed, of course, will be incomplete without mentioning the nature and abilities of the animals. The appearance of graceful creatures is truly beautiful. But not only for their presentable appearance, their people fell in love. The Norwegian character is rather mild, and the animal is naturally endowed with good manners. They are gentle, friendly, and quickly attached to owners pets, although they never impose their company if the owner is busy.
The breed belongs to the category of intelligent, but extremely playful. These beauties do not really need a big company for games - if necessary, they can have fun on their own, without causing much damage to the owner’s home. Such a pet retains a cheerful disposition and playfulness throughout life.
Life span
On average, a Norwegian forest cat lives from 15 to 18 years. True, there are cases when, under ideal conditions, animals became centenarians and survived to 22 years.
Content: Care and Hygiene
Affectionate, loyal and very gentle Norwegian forest cat does not require special conditions. Care and feeding are the main requirements, observing which you will provide this northern beauty with a comfortable stay in your home.
Wool needs special care only during active molting. Combing it at this time should be three to four times a week. In order to maintain the undercoat in good condition, the animal should be given special vitamin-mineral complexes. They are prescribed by a veterinarian. Before participating in exhibitions, the animal is bathed using a special shampoo for long-haired breeds.
To prevent otitis media, fungal and bacterial infections, routine examinations and cleaning of the ears should be carried out regularly using typed lotions, sprays and creams. Sharp claws are trimmed with scissors.
How to feed a forest cat?
The quality of the coat and the general health of the animal depend on proper care and nutrition. Veterinarians recommend a Norwegian forest cat to feed with fully balanced prepared foods intended for cats that are not very active, or with low calorie formulations. Today, the choice of such feeds is great, so it is better to consult a veterinarian - he will recommend the most suitable option for your pet in accordance with the age and state of his health.
If you prefer to feed your pet with natural products, then you should know that the diet of the animal should include:
- lean meats;
- boneless sea fish;
- low-fat sour-milk and dairy products;
- greens and vegetables.
The diet must be enriched with minerals, vitamins, as well as cat grass. Once every three months, the animal needs to be dewormed.
Forest Cat Health
Even with perfect care and maintenance, the Norwegian forest cat is not immune to disease. Possible hereditary diseases of this breed include glycogenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. With severe malfunctions in the heart, a sudden death of the animal, pulmonary edema is possible.
The enzymatic deficiency that accompanies glycogenosis provokes the accumulation of glycogen and, as a result, disturbances in all organs and systems of the cat's body. An effective treatment for these pathologies does not yet exist. Disqualifying defects of this breed are:
- square face;
- pronounced nasal break;
- long and rectangular case;
- wrong number of toes;
- kinks and other defects of the tail;
- strabismus;
- overshot or overshot jaw;
- color hybridization.
Where to buy a forest cat?
You need to know that in our country the standard allows almost all colors, with the exception of chocolate, purple and Siamese. A thoroughbred kitten of a Norwegian forest cat is still quite difficult to obtain. Despite the increased demand for these animals, not many Russian nurseries can offer kittens.
If you plan to purchase a purebred animal, which will be allowed for breeding and will become a participant in exhibitions, then you should only contact the nurseries. According to experts, today MaxMur in Moscow and North Silver in St. Petersburg have well established themselves.
What to look for when buying?
The kitten must be active, mobile, have a good appetite, not too fattened, but not exhausted. The coat must meet breed standards in length and color. A healthy baby has clean eyes and ears, a clear look, shiny hair without bald spots.
When purchasing a kitten, pay attention to the content of all animals in the nursery, and also find out their daily diet. This will help you organize the feeding of the baby in the new house. In nurseries that have proven themselves, or at responsible breeders, kittens are sold only after they reach the age of three months.
The animal of your choice must have all accompanying documents, including a veterinary passport and pedigree. In addition, the contract of sale must be concluded and correctly executed legally.
How much does a forest cat cost?
Currently, the average cost of a purebred forest cat kitten, which has good exterior data, ranges from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. This amount depends on the rarity of the coat color of the animal, as well as on the prestige of the nursery and class. If you do not plan to engage in Norwegian forest breeding and intend to sterilize or neutered your pet in the future, its cost will be lower.
Owner reviews
In their opinion about the forest cat, the owners are almost unanimous. They believe that this breed, like no other, is suitable for maintenance in a city apartment or in a private household. Experienced owners recommend that in order to maintain the appearance and health of the Norwegian forest beauty, special attention should be paid to timely vaccination, preventive procedures that include insect-acaricidal treatment and deworming.
Beginner owners quite often experience difficulties with their pet during the annual molt. The advice in this case can be only one - comb out your pet up to three to four times a week. Problems will go away by themselves, no witches will be formed.
Most owners are sure that the diet of a forest cat needs to be monitored especially carefully. The diet of the animal should be as balanced and useful as possible. Do not feed the cat from the general table, exclude fried, fatty, sweet, spicy or pickled products from the animal’s diet.
Owners of forest cats warn that representatives of this breed, unlike many of their relatives, need to provide fairly intense, regular physical and intellectual stress. This is due to the endurance of the breed and well-developed mental abilities. Cats respond very well to walking on a harness with a leash.