How to create a poll on VKontakte in a group or on your page: instructions

Modern social networks have become an integral part of human life. It is difficult to imagine a PC user who does not have a profile in any social network. For example, in Russia, VKontakte is in demand. Here every day, millions of users relax, work, study and just chat. A similar web resource is equipped with a variety of options and settings. For example, today we will find out how to create a poll on VKontakte in a group or on its page. This function can be useful to everyone for quickly collecting information and opinions of friends / participants of the public.

Option Description

VC surveys are what help group administrators quickly find out the opinions of their subscribers. A similar option is used for a variety of purposes, for example, for entertainment.

By themselves, polls in VK look like multiple-choice questions. To participate, you just need to click on the line with one or another opinion.

Where is the poll button

A survey in the VKontakte group on changing the subject of a public or on product preferences can help a business develop. And in promoting the group too. This is a very useful option, the main thing is to know how to use it.

Important! Surveys can be anonymous or open, with one or more answers.

Creating a Public Wall

How can VKontakte create a poll in a group? At the moment, you can place this virtual object on a public wall or in discussions. The first scenario is used much more often than the second. Therefore, let's start with it.

To cope with the task, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the group in which you want to create a survey.
  2. Click on the post writing block with its subsequent placement on the public wall.
  3. Click on "More."
  4. In the list that appears, click on the line that says "Poll."
  5. Set parameters. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the type of object being created, as well as write the question itself and the answers to it.
  6. Click on the Submit button.

After the actions taken, a poll with the specified parameters will appear on the wall of the selected public. At the moment, options have appeared in the VK that allow you to configure the background, as well as a timer-limiter, when using which the created poll will work for the specified time.

How to create a survey

Important! Only moderators and community administrators can create VKontakte polls. Other participants are able to offer news with a survey.

In discussions

How can VKontakte create a poll in a group? There is another solution to the problem. It is about posting a multiple-choice question in public discussions.

Instructions for creating a questionnaire in group discussions are as follows:

  1. Open the group management settings, and then switch to the "Sections" tab.
  2. Check the box next to "Discussion."
  3. Click on the "Create discussion" button.
  4. Set the title of the corresponding object.
  5. Click on the "Polls" button. It is located at the bottom of the window.
  6. Set parameters as required.
  7. Check the box "On behalf of the community" if you do not want to demonstrate who specifically places the studied object in the group.
  8. Click the control with the caption "Create Theme".

It is done. Now it’s clear how VKontakte can create a poll in a group and then post it in discussions. This option is very convenient if you want to not only interview participants, but also discuss a particular topic.

poll in the VK group

About pinning

Using the first instruction studied, you can create questionnaires on your own wall in the VK profile. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. And how to fix the survey in a social network?

It all depends on where exactly in the public it was placed. If on the wall, then the user will:

  1. Find a poll.
  2. Click on the ellipsis in the corresponding post.
  3. Select the option "Freeze Record".
  4. In the same way, it will be possible to fix the created survey on a personal wall. Fast, easy and very convenient.
How to fix a survey

And how to consolidate the survey in discussions? This is the most difficult question faced by group administrators. To achieve the desired result, the user will:

  1. Open this or that discussion.
  2. Click on the hyperlink labeled "Edit Theme."
  3. Check the box next to "Pin to home page."
  4. Save relevant changes.

We figured out how to do a survey in the VKontakte group in a particular case. Now, even a novice PC user can cope with this task.

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