How to teach a child to read quickly (Grade 1). Learning to read

No one disputes that the skills of quickly adding letters to words and then to sentences are the basis for gaining knowledge. While the baby is confused in the text, not understanding what is written there, he will not be able to master the material, to understand what is required of him. Each parent who encounters a problem thinks about how to teach the child to read quickly. Grade 1, as they say, on the nose, it's time to do something. Many believe that this is precisely where the school exists: teachers will do everything. But, as practice shows, the child is not always able to read normally by the end of the first year of schooling. There are many reasons for this, and it is not always necessary to blame the teacher for lack of professionalism. But let's talk about everything in order.

how to teach a child to read class 1 quickly

Approach features

Figuring out how to teach your child to read quickly (Grade 1), you need to start with the nature of your child. An assiduous and nature-conscious baby is much easier to captivate with the process than a mobile and scattered egoza. These are not at all flaws, but rather features of perception. It is necessary to start from them as from the initial conditions when solving the problem. Then your words: “Now we are learning to read!” will be perceived with pleasure, not with tears. So, you need to observe and find out the better motivate the child. Then choose the right technique from those described below. Naturally, everything will not work right away. You will have to try, allocating a certain time every day for the acquisition of skills. With the right approach, you yourself will be surprised that in a couple of days your favorite offspring will pester you with the question: "Learning to read?"

learning to read

Process involvement

Now we turn directly to the methods of solving the question of how to teach a child to read quickly. Grade 1 is only the beginning, the first step to a huge array of knowledge. A student falls in a waterfall of information! But first-graders are still small children. It’s hard for them to just sit a lesson, not to mention everything else. Parents advice: remember those times when you were put in prison for a boring alphabet! How hard it was (for almost everyone). Free your favorite child from such memories. So far, nothing better than a game has been invented. The kid must be one hundred percent sure that he is not learning, but having fun. The methods are simple: let your favorite bear sit down with you and read faster than a child. Arrange competitions. Or ask questions, the answers to which are in the text. If the child is interested, then he will not notice the difficulties. Such light learning games are recommended from the very beginning, that is, from the period of recognition of letters. If you yourself can’t think of anything, then buy a book of special poems. There are such. A quatrain is dedicated to each letter in them (sometimes, not one). Then such a plan. You exclaim: "Learning to read letters"! When attention is fixed, the first thing is the quatrain. Then comes the letter. After a while (rather quickly), the baby will learn them all: both letters and poems. Then you can arrange a guessing game. So the material is fixed.

teach a child to read syllables

The next step is syllables.

Having learned the letters, the baby does not immediately learn to fold them. The fact is that this is already a completely different process. When planning how to teach a child to read quickly (Grade 1), keep in mind that you will have to overcome two main obstacles: find the right incentive and overcome syllables. Moreover, according to the observations of teachers, the second is much more complicated. At school, the child will be told how to put two letters in a word. At home, you must repeat what you have learned. Do not let things go by themselves! Start with the simplest. Try to put together 2 letters: yes, ma, pa and so on. Then move on to short words in which only one sound changes (whale, cat). See how the baby quickly learns "cunning letter writing." This step is perhaps the most difficult. After this, the process will go easier, and you can teach your child to read in syllables.

Parallel reading

This method is used so that the baby observes how you are reading with an example. We do so. We take two identical texts (it is possible those that are divided into syllables) and we read it ourselves, and the child leads his finger across the text. Then switch roles. You can involve toys or animals in the process. The main thing is that interest is not lost. This method, if you learn it together, will come in handy later on. It is used to speed up reading. As noted, the child should begin to be taught when interest in letters wakes up. Everything has its time. You need to understand when your baby is inspired by the call: "Learning to read!". 5 years to him or more - it does not matter. Is the child interested? Get started!

teach child to read games

Household use

The next step to stimulate the process is the organization of “absolutely necessary” correspondence. These are also peculiar games: we learn to read by syllables. Only games that are purely practical. For example, when leaving for the store, do not tell the baby where you are going, but write. Let him do it soon. You will see for yourself how quickly he learns not only to decipher your messages, but also to answer them with his own. It’s good if you can involve all family members in this process. Let the child parses notes from dad, brother, grandmother, bugs and so on. In the process of developing skills, practice is important. It needs to be organized.

Fascinating comics and filmstrips

Another fascinating activity that helps to teach children to read. Games are good, they just get bored quickly. See for yourself how long your baby can do the same thing. As a rule, no more than half an hour. It is recommended to change the exercise. In our case, it can be useful to watch filmstrips, comics, slides. In the end, if there is no necessary equipment, they can be quickly typed on a computer using pictures. It is important that they are accompanied by inscriptions convenient for the baby's perception. First syllable, then whole words and sentences. It should be ensured that the child does not just read, but also tells what the inscription is about. Here the attention training is already beginning . After all, our goal is not just to teach reading, but to teach to perceive information.

We overcome natural obstacles

Among the difficulties that the baby will encounter are “stumbling” about several consonants standing together. This must be overcome, as they say, in the bud. There is a special exercise. Every day you need to write such complex words and ask the child to read. They should be changed periodically, because the baby will quickly memorize them. Therefore, it is important to toss him new tasks. To get comfortable, try writing a series of consonants, including one vowel. Let him try to decide which letter is superfluous. Naturally, the row needs to be changed every time. When the child has mastered this exercise, let him complete the tasks for you, dad, grandmother, and so on. And it’s okay if he can’t write. There are letters on magnets for this.

learning to read letters

Hiking and walking

It is possible to instill skills in a child not only during the game. “Learning to read” - such a proposal will work anywhere, especially in a store, on the street, in a clinic. This is much more interesting than just wandering around for mom while she chooses products (or something else)! It is recommended not to forget about this "grandmother" method. And it is unnecessary to take a specially prepared book or printout with you: it will be much more fun for the child to study the price tags, street names, announcements, shop windows and so on. Of course, make sure they are decent.


Here is another exercise that your baby will love. Take a multi-syllable word and pronounce it with different stresses. Listen together. Then be sure to figure out how to. Let the child decide for himself. This game helps to develop attention, increase vocabulary. It is known that it is the poverty of the latter that prevents the baby from learning well. It is advisable to pay attention to the formation of this very stock from the very diaper. To do this, children read fairy tales, poems, talk about what is around and so on.

learning to read 5 years

Increase read speed

So that adding words and understanding information does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to bring the acquired skills to automatism. The following exercises are recommended for those who have mastered the rules of reading.

1. "The rhythm." Show how to tune a certain melody with a pencil. Then, while reading aloud, let the baby try to repeat it. So the attention is distributed, thereby training the brain.

2. An interesting option is to read "canon." In this exercise, you begin to reproduce text from a sheet, and the child, as it were, catches up with you with a delay of a few words.

3. “Search”: here it is necessary to quickly read the text, and then answer questions about the content (this should be able to be done by students by the end of the first grade).

4. Do not forget that there are many oral and written games in words and letters. For example: draw a sheet / magnetic board into several columns. Define what should be written in each (city, country, food, plant, and so on). Then the letter with which all names should begin is selected. Filled at speed. Then check is carried out. The same words are crossed out (if used by different players). Who has more words left - he won. And the immortal game in the city ?! This is a favorite pastime for all children. And it is not necessary to use geographical names. Let it be any words, the principle is the same: the next word should begin with the letter that ended the last. For example: apricot - sled - caviar - antenna, etc. This game can be played everywhere and everywhere: on the way to school, to the store, for a walk, even during cleaning. Role-reading is also enjoyed by beginner "artists". To do this, you need to pick up a few easy dialogs and voice them in turn. It will be a lot of fun!

learning to read games

Possible mistakes of beginning "teachers"

If you are the first to teach your child to read, then you need to familiarize yourself with those factors that can cause difficulties. Among them, in the first place is a low level of attention. It often happens that the baby, while folding the syllables into words, forgets where to start. Naturally, he is distracted. Do not scold him. Learn poetry better. Attention and memory need to be developed. The second is insufficient text coverage. That is, the child sees only one or two letters, and not the whole word. Have to train. And further. Texts must be selected in such a way that the baby wants to know what will happen next. If the work does not correspond to age, then the desired effect of the classes will not give. The child will become bored, you will be disappointed. Interest in the learning process will be completely lost. And to restore it oh how difficult. Good luck to you and your children!

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